Tuesday, March 01, 2022
MOTION: Councillor F. Timmons
Ref SD-C195-64 from Saggart Village Residents' Association (P627 CE Report), that an SLO be added under SM2 Objective 5 ''to improve the safety of the road for pedestrians between Millbrook Nursing Home and Saggart Village.'' (There is currently no footpath on Castle Road beyond Drury Mills. This is a barrier for residents accessing community facilities on foot and a safety issue.)
The proposed motion seeks to add a new SLO under SM2 Objective 5 to read as follows: ''to improve the safety of the road for pedestrians between Millbrook Nursing Home and Saggart Village''.
SM2 Objective 5 seeks to ensure that all streets and street networks are designed in accordance with the principles, approaches and standards contained in the Design Manual for Urban Roads and Streets so that the movement of pedestrians and cyclists is prioritised within a safe and comfortable environment for a wide range of ages, abilities and journey types.
As set out Chapter 7 section 7.5 it is a priority of South Dublin County Council to support the delivery of cycle and pedestrian routes throughout the County. In this regard SM2 Objective 2 is of particular note which seeks ‘To create a comprehensive and legible County-wide network of safe cycling and walking routes that link communities to key destinations, amenities and leisure activities through implementation of the Cycle South Dublin project, the recommendations of the Sustainable Movement Studies and other permeability measures. (As proposed to be amended and strengthened under Item ID 73949)
SM2 Objective 8 is also noteworthy in regard to footpath improvements where it is an objective of the plan ‘To work with the NTA to acquire funding and secure full implementation of the Cycle South Dublin programme and the Sustainable Movement Studies recommendations’.
The Sustainable Movement Studies which comprised of background studies carried out as part of the preparation of the Development Plan, involved close examination of movement within neighbourhoods with a view to identifying projects that will encourage active travel and the use of public transport. The studies have identified a number of potential projects within the County as background analysis to inform sustainable movement projects within the County.
The Council is aware of the issues at this particular location between the Millbrook Nursing Home and Saggart Village. Currently, the Roads Section of LUPT is putting together a list of propositions to obtain funding by the National Transport Authority under a Rapid deployment Active Travel Scheme which will be partly informed by the Sustainable Movement Background Studies which informed the Draft Plan.
It should be noted however, that it is within the remit of the NTA to assess the merit of the proposed schemes before granting funding. It is also understood that the provision of this footpath may require a Land Acquisition Agreement as part of this scheme to secure additional lands for the delivery of such infrastructure along Castle Road. The proposed works are supported by the Council and form part of a list of items for the Roads Department to prioritise, However, the funding from the NTA remains crucial in delivering the proposed works.
The proposed works are operational in nature and not something which is appropriate to have as an SLO in the Development Plan. However, having regard to the above it is considered that that the provisions of SM2 Objectives 2, 5 and 8 are sufficient at a Development Plan policy level to support the identified works at an operational level.
CE Recommendation: It is recommended that this motion is not adopted.