South Dublin County Council Crest


Wednesday, February 23, 2022


MOTION: Councillor William Joseph Carey, Councillor Derren Ó Brádaigh

Page 87 SD-C195-245 National Transport Authority CE Recommendation: Amend H7 Objective 3 to read: from 'To support the principle of permeability schemes that provide improved connections between housing estates and their surrounds for walking and cycling whilst taking account of anti-social behaviour.' and only progressing vehicle permeability schemes where necessary to 'To support the principle of permeability schemes that provide improved connections between housing estates and their surrounds for walking and cycling whilst taking into account the need to ensure that anti-social behaviour is not increased or facilitated by such schemes. proposed by Cllr William Carey and Cllr Derren OBradaigh


The motion proposes to amend that H7 Objective 3 to read as follows:  

To support the principle of permeability schemes that provide improved connections between housing estates and their surrounds for walking and cycling whilst taking into account the need to ensure that anti-social behaviour is not increased or facilitated by such schemes.  

It should be noted that a previous motion was put forward under Motion ID: 71322 requesting to amend Chapter 6 Policy H7 Objective 3 as follows:

From: To promote a permeable, connected County and discourage gated residential development as they exclude, and divide established communities.

To: To promote a permeable, connected County and discourage gated residential development and the termination of cul-de-sacs in developments as they exclude, and divide established communities. 

 The CE recommended that it be adopted. An amendment to the Motion was proposed and agreed as follows:  

H7 Objective 3 

To support the principle of permeability schemes that provide improved connections between housing estates and their surrounds for walking and cycling whilst taking account of anti-social behaviour, and only progressing vehicle permeability schemes where necessary. 

It should be further noted that the National Transport Authority in their submission to the Draft Plan through the public consultation period under submission SD-C195-245 recommended that the references to anti-social behaviour and vehicle permeability schemes are removed from H7 Objective 3. The CE Response was set out as follows: 

 ‘It is not considered that the reference to anti-social behaviour in anyway dilutes or results in a weakened commitment from the Council to the provision of permeability schemes but merely ensures that consideration is given to any potential for anti-social behaviour at an early stage and where such circumstances are found to exist or have the potential to exist, design measures can be developed and incorporated in order to mitigate against the potential for such antisocial behaviour. 

It is considered that the inclusion of ‘only progressing vehicle permeability schemes where necessary’ could dilute the purpose of the objective for cycle and pedestrian permeability and should be omitted. Furthermore, the point made by the NTA that it is not clear in what scenario these measures would be necessary is noted.’ 

The CE Recommendation in relation to SD-C195-245 as per the CE Report is to amend H7 Objective 3 to read: 

‘To support the principle of permeability schemes that provide improved connections between housing estates and their surrounds for walking and cycling whilst taking account of anti-social behaviour.’ and only progressing vehicle permeability schemes where necessary.’ 

In this regard, it is noted that the Permeability Best Practice Guide (2015) published by the National Transport Authority discusses issues relating to permeability schemes and anti-social behaviour and includes relevant case studies and best practice guidance.    

Having regard to the concerns raised in the motion, it is considered that the motion could be adopted with the following amendment to H7 Objective 3: 

H7 Objective 3 

To support the principle of permeability schemes that provide improved connections between housing estates and their surrounds for walking and cycling, whilst taking account of anti-social behaviour having regard to the National Transport Authority’s Permeability Best Practice Guide (2015) or any subsequent guidelines, including the provisions relating to permeability schemes and anti-social behaviour.  

CE Recommendation: It is recommended that this motion be adopted with amendment such that H7 Objective 3 would read as follows: 


H7 Objective 3 

To support the principle of permeability schemes that provide improved connections between housing estates and their surrounds for walking and cycling whilst taking account of anti-social behaviour, and only progressing vehicle permeability schemes where necessary. 


H7 Objective 3 

To support the principle of permeability schemes that provide improved connections between housing estates and their surrounds for walking and cycling, having regard to the National Transport Authority’s Permeability Best Practice Guide (2015) or any subsequent guidelines, including the provisions relating to permeability schemes and anti-social behaviour.