South Dublin County Council Crest


Tuesday, March 01, 2022


MOTION: Councillor E. Murphy

This Motion refers to Land Use Zoning Map Sheet 9, Chapter 2: Core Strategy and Settlement Strategy; CE Report Page Number 150-152; Submission Reference: SD-C195-128 Motion re Lands located between Old Bawn Road, Bohernabreena Road and the Kiltipper Road, Tallaght and adjacent to the Old Mill Development. To amend Map 9 to the subject site (1.6 hectares of lands located between Old Bawn Road, Bohernabreena Road and the Kiltipper Road, Tallaght and adjacent to the Old Mill Development), from 'Objective HA', which seeks 'To protect and enhance the outstanding natural character and amenity of the Liffey Valley, Dodder Valley and Dublin Mountains areas' to 'Objective RES-N, which seeks 'To provide for new residential communities in accordance with approved area plans'.


The motion proposes to rezone 1.6 of lands located between Old Bawn Road, Bohernabreena Road and the Kiltipper Road, Tallaght and adjacent to the Old Mill Development from Objective HA to 'Objective RES-N. 

It should be noted that this issue was also submitted to the Draft Plan through the public consultation period under submissions SD-C195-128 and the Chief Executive responded under Chapter 2 Core Strategy and Settlement Strategy – Core Strategy, pg150-151. 

Having examined and considered the content of the motion, the view of the CE remains unchanged for the following reasons: 

The Core Strategy and Settlement Strategy in Chapter 2 sets out population and housing figures which must be consistent with the National Planning Framework (NPF) and the Regional Spatial and Economic Strategy (RSES) as required under the Planning and Development Act 2000 (As Amended). South Dublin County is anticipated to grow by 46,518 persons with the housing target for the County, as set by Ministerial Guidelines and the NPF Road Map, being 17,817 homes between 2021 and 2028. Chapter 2 of the Draft Plan also confirms that the County has enough land for a further 10,470 units (79%) above the net household need and therefore there is no need to re-zone additional lands or zone new additional lands over and above those currently set out under the current 2016 County Development Plan. Having regard to above figures set out in the Core Strategy and the current excess of zoned land, without the need for further zoning, it is considered that there is sufficient flexibility to meet the household requirements for 2031 and potentially up to 2040. 

It should be noted that the revised target figures of 15,576 for the 6 year Plan period in response to the Office of the Planning Regulator (OPR) recommendations, set out separately under the response to the OPR in the CE Report, do not impact on the excess land capacity available to meet the revised targets. Therefore, to re-zone or zone new additional lands over and above those currently set out in the Draft Plan would be contrary to National and Regional planning policy. 

The subject lands comprise of a visually and environmentally sensitive site along the Dodder River that is zoned ‘HA’ (High Amenity - Liffey Valley, Dodder Valley and Dublin Mountains). The lands are also located in a Site of Geological Interest described as ‘Dodder Terraces’ Site of Geological Interest identified on Map 9 of the Draft Plan. Policy NCB12: Geological Sites and in particular, NCBH12 Objective 1 provides for the protection of the same and seeks ‘To protect identified County Geological Sites from inappropriate development and to promote the importance and potential of such sites through the County’s Heritage Plan.’   

Furthermore, NCBH8 Objective 5 specifically seeks to ‘protect the upper Dodder Valley from Old Bawn Bridge to Fort Bridge as an ecological network free from intrusive lighting, facilitating the protection of light-sensitive species availing of the river corridor, and providing an appropriate urban/rural transition experience for all.’ Therefore, it is considered that the provision of housing or related development in the HA-DV zoning would be at variance with overarching policies and objectives relating to the protection of the Dodder Valley. 

Having regard to the context set out above and the over capacity of existing zoned lands and impact to natural amenity of the area, it is not appropriate or justified to rezone the subjects to RES-N.

CE Recommendation: It is recommended that the motion is not adopted and that the HA-DV zoning is retained on the lands.