Tuesday, March 01, 2022
MOTION: Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
In names of Cllrs Paul Gogarty, Guss O'Connell, Liona O'Toole (in that order) Ref: Submission SD-C195-161 Hines Real Estate Ireland Limited, page 329 CE Report To insert a Specific Local Objective to create a walking and cycling route from Kennelsfort Road, past Super Valu Shopping Centre, alongside cemetery, over the M50 to Liffey Valley Shopping Centre. Rationale: To increase linkages between the main population centre of Palmerstown and the Liffey Valley retail and any future community amenities
The Motion seeks to provide for a new SLO under SM2 Walking and Cycling in order to deliver the following:
‘To create a walking and cycling route from Kennelsfort Road, past Super Valu Shopping Centre, alongside cemetery, over the M50 to Liffey Valley Shopping Centre.? ?
As per Map 2 of the Draft Development Plan, the Greater Dublin Cycle Network Plan prepared by the NTA includes a cycle lane to run from the junction between Kennelsfort Road and the R148 southward all the way to the junction with Coldcut Road. The Cycle route is also planned to go from the retail offering south of the Liffey Valley Shopping Centre. This cycle route is to run along Coldcut Road westward towards the junction with the R113 running all the way along Fonthill road eastward until the Shopping centre car park.
At present, the section of road that is not covered by the NTA Plan is the 800m section between Larkfield House, along the Coldcut Road, over the M50, down to the junction with Kennelsfort Upper Road and Ballyfermot Road. The reason for such is due to the road reservation for the Long Term High Capacity Public Transport (RPA Preferred Route) which would run from Ballyfermot Road towards the Liffey Valley Shopping centre in an effort to better serve the Shopping Centre with quality high capacity public transport. The design of this scheme will determine the cycle and pedestrian infrastructure provision along this stretch of road. The National Transport Authority is currently updating, through its 6-year review, the GDA Transport Strategy to 2042 which will define public transport and active travel solutions for the area further.
While the above should be noted it remains a priority of South Dublin County Council to support the delivery of cycle and pedestrian routes throughout the County under the following objectives.
SM2 Objective 2: To create a comprehensive and legible County-wide network of safe cycling and walking routes that link communities to key destinations, amenities and leisure activities through implementation of the Cycle South Dublin project, the recommendations of the Sustainable Movement Studies and other permeability measures. (As proposed to be amended and strengthened under Item ID 73949)
SM2 Objective 4: To ensure that connectivity for pedestrians and cyclists is maximised and walking and cycling distances are reduced in existing built-up areas, by removing barriers to movement and providing active travel facilities in order to increase access to local shops, schools, public transport services and other amenities, while also taking account of existing patterns of anti-social behaviour and other unintended consequences of removal of such barriers.
SM2 Objective 8: To work with the NTA to acquire funding and secure full implementation of the Cycle South Dublin programme and the Sustainable Movement Studies recommendations.
SM2 Objective 9: To work with the NTA to review the feasibility of implementing additional cycling facilities within the major urban and recreational areas of the County.
While the content of the motion is noted it is considered that the provisions of SM2 Objectives 2, 4, 8 and 9 are sufficient to provide for the intention of the motion.
CE Recommendation: It is recommended that this motion is adopted with amendment to reflect that SM2 Objectives 2, 4, 8 and 9 provide for and can facilitate the intent of the motion.