Tuesday, March 01, 2022
MOTION: Councillor F. Timmons
Appendix 1 CE Recommendations in Response to the OPR Submission (CE Report p19 and 20) That the words ''and to commit to'' is added after to Facilitate at each one and - where it says ''To only facilitate'' to add -'To commit to only facilitate' Where the CE has recommended to Amend the following sections of the Core Strategy. ? Table 9: Capacity of undeveloped lands within South Dublin and Table 10: Core Strategy Table 2022-2028. Refer to Appendix 1 for further details. ? The Inclusion of a new Objective under CS9 - CS9 Objective 4 ? CS9 Objective 4: -To facilitate the delivery of new residential development in a coordinated manner, ensuring alignment with investment infrastructure and supporting amenities and services. Such measures shall be delivered through appropriate phasing in line with CS9 SLO1, SLO2, SLO3 and SLO4. ? CS9 SLO1: -To facilitate the delivery of Phase 1 residential lands at Burgage North in tandem with the delivery of 2 new street connections to main street and the provision of a new local park c. 0.3ha. ? CS9 SLO2: -To facilitate the delivery of Phase 1 residential lands at Burgage North to the north of St. Finian's Community Centre which reserve suitable lands to facilitate the extension of the existing community centre. ? CS9 SLO3: A sequentially phased programme to be submitted alongside any planning application on the subject lands which provides for the delivery of the following in tandem with development or as described 1) No more than 200 units to be permitted before the commencement of the remaining lands of c. 1.4ha to provide for the full Taobh Chnoic Park to the south 2) Urban Park/Square c. 1ha in size (Burgage South Park), 3) East-West Link Street, 4) Sean Feirm Park c. 0.2ha in size, 5) a portion of Tower House Park c. 0.1ha. All applications shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Planning Authority how they are supporting the delivery of North South Street connections to the Main Street. With regards delivery of a new primary school at Taobh Chnoic, the timing of this will be subject to educational needs in consultation with the Department of Education. Prior to completion of 200 units confirmation to be provided from the Department of Education on the transfer of lands to provide for the school, subject to their confirmation of need. ? CS9 SLO4: -To only facilitate the delivery of Phase 2 residential lands once identified infrastructure comprising of the Urban Park/Square c. 1ha in size, the additional 1.4ha for Taobh Chnoic Park and the East/West Link Street required within Phase 1 have been delivered to the satisfaction of the Planning Authority ? Amend Map 7 to overlay a new map-based objective 'To protect and safeguard strategic residential reserve lands for potential future residential growth beyond the lifetime of the plan' on the underlying RES-N zoning on lands to the south of Newcastle. ? Rezone 1.3ha of lands to RU from RES-N to the west of Newcastle at the junction of Athgoe Road and Hazelhatch Road.
The motion proposes to add the words ''and to commit to'' after ‘To Facilitate’ and - where it says ''To only facilitate'' to add -'To commit to only facilitate' where the CE has recommended to amend the policies and objectives of CS9 of the Core Strategy.
This issue was submitted to the Draft Plan through the public consultation period under submission (SD-C195-227) made by the Office of the Planning Regulator (OPR). Recommendation 3 of their submission relates to Newcastle and the Chief Executive responded under Appendix 1 CE Recommendations in Response to the OPR Submission – Newcastle, pg 19-20.
Following a review of the recommendations made in this section, the motion requires wording amendments to CS9 Objective 4 and four Specific Local Objective (SLO), SLO 1, SLO 2 and SLO 4
CS9 Objective 4: To facilitate the delivery of new residential development in a coordinated manner, ensuring alignment with investment infrastructure and supporting amenities and services. Such measures shall be delivered through appropriate phasing in line with CS9 SLO1, SLO2, SLO3 and SLO4.
CS9 SLO1: To facilitate the delivery of Phase 1 residential lands at Burgage North in tandem with the delivery of 2 new street connections to main street and the provision of a new local park c. 0.3ha.
CS9 SLO2: To facilitate the delivery of Phase 1 residential lands at Burgage North to the north of St. Finian’s Community Centre which reserve suitable lands to facilitate the extension of the existing community centre.
CS9 SLO4: To only facilitate the delivery of Phase 2 residential lands once identified infrastructure comprising of the Urban Park/Square c. 1ha in size, the additional 1.4ha for Taobh Chnoic Park and the East/West Link Street required within Phase 1 have been delivered to the satisfaction of the Planning Authority.
The motion proposes the following changes to the Objective and SLOs to read:
CS9 Objective 4: To facilitate and to commit to the delivery of new residential development in a coordinated manner, ensuring alignment with investment infrastructure and supporting amenities and services. Such measures shall be delivered through appropriate phasing in line with CS9 SLO1, SLO2, SLO3 and SLO4.
CS9 SLO1: To facilitate and to commit to the delivery of Phase 1 residential lands at Burgage North in tandem with the delivery of 2 new street connections to main street and the provision of a new local park c. 0.3ha.
CS9 SLO2: To facilitate and to commit to the delivery of Phase 1 residential lands at Burgage North to the north of St. Finian’s Community Centre which reserve suitable lands to facilitate the extension of the existing community centre.
CS9 SLO4: To commit to only facilitate the delivery of Phase 2 residential lands once identified infrastructure comprising of the Urban Park/Square c. 1ha in size, the additional 1.4ha for Taobh Chnoic Park and the East/West Link Street required within Phase 1 have been delivered to the satisfaction of the Planning Authority.
It is considered that the proposed additional wording is acceptable.
CE Recommendation: It is recommended that this motion is adopted as follows:
CS9 Objective 4: To facilitate and commit to the delivery of new residential development in a coordinated manner, ensuring alignment with investment infrastructure and supporting amenities and services. Such measures shall be delivered through appropriate phasing in line with CS9 SLO1, SLO2, SLO3 and SLO4.
CS9 SLO1: To facilitate and commit to the delivery of Phase 1 residential lands at Burgage North in tandem with the delivery of 2 new street connections to main street and the provision of a new local park c. 0.3ha.
CS9 SLO2: To facilitate and commit to the delivery of Phase 1 residential lands at Burgage North to the north of St. Finian’s Community Centre which reserve suitable lands to facilitate the extension of the existing community centre.
CS9 SLO4: To commit to only facilitate the delivery of Phase 2 residential lands once identified infrastructure comprising of the Urban Park/Square c. 1ha in size, the additional 1.4ha for Taobh Chnoic Park and the East/West Link Street required within Phase 1 have been delivered to the satisfaction of the Planning Authority.