Tuesday, March 01, 2022
MOTION: Councillor B. Lawlor, Councillor S. O'Hara
This motion refers to the Chapter 2 Core Strategy, Population and Housing Data, Table 9 Land Capacity and Table 10 Core Strategy, page 69 of CE Report, submissions SD-C195-45. Motion: To amend Table 9 Land Capacity and Table 10 Core Strategy to include Rathcoole as a Self-Sustaining Town.
Submitted by Cllr Shirley O'Hara and Cllr Brian Lawlor
The motion proposes to amend Table 9 and 10 of the Draft Plan by designating Rathcoole as a Self-Sustaining Town.
The settlement hierarchy of the Regional Spatial and Economic Strategy (RSES) requires each Local Authority to identify settlements. In this regard an analysis of the lower tier settlements was carried out to determine their scale, function and role within the overall County having regard to the RSES settlement hierarchy descriptions.
As identified in Table 13 ‘RSES Settlement Hierarchy relating to South Dublin County Council’ of the Draft Plan, Rathcoole is designated as a Self- Sustaining Growth Town. As defined in the RSES, Self-Sustaining Growth Towns are towns “with a moderate level of jobs and services – includes sub-county market towns and commuter towns with good transport links and capacity for continued commensurate growth to become more self-sustaining”. Having regard to the population of Rathcoole, taken in conjunction with the extent of economic activity, the public transport provision, retail activity and future phased growth potential, it considered that Rathcoole strongly aligns with the definition of a Self-Sustaining Growth Town in the RSES.
Furthermore, and in recognition of the anticipated phased growth for Rathcoole, the Development Plan has been supported by a settlement-based analysis in line with the RSES. The RSES sets out an asset-based approach to the strategic location of residential development in the Region as set out under Table 3.1, page 201 and Appendix A of the RSES and as set out in Appendix 2 Part 2 of the Draft Plan. This identifies the assets in the settlement and opportunities to ensure any further growth is provided for in tandem with social and physical infrastructure. In this regard, the following should be noted:
The rate of growth within Rathcoole is planned to facilitate the delivery of the required social and physical infrastructure to meet demand in line with the settlement’s characteristics of a Self-Sustaining Growth Town. In this context, it Rathcoole aligns with the definition of a Self-Sustaining Growth Town.
On the basis of analysis carried out and considering the description set out under the RSES settlement hierarchy, it is considered Rathcoole settlement is appropriately designated a Self-Sustainable Growth Town in the Draft Plan. Therefore, it is considered to designate Rathcoole as a Self-Sustaining Town would be contrary to the provisions of Regional and National Planning Policy.
CE Recommendation: It is recommended that this motion is not adopted and the settlement hierarchy designation for Rathcoole as a Self-Sustaining Growth Town should be retained in accordance with the Draft Plan.