Tuesday, March 01, 2022
MOTION: Councillor R. McMahon
Ref SC-C195-222 Page 859 To include a new objective 2022-2028 County Development Plan in line with the provisions of the current County Development Plan 2010 – 2016 as set out under HCL10 Objective 10 to read "To promote and support the development of a tourist amenity and educational/interpretative centre, such as a working demonstration mill, within the Dodder Valley"
This motion seeks to include a new objective in the Draft Plan in line with the provisions of the current County Development Plan 2016-2022 (the motion mistakenly references the 2010 Development Plan) under HCL10 Objective 10 to read, “To promote and support the development of a tourist amenity and educational/interpretative centre, such as a working demonstration mill, within the Dodder Valley".
NCBH26 Objective 2 of the Draft Plan states:
To protect, preserve, maintain and promote industrial heritage features including weirs, mills and mill races along the River Dodder, River Camac and River Liffey.
It is considered that all mill assets along the Dodder Valley, as a component of tourism infrastructure, are appropriately supported under NCBH26 Objective 2.
Policy EDE19 aims to “Support the development of a sustainable tourism industry that recognises the recreational and tourism potential of the County, building on the actions in the South Dublin Tourism Strategy, 2015 or any superseding strategy.”
EDE19 Objective 1 “support the development of tourism infrastructure, attractions, activities and facilities at appropriate locations subject to sensitive design and demonstrated environmental safeguards.”
EDE19 Objective 4 is also relevant and states: To support tourism-related enterprises along existing and proposed Green Routes, including greenways, subject to sensitive design and development safeguards.
Any proposals for tourism amenities or centres in the Dodder Valley or elsewhere will be addressed against the provisions of the policy and objectives of the County Development Plan and will be subject to the appropriate environmental assessments. It is therefore considered the proposed motion is adequately addressed in the Draft Plan through the objectives already contained in the Draft Plan and as outlined above. Particular tourism-related projects is more appropriately dealt with at a detailed level through the Development Management Process.
It is considered that the matters raised in this motion have been adequately dealt with through NCBH26 Objective 2, EDE19 Policy and Objective 1 in the Draft Plan.
CE Recommendation: It is recommended that the motion is not adopted.