South Dublin County Council Crest


Tuesday, March 01, 2022


MOTION: Councillor E. Murphy

CE Report Errata Document B Relating to issues raised in submissions on Whitechurch/Edmondstown Chapter 7 Sustainable Movement and to Edward Fox submission SD-C195-52

That a DMURS compliant link road with associated pedestrian and cycle paths be provided from the College Road /Whitechurch Road junction to the Edmonstown Road as a 6-year transportation objective, to address issues of accessibility across the Edmondstown Lands and the wider area to provides links to existing routes, services and recreational facilities in the area.


The Motion seeks to include a new 6-year road transportation objective as follows:  

To provide for a DMURS compliant link road with associated pedestrian and cycle paths be provided from the College Road /Whitechurch Road junction to the Edmonstown Road, to address issues of accessibility across the Edmondstown Lands and the wider area to provides links to existing routes, services and recreational facilities in the area. 

This issue was submitted to the Draft Plan through the public consultation period under submissions SD-C195-52 and SD-C195-198 and the Chief Executive responded under the Edmondstown/Whitechurch grouping (Errata Document B) which formed part of Chapter 7 Sustainable Movement.   

Having examined and considered the content of the motion, the view of the CE is as follows: 

The executive is conscious that these lands are zoned for development and form part of the wider land capacity identified in the Core Strategy. The lands are located at the outer southern edge of urban development in the County within an area of rural character. Local transport solutions will be required to unlock the lands. In recognition of this the SLO attached to the lands in the Draft Plan reads: 

SM4 SLO 1: 

To ensure that development on these lands at Whitechurch/Edmondstown only 

occurs where it can be delivered in tandem with the necessary transport 

infrastructure, including provision for walking and cycling, to facilitate such 


While the Planning Authority will support the delivery of the necessary transport infrastructure, the most appropriate location for that infrastructure and its extent within the development lands or otherwise has not yet been identified. As such, to include a defined road and its location as set out in the motion as part of the Six Year Road Programme would be premature.  It is considered that the SLO, which recognises that ‘the necessary transport infrastructure’ must be developed in tandem with development is a more correct approach. 

However, it is considered that the SLO can be amended to reflect better the need to have a comprehensive approach to the identification of the type, location and extent of transport infrastructure necessary to serve the lands as follows: 

To ensure that development on these lands at Whitechurch/Edmondstown is facilitated through a comprehensive transport needs assessment, to identify all necessary transport infrastructure, its preferred location, and the appropriate delivery mechanisms in consultation with relevant stakeholders. The transport needs assessment shall have regard to existing environmental sensitivities in the area. 


It is the planning authority’s view that the necessity for transport infrastructure at this location is limited to unlocking the currently undeveloped residential zoned lands and as such, is primarily the responsibility of the developer. Notwithstanding, the Planning Authority will initiate a Variation to the Development Plan should it be required to support an agreed transport solution on foot of the SLO.  

CE Recommendation:  It is recommended that this motion is amended to revise SM4 SLO1 to read: 

To ensure that development on these lands at Whitechurch/Edmondstown is facilitated through a comprehensive transport needs assessment, to identify all necessary transport infrastructure, its preferred location, and the appropriate delivery mechanisms in consultation with relevant stakeholders. The transport needs assessment shall have regard to existing environmental sensitivities in the area.