Headed Items
Confirmation and Re-Affirmation of Minutes of Meeting of 26th May 2020 (Postponed from March)
To ask the Chief Executive for an update as to the development of Airlie Park, includng the proposed community facilities and installations and as to what biodiversity provision will be made in the park.
To ask the Chief Executive Officer to give an update on the Celbridge Link Road and time frame and works involved and commencement date
Correspondence (No Business)
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Building Height Review and Proposed Amendment to the Adamstown SDZ Planning Scheme 2014
That this Ara Committee calls for the early opening of Kishoge Train Station before houses are occupied as part of the Clonburris SDZ.
That the open space at the top of Esker Hill, be taken in charge by the Council, and that any necessary steps be taken to initiate this process immediately, and that this Area Committee be given a full and detailed report on what has delayed the taking in charge of this open space, what legal steps are required to take it in charge, including if it is the case that an owner of the land cannot be identified, an explanation as to whether there was any condition in the planning permission for Brookvale estate in relation to this land, and the need to protect long established public rights of way at this location
That this Area Committee asks Chief Executive that a discussion takes place around local cafes and similar business's in Lucan village regarding the possibility of extending their premises onto the pedestrian areas (where possible). As covid19 has resulted in some of these business's been affected badly any modification of the area could be of benefit to local business's, such measures could help local business's make a recovery from any economic loss over the covid19 period and/or ensuring they remain in business. Any agreed plans to be discussed/consulted with the local business community.
Moved without Debate
That the Chief Executive commits to the development of a local area plan for the Palmerstown area in line with the county development plan:
CS6 Objective 1: To prepare Local Area Plans for areas that are likely to experience large scale residential or commercial development or regeneration.
Moved with Debate
This area committee calls on the Chief Executive to relax restrictions in relation to on street furniture in an effort to allow local business provide service to customers while exercising social distancing
That this Area Committee calls on the Chief Executive to take the cumulative negative effect of the two proposed developments on Kennelsfort Road (one of which is under consideration by An Bord Pleanála and the other being adjudicated on by the SDCC Planning Department) into account when making the planning decision and/or planning submission to An Bord Pleanála.
Moved with Debate
To ask the Chief Executive to expediate the preservation and restoration of The King John's Bridge in Esker, Lucan and if he can put in place any structural supports for the Bridge to prevent its collapse.
To ask the Chief Executive for an update on promised traffic-calming measures in Palmerstown village (especially near Stewarts), and if he will make a statement on the matter.
To ask the Chief Executive to set out the planned timeline for upgrade of public lighting in Palmerstown, including but not limited to Kennelsfort Road, Palmerstown Drive and Palmerstown Avenue
To ask the Chief Executive if he intends to make a submission in relation to the latest version of the Bus Connects CBC project and if so to provide a report of such submission in particular observations relating to the Lucan to City Centre and Liffey Valley to City Centre routes
To ask the Chief Executive Officer for an update on what funding, on an annual basis, is available for traffic calming in estates in Lucan Palmerstown and Fonthill, what is on the list and how do residents go about looking for their road to be considered for ramps or other traffic calming measures and what public consultation takes place prior to implementation of plans for traffic calming in an area?
Correspondence (No Business)
Headed Items
Lucan Parklets - A temporary measure in response to Covid-19
Proposed Declaration of Roads to be Public Roads
That this Area Committee calls for the completion of the installation of ramps on the Collinstown Ramp, in line with the original plan.
This committee calls on Chief Executive to engage with relevant stakeholders (NTA/TII) to examine how the planning of exit 8 on the M50 could be built. This option should be re considered as it could have a positive outcome for the surrounding areas, and address the ever growing increasing traffic congestion experienced along the M50 and adjoining road networks,
That the Chief Executive bring forward a report to this Area Committee for discussion on the length of time been taken to fix trip hazards on footpaths where people with walking aids and wheelchairs are been directly affected.
That the Chief Executive prepares a traffic master plan in consultation with the community of Palmerstown to provide engineer designed and community proofed solutions to the daily traffic issues in this community.
Moved without Debate
That this Area Committee, in light of reduced traffic movements due to Covid 19 and noting the requirement to provide for social distancing in the vicinity of local business, immediately undertakes an examination of options which could be implemented to provide for the better movement of traffic through Lucan village and a subsequent reduction in traffic movements through the village
That the Chief Executive provides an update on parking provision and traffic management within the SDZ, including a map indicating which roads are taken in charge and subject to Garda traffic enforcement.
Given the new emphasis (and practice) of walking and cycling by young, teenagers and adults and given that there are two primary schools and a number of creches in the area as well as a thriving retail centre at Manor Road, to ask the Chief Executive when will the 3.5T restriction be installed on the cell between the Oval and the Wheatfield Rd/Kennesfort Road junction and that he make a statement on the matter.
Further to Motions discussed and agreed regarding pedestrian crossings at the two roundabouts on Esker Road and Hayden’s Lane (marked out in photo) this committee seeks support and funding to install these improved measures.
The area has seen an increase in footfall at these locations, a number of sports and activities have grown over the years, resulting in this high footfall.
To ask that the Chief Executive includes in the report plans to be presented to the committee, bring forward costs involved and advise if this project needs to be included in any such programme.
Libraries & Arts
To ask the Chief Executive for a revised timetable for the opening of the North Clondalkin library, in light of the impact of the COVID-19 restrictions.
To ask the Chief Executive Officer to give an update on North Clondalkin Library and when it will open and the services and facilities that will be available to the community
Correspondence (No Business)
Headed Items
NEW WORKS (No Business)
Library News & Events
Application for Arts Grants
Economic Development
To ask the Chief Executive for an update on previously unveiled plans to develop the Liffey as a blueway and in particular to use Palmerstown village from Waterstown Park to Mill Lane as a tourism and heritage hub, and if a statement can be made on the matter?
To the ask Chief Executive Officer if there has been an estimate of the amount it would cost to adapt the Heritage App for Clondalkin to Lucan and other towns in the County
Correspondence (No Business)
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
This committee requests the Chief Executive to explore the options for acquiring the (farm) land bounding the river Liffey, excluding that owned by Stewarts Hospital, from Waterstown Park to Mill Lane and which includes the landing for, and access to, the Southern end of the Silver Bridge.
Motion Falls
Performance & Change Management
Correspondence (No Business)
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Corporate Support
To ask if for the next meeting that a location where physical distancing can be implemented will be considered and that if this needs to be a venue outside of County Hall can consideration be given to having a venue for a meeting in the area covered by the Lucan, Palmerstown and Fonthill electoral areas.
Correspondence (No Business)
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
That this Area Committee resolves to refer to itself as the Lucan, Palmerstown and North Clondalkin Area Committee
That this committee write to the residents committee of the Towers Direct Provision Centre, with a copy to be sent to the Minister for Justice, to express our commitment to opposing racism in our communities and our support for the demand of ending the direct provision system, and in addition call for the extension of the right to work to all asylum seekers; the extension of jobseekers allowance and child benefit to asylum seekers; the introduction of a statutory limit for the processing of asylum claims and a statutory 90 day maximum stay in reception centres.
That the Chief Executive reports on plans to upgrade the village green area in Lucan and to outline whether the Covid 19 situation will influence the overall design so as to enable larger numbers to visit the planned plaza while also maintaining social distancing.
This committee requests the Chief Executive to write to the Department of Housing and Local Government asking that the S.I.2 21/2017 be revoked and that the Democratic system of Strategic Housing Development be restored to Local Government.
Motion Falls
Water & Drainage
Correspondence (No Business)
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Following ongoing concerns, which continue to be brought to my attention regarding the water quality in the Lucan area, this committee asks the
Chief Executive to seek information from IW on the following:
>How many times have planned works taken place by IW in the area
>What amount of water disruption were caused by these planned works
>To include stats on the above within the last 12 months and each year previous (since the establishment of IW).
>To provide stats on the number of tests that have been carried on residential properties regarding water quality.
>To provide details of the main findings of these tests
>To advise how residents can make such requests for water quality testing.
Could the Chief Executive seek clarification from IW in regards to filtered water systems, have they ever installed water filter systems
in areas that have reported water quality issues. And could the management make a comment on the continuous issues that have and continue to arise in the Lucan area.
Public Realm
To ask the Chief Executive for an estate by estate update on grass cutting schedules for the 30 days after this meeting in the areas covered by this area committee?
That the manger brings a report on the progression of the Collinstown Pavillion and a timeline on its completion
To ask the Chief Executive for an update of progress made since January on the Tree Maintenance Programme 2020-22 for Lucan-Palmerstown-Fonthill and to identify estates are to be addressed between now and the end of the year, notwithstanding the delay caused by COVID-19 restrictions
To ask the Chief Executive to provide an update in relation to construction of the new pavilion at Griffeen Valley Park
To ask the Chief Executive if the tree removed from in front of (addresss supplied) can be replaced by a suitable new tree as residents in this area are very protective of public trees and are glad that some trees are to be planted on the Ave request that this one be included.
To ask the Chief Executive if the right of way at Hermitage Clinic been legally handed over to this Council and have signposts been erected to assist the public in accessing the Liffey Valley and to make a statement on the situation?
To ask the Chief Executive Officer to give an update on all projects planned under the heading public realm in the Lucan Electoral area and any funding that has been set aside for these projects and what will happen next and if he will make a statement on the matter
Correspondence(No Business)
Headed Items
Proposal for a teenspace in Griffeen Valley Park for 2021
That this Area Committee calls for the installation of extra public litter bins at Ballyowen Park, Lucan.
That the members request that the Chief Executive design, install and organise for Plaques similar to the one in the photo to be placed in our parks in thanks to all our volunteers/hero’s that have helped out in so many ways during the challenging times of Covid19
That the Chief Executive bring forward a report to this Area Committee for discussion on how severely over grown trees on private land are impacting on the health and well being of council tenants.
That the Chief Executive provide a timeframe for the proposed Pavilion in Collinstown Park and that management engage with Collinstown Football Club in relation to the design and space within the pavilion.
That the Chief Executive reports on the current progress for the ball wall and teen space area off the Newcastle Road, including the reinstatement of the grass area for ball games and considers re-orientating the basketball area lengthways into the tarmac area so that the ball wall can be used for tennis, hurling or football at the same time as basketball is being played, which would provide for a more efficient use of the area.
That the Area Committee calls on the Chief Executive to identify viable locations for the installation of bottle banks for residents in North Clondalkin, and to make a recommendation on where they should be located.
That the Chief Executive examine the possibility of a dog run in Collinstown Park, and to send a dog warden to the park. There has been a an increase in the number of people walking their dogs off the lead in the park and not picking up dog poo.
Motion Puppy Park Public Realm
This committee asks that the Chief Executive reconsiders the proposals which I brought to the Lucan committee in 2017, (see motion below). While its noted that the PR are not in favour of introducing such a facility, upon feedback, queries, requests from many park users a 'puppy park' separate to the existing one would be very favourable by many dog owners of all ages. If anything the last couple of months has shown us how our parks and public amenities have and can continued to be used. This committee requests a report on how a facility could be introduced into the park, whats costs and considerations are involved.
Tuesday, November 28, 2017
MOTION: Councillor L. O'Toole
"That this Area Committee requests that the Chief Executive examine the possibility of designing a ‘puppy pound’ at Griffeen Dog Park which would assist those with new dogs and provide training in a safe and controlled environment."
“As previously reported under Motion 4 at the Lucan ACM in September 2016, the Public Realm Section is not in favour of introducing a "puppy pound". This type of facility would be difficult to manage in the absence of a system to police it.
The most appropriate course of action in this instance would be for dog owners to introduce their puppies to dog runs when they consider that they are ready for this experience. Puppy social skills and interaction with other dogs can be achieved through puppy training classes which all responsible dog owners should be encouraged to attend."
Could the Chief Executive provide an update regarding the Dublin canvass project that has taken place over the last year. How many boxes have been painted by artists and how many artists were involved. Also advise if this is to continue.
To ask the Chief Executive for a list in tabular form of the top 20 locations for illegal dumping in the Lucan and Palmerstown-Fonthill Electoral Areas, as measured by the amount of money spent on removing illegal dumping from those locations.
To ask the Chief Executive as to what measures are taken to address and reduce illegal dumping in hotspots across the Lucan and Palmerstown-Fonthill electoral areas.
Correspondence (No Business)
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
To ask the Chief Executive for an update on the likely completion date for Lucan swimming pool?
To ask the Chief Executive for an update, in tabular form, of all the neigbourhood watch schemes supported in the Lucan and Palmerstown-Fonthill electoral areas over the past two years.
To ask the Chief Executive as to when community centres in Lucan and Palmerstown-Fonthill will be able to reopen?
To ask the Chief Executive to provide an update in relation to construction of the swimming pool in Griffeen Valley Park in Lucan
What resources are available from the Council to assist community development in Adamstown, what supports are available to local groups and what funding to groups or events or otherwise has been made available to the local community in Adamstown in the past year?
Correspondence (No Business)
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Deputations for Noting
That this Area Committee calls for the representation of South Dublin County Council at the Community Policing Forum for the Ballyfermot Garda district, which includes the eastern side of Palmerstown.
To ask the Chief Executive for an update regarding the tendering process and likely commencement of construction for the next housing phase in Balgaddy on the former school site?
To ask the Chief Executive if a backlog has built up due to Covid 19 in relation to housing maintenance requests in Lucan, North Clondalkin and Palmerstown, and if so whether overtime will be provided to ensure that much-needed works in properties under the care of the Council are carried out, particularly as when people are spending more time at home and any problems can lead to great distress?
To ask the Chief Executive to provide a report on the football pitch at Lett's Field and an update in relation to when it will be completed?
Ask the manager to give an update on the start date for works on the old coffee shop in Greenfort been made into two homes for families, and when are they likely to be completed?
To ask the Chief Executive for the average amount of time taken for relet works undertaken on Council houses in the Lucan and Palmerstown-Fonthill electoral areas, and a description of the nature of these works.
To ask the Chief Executive as to what repair works are permitted to take place in Council housing over the coming three months, and the size of the backlog of repairs.
To ask the Chief Executive for a report on the newly constructed houses on Palmerstown Ave and, given the huge housing crises, to include in the report when it is expected that they are to be occupied by deserving families.
To ask the Chief Executive Officer to give an update on the number of houses allocated to people on the Council housing list in the Lucan Electoral Area in the past year and if he will make a statement on the matter
Correspondence (No Business)
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
To ask the manager to bring forward a report for discussion on a boundary wall or some solution to the constant breaking of windows at (address supplied) as the house is left exposed to been targeted for stone throwing.