South Dublin County Council Crest


Tuesday, June 23, 2020


MOTION: Councillor Shane Moynihan

That the Area Committee calls on the Chief Executive to identify viable locations for the installation of bottle banks for residents in North Clondalkin, and to make a recommendation on where they should be located.


During the periods of 2016 to 2019 an intensive investigation to identify viable locations for the installation of bottle banks for residents in North Clondalkin and some other areas in Clondalkin was undertaken by South Dublin County Council as a result of numerous council motions.South Dublin County Council adopted a two-pronged approach. These approaches are identification of viable locations in the carparks of public places and identification of viable locations in open spaces (greens) on council grounds. The outcome of these investigations are described below.

In North Clondalkin and other areas of Clondalkin the following areas have been investigated:

  1. Neilstown Shopping Centre,
  2. Rowlagh Shopping Centre,
  3. Woodford Shopping Centre,
  4. Lidl Car park , Nangor Road.
  5. Church of the Immaculate Heart of Mary’s parking spaces along Liscarne Road
  6. A lay-by along Neilstown Road, adjacent Harelawn Green Estate
  7. Open Space along St Mark's Avenue and Rowlagh Park
  8. Open space along Neilstown Road 50m from Cappaghmore house at the Junction of Neilstown Road and Lucan Newlands road
  9. Knockmitten Youth Community centre

10.Cherrywood shopping centre

  1. Cherrywood Villas
  2. Tus Nua
  3. Bawnogue Church Car park
  4. Melrose Estate

Progress made in pursuing these sites are described below:

In the case of Neilstown Shopping Centre, Rowlagh Shopping Centre, Woodford Shopping Centre, Lidl Car park , Nangor Road ,the Church of the Immaculate Heart of Mary’s parking spaces along Liscarne Road, Cherrywood Shopping centre, Tus Nua the Bawnogue Church Car park, and Knockmitten Community Centre ,Clondalkin, letters were written to the management companies of these sites asking them if they can allow us to use their sites as potential locations of our bottle banks. We also informed them in the letter that stringent cleaning measures will be put in place. If they were in agreement, we asked for their permission to pursue the matter further through public consultation of the residents who might be living within 50 m of the proposed site. These letters were followed up by meetings with some of the management companies.

The management companies of all these sites refused to grant us permission to locate our bottle banks in their sites. Hence these sites have been ruled out.

In the case of A lay-by along Neilstown Road, adjacent Harelawn Green Estate ,Open Space along St Mark's Avenue and Rowlagh Park ,Open space along Neilstown Road 50m from Cappaghmore house at the Junction of Neilstown Road and Lucan Newlands road and Open space opposite Melrose estate and Cherrywood Villas, public consultations through distributing letters to the residents living within 50 m radius of the proposed locations were undertaken. The residents through individual letters and petitions refused to grant us permission. Hence these places have been ruled out. 

In conclusion, all the viable places in North Clondalkin for installation of bottle banks have been investigated and we have been refused permissions to install bottle banks in these places. These places have been ruled out and will not be recommended for installation of bottle banks.