South Dublin County Council Crest


Tuesday, June 23, 2020


QUESTION: Councillor P. Gogarty

To ask the Chief Executive for an update on previously unveiled plans to develop the Liffey as a blueway and in particular to use Palmerstown village from Waterstown Park to Mill Lane as a tourism and heritage hub, and if a statement can be made on the matter?


The South Dublin County Tourism Strategy envisaged the development of a Liffey Valley Cluster. The proposal included a number of options for projects that would interpret and make accessible heritage on the River Liffey and develop a tourism experience to: 

The strategy recommended that consideration should be given to developing and promoting the concept of the Liffey Blueway. In 2017, South Dublin County Council and Fingal County Council commissioned Venturei Network to carry out a feasibility assessment for the development of a Liffey Blueway. In the draft report the consultants advised following completion of this study that 'this section of the River Liffey is not especially suited to Blueway Branding and that investment in and sustaining a Blue Way in the study area will not result in significant uplift in inbound tourism and that it is recommended that Blueway Branding is not pursued at this time'.

However the report identifies a number of project options within the study area.

Connecting People and Places:

The Dublin Canal Green Way Loop, an interagency project of regional importance with the involvement of South Dublin County Council, Fingal County Council and Waterways Ireland will have a significant potential impact on the development of the Liffey Valley Custer as envisaged in the South Dublin County Tourism Strategy.

Feasibility study jointly funded by Fingal County Council and South Dublin County Council on the Silver bridge at Palmerstown was presented to the committee in May, 2020.

Active People:

Waterstown Park is equipped with outdoor exercise equipment, a passive play area, and a looped cycle and walking route. Park Run events also take place in the park. Adventure races have also taken place here in the past and the funds generated were used for specific biodiversity projects in the park.


The River Liffey lends itself to educational opportunities and river education programmes covering ecology, geography, biology, wildlife and water safety. These programmes are available in the area. Nature trail signage in the park shows the various trails available over 5km, with information on the wildlife to be found in the park. Organised bat walks and mammal walks also take place. The Council has hosted groups from universities, other local authorities and held a bioblitz in the park.

Community Events:

The park has hosted a number of community focused events in the past, such as fun runs, the Palmerstown Festival and the Bealtaine Festival. Moreover, the Council operates a Tourism Event and Festival Grant scheme which makes funding available to businesses and community groups across South Dublin County to support key priority areas such as cultural, food, sports and activity based tourism aimed at growing the visitor economy. The aim is to fund innovate events/festivals that will be supported by local businesses and communities and which will add value to our tourism product.