South Dublin County Council Crest


Tuesday, June 23, 2020


MOTION: Councillor L. O'Toole

Following ongoing concerns, which continue to be brought to my attention regarding the water quality in the Lucan area, this committee asks the

Chief Executive to seek information from IW on the following:

 >How many times have planned works taken place by IW in the area

>What amount of water disruption were caused by these planned works

>To include stats on the above within the last 12 months and each year previous (since the establishment of IW).

>To provide stats on the number of tests that have been carried on residential properties regarding water quality.

>To provide details of the main findings of these tests

>To advise how residents can make such requests for water quality testing.

Could the Chief Executive seek clarification from IW in regards to filtered water systems, have they ever installed water filter systems

in areas that have reported water quality issues. And could the management make a comment on the continuous issues that have and continue to arise in the Lucan area.


Where works are carried out affecting water supply by SDCC Water Operations these are carried out under work orders issued by Irish Water.  If there are any associated interruptions to water supply we are required to inform Irish Water.  Interruptions can relate to unplanned bursts and leaks, or to planned works such as new connections, valve or hydrant replacements or other network improvements.  Note these figures cover the full SDCC area and are not broken out further to water supply zones.  Notifications of water interruptions in SDCC in 2019 and in first quarter of 2020 are as below:

    Notifications of Interruptions 
 2019  Q1  109
 2019  Q2  89
 2019  Q3  84
 2019  Q4  107
 2020  Q1  97

Water quality is monitored per the requirements of the EU Drinking Water Regulations.  Information on water quality monitoring is available on Irish Water's website

There have been 4,229 tests carried out within zone 4 between 2014 and end May 2020, summary per year:

  Bacteria & Protozoa Chemical Metals Other
2014 91 283 98 178
2015 91 291 96 172
2016 95 204 108 184
2017 84 188 88 159
2018 131 146 122 261
2019 166 240 168 336
2020 to May 52 48 46 103

There are 2 water supplies that can supply to the Lucan area, the main supply being from Peamount Reservoir which is in turn supplied from Leixlip water treament plant and Ballymore-Eustace water treatment plant.  This is Zone 4 in SDCC.  Monitoring of both treament plants is carried out per the drinking water regulations and the monitoring indicates that both supplies are fully compliant.  Irish Water reports all results to the Environmental Protection Agency. 

Members are reminded that Irish Water have established a Local Representative Service Desk.  This Service Desk can be contacted at or at 1850 178 178.  Irish Water also arrange Councillor Clinics and these have been taking place quarterly in SDCC, most recently on 11th February 2020, although they are currently not taking place due to Covid-19 restrictions.