Tuesday, June 23, 2020
MOTION: Councillor M. Johansson
That the Chief Executive provide a timeframe for the proposed Pavilion in Collinstown Park and that management engage with Collinstown Football Club in relation to the design and space within the pavilion.
In line with the recently developed Sports Pitch Strategy; Sports Pavilions are being provided on a shared basis for several clubs, at locations that have a number of playing pitches that require changing facilities. Pavilions are ideally located in areas with good passive surveillance, with good access to car parking and with good access to the pitch facilities they will serve.
The following list of pavilions-county wide was agreed by the Council:
To date, SDCC have been successful with applications for Sports Capital Grants for four of the above pavilions and SDCC will continue to seek funding for the programme going forward.
SDCC are currently working our way through the funded Pavillion Construction Programme. In 2019 SDCC applied for and received funding for Collinstown Pavillion in the sum of €225,000. This was not the full amount sought as per the estimated costs, so implications for the proposal will be examined at the concept development stage.
In relation to the programme progress in general: Old Bawn Pavillion has just finished on site. Griffeen Park Pavillion is due to go to site subject to agreement of detail design, tender costs, re-location of an ESB line and co-ordination with the Lucan Pool works. Corkagh Park Part 8 Planning permission is underway. Once these projects are substantially progressed and underway that will release resources to allow us to proceed to the preliminary design work on Collinstown Park Pavillion. Covid-19 has delayed us somewhat on construction projects so we cannot give any firm commitments on time lines as yet. However the following is an estimated outline programme based on works elsewhere to date:
Development of Concept: 8 weeks. Planning /Part 8 process/public consultation: 10 weeks. Detail design tender stage: 12 weeks. Construction Stage: 32 weeks. Handover: 4 weeks
SDCC have been in touch with the local club at Collinstown at the initial grant application stage and also in the early stages of the Covid-19 crisis regarding Collinstown Pavillion and we will consult with stakeholders during the development and delivery of the design.