Headed Items
a) Minutes of South Dublin County Council Draft Development Plan Meeting, 1st September 2009
b) Minutes of South Dublin County Council Draft Development Plan Meeting, 2nd September 2009
c) Minutes of South Dublin County Council Draft Development Plan Meeting, 8th September 2009
d) Minutes of South Dublin County Council Draft Development Plan Meeting, 9th September 2009
e) Minutes of Meeting of South Dublin County Council, 14th September 2009
(all circulated herewith)
a) Rathfarnham Area Committee - 15th September 2009
Dealing with Roads, Planning, Development & Parks, Corporate Services & Libraries, Community (1 report - Application for Grants), Environment, Housing.
(circulated herewith)
b) Lucan Clondalkin Area Committee (1) - 16th September 2009
Dealing with Development & Parks, Planning, Housing, Roads (1 report - Left Out Turn from Tandys Lane onto N4)
(circulated herewith)
c) Lucan Clondalkin Area Committee (2) - 22nd September 2009
Dealing with Environment, Community (1 report - Application for Grants) , Corporate Services & Libraries
(circulated herewith)
d) Tallaght Area Committee (1) - 21st September 2009
Dealing with Environment, Community (1 report - Application for Grants), Housing
(circulated herewith)
e) Tallaght Area Committee (2) - 28th September 2009
Dealing with Roads, Planning, Development & Parks, Corporate Services & Libraries
(no report)
(a) Draft Calendar of Meeting Dates
(b) Report on Conferences/Seminars
(c) Nominations to Local Traveller Accommodation Consultative Committee
(all circulated herewith)
(a) Approval of SPC Scheme
(b) Amendment to SPC Standing Orders
(c) Nominations to SPC s
(all circulated herewith)
(circulated herewith)
(No Reports )
To ask the Manager will he give a report regarding housing maintenance and will he confirm that a Business Process Investigation was completed and outline the revised procedures he proposes to put in place to address the areas where inefficiencies were identified?
To ask the Manager can he confirm that there has been a 20 fold increase to costs in services like grass cutting on road meridians since the new intrepretation of Health & Safety Act following the Ashbourne meeting of County Managers and will he make a statement on the financial and other implications of this on South Dublin County Council?
To ask the Manager in view of the recent official opening of a data centre for Microsoft in Grangecastle Business Park will he give a report outlining the work and investment that involved this Council in creating these exceptional and sought after modern facilities?
To ask the Manager in view of the downturn in economic activity in the County can he give a report and outline if there is sufficient space available for the demand from small business for incubator premises in the County?
To ask the Manager in view of the widespread demand for allotments in the County can he give a report outlining the initial cost and maintenance, the rental returns, the waiting list per allotment and his future plans if any to meet this growing demand from residents?
To ask the Manager will he give a report outlining the new, positive and pro active measures being planned by this Council and other State bodies to combat anti social behaviour,unwanted bonfires on Green spaces and their clean up bills, in the lead up to and during the Halloween Festivities?
To ask the Manager will he consider in view of the growing clean up costs each year, placing extra resources in place to help eradicate unwanted bonfires in public parks and green spaces throughout the County, in the lead up to and during the Halloween period?
To ask the Manager to write to the Minister for Education and Science to seek a written and detailed report from the Minister on all outstanding school projects within this county, including new schools, requirement for buildings where currently there are prefabricated structures, school extensions, sports halls etc., on an area by area basis, and that the Manager would also request the Minister to set out in detail the predicted time scale for each project?
To ask the Manager to provide an up-to-date report on the results of the Manager's work following the introduction of the regulation prohibiting the parking of cars for sale on public places in our county, including greens, grass verges, footpaths etc., and that the Manager would report in detail on an area by area basis?
To ask the Manager to report on what liaising takes place with other adjoining local authorities in the interest of consistency on planning, say for example in the case of planning issues relating to an aerodrome on lands common to South Dublin County Council and Kildare County Council?
To ask the Manager to agree to write to the Minister for Transport seeking clarification on the target dates for the delivery of LUAS and Metro projects in South Dublin County Council?
To ask the Manager to report on the provision of additional litter bins in our regional parks, and signage in our estates on litter related matters, including dog litter control, arising from the serious increases in litter, especially when Council staff overtime and weekend work has been curtailed?
To ask the Manager to report in detail on what measures are being taken to ensure that this Council's house building programmes contain provisions to ensure that the Council's housing is of such quality that will contribute to an acceptable quality of life for residents?
To ask the Manager how much funding would be required in the 2010 budget to ensure all agreed in principle applications for grants such as the housing aid for older people, housing adaption grant for persons with a disability, mobility aid grant and the disabled persons grant that have currently not commenced due to lack of funding and other reasons are carried out during 2010 and can he/she make a statement on the matter?
To ask the Manager to state whether the annual junk collections are due to take place this autumn prior to the Halloween period or has financial considerations resulted in the service being cut and can he/she make a statement on the matter?
To ask the Manager to inform the Council whether pro social activities namely community clean-ups are continuing to be facilitated by this Council through the distribution of brushes, bags, paint etc taking into account this is a front line service and the various positive outcomes which arise from these Community events?
To ask the Manager for details of the membership and workings of the South Dublin Children's Services Committee and to ask for an update on the implementation to date of the committee's work-plan?
To ask the Manager for a report on South Dublin County Council's current and planned involvement with the 'Creative Dublin Alliance’?
To ask the Manager to report on measures proposed by South Dublin County Council as part of the implementation of the ‘Dublin City Region Economic Development Action Plan’?
To ask the Manager to outline to members the full statutory process for making or extending a Special Amenity Area Order?
To ask the Manager to report on the likely timeframe for the preparation and making of the proposed new cemeteries bye laws and to further ask for an outline of the matters which may be addressed in the proposed bye laws?
To ask the Manager to report on the background and statutory provisons underpinning the council's current policy on not installing traffic calming on roads classifed as distributor roads, including those distributor roads with direct access house-frontage? To advise why there are some distributor roads in the county with direct access house-frontage which already have traffic calming ramps and to also ask if and how this policy could be reviewed and possibly amended by the elected members?
To ask the Manager if he will make an updated report on the Intellectual Enterprise Zones initiative?
To ask the Manager if he will make a progress report on the implementation of the Council's Five Year Playground Programme, including details of projects completed since the adoption of the Programme and anticipated progress in the period to the end of 2010?
To ask the Manager if the Department of Social and Family Affairs has made any requests to the Council to make available accommodation in Council facilities, such as Community Centres and Libraries, for use as locations to provide services, such as LES/Community Welfare services, to persons on the Live Register in the County, and if so what has been the Council's response?
Headed Items
(No Report )
b) Proposed sale of Fee Simple Interest at 37 Balrothery Estate, Tallaght, Dublin 24
c) Proposed land Exchange at Monastery Gate/ Red Cow/M50 Roundabout, Clondalkin, Dublin 22 – South Dublin County Council and Cherrybridge Properties Limited
a) Proposed Disposal of Affordable Dwellings
(circulated herewith)
(circulated herewith)
Proposed Agreement between South Dublin County Council and the HELM Housing Association Ltd. for the Management & Maintenance of 103 Council owned unsold Affordable Properties which have been assigned to Social Use
(circulated herewith)
Report on Public Right-of-Way over grass verge at side of 21 Parkview, Greenhills Road
(circulated herewith)
Approval of registration of charge in favour of Clann Credo in respect of Neilstown Enterprise Centre, Clondalkin, Dublin 22
(circulated herewith)
Dublin City Council Motion calling for the immediate banning of the use of Plastic Bullets
That the Elected Members of this Council reject the recommendation of an Bord Snip Nua to terminate the Job Initiative Scheme and call upon an Tanaiste, the Minister for Enterprise, Trade & Employment, to identify funding to expand the scheme.
South Dublin County Council calls on the Government to support the Family Resource Centre Programme and, in particular, Family Resource Centres in Dublin. We support the three campaign principles of the Family Resource Centre National Forum, which are:
- The Family Resource Centre programme delivers a value-for-money support for families across Ireland. At times of financial hardship, the services of Family Resource Centres will be needed more than ever. Rather than considering closing or reducing the FRC programme, it should be developed and expanded.
- The Family Support Agency is the best vehicle to deliver the Family Resource Centre Programme, and the Agency should be maintained.
- If any changes are to be made to the FRC programme or Family Support Agency, the Family Resource Centre National Forum must be consulted on the way forward.
That the Manager provide a detailed Written Report on the circumstances surrounding the compilation, printing and distribution of the document entitled "South Dublin County Today" dated May 2009. That the Manager, in reporting on the matter that he would state and clarify the following in his replies: a) Where the document was printed. b) The total external cost of its production and printing. c) The means and cost whereby the document was distributed. d) Whether, and how many, copies remain undistributed. e) Who authorised the publication and was that decision to have the document distributed done in conjunction with the then sitting councillors. f) Who determined the date of distribution of the document. |
That the Manager while recognizing the importance of Health and Safety at work and the need to provide a safe working environment for all Council employees and Contractor’s staff engaged in work on live roads adjacent to or close to traffic and with due regard to the safety of the general public that it is also necessary for this Council to be able to continue to provide and maintain services in a safe and efficient manner, calls for an immediate review of the new interpretation and the effects caused by the implementation of the Health and Safety at Work Act 2005, the various improvement plans and the Ashbourne Document to identify those services which are adversely effected or not being provided as a result of the cost and resource implications in attempting to carry out those functions.
That this Council opposes the introduction of domestic water charges and favours, instead, a combination of water conservation and education measures and a genuinely progressive taxation regime which adequately resources local government.
That the Council cancel the increase in fees for playing pitches and revert to the 2008/9 fees.The proposed increase in fees is an unnecessary burden on clubs. Due to the recession it is now more difficult to fundraise or ask parents for more money. As such the Council should recognise this and cancel the fee increase.
Noting the government’s intention to establish the National Asset Management Agency (NAMA), this council calls on the Minister for Finance to reconsider the proposal. We believe that the establishment of NAMA will lead to ordinary taxpayers bailing out irresponsible bankers and developers, and to a high level of government borrowing which future generations will have to repay while billions of euros are being used to bail out the banks basic services, resulting in reduced funding to local councils for essential services.
As this council is gravely concerned that the resources used to bail out the banks will derive local councils of necessary funding to develop and run local services we hereby call on the Minister for Finance not to proceed with the proposed establishment of NAMA and urge the public to support the Dublin demonstration scheduled for 19th September 2009.
Carbon Footprint Study: The Manager provide an update on the Carbon Footprint study and to outline how this information has been used in the preparation of the new Draft Development plan.
Given the fact that at least 300 people are on the allotment waiting list ( answer to Q4/0509), this Council agrees to greatly increase the number of allotments available to rent within the next year.
That the Manager would agree to carry our review surveys of major road widening projects in our county, which when completed, often following decisions made by An Bord Pleanála, leave homes in many areas in our communities at serious disadvantages owing to increased noise levels and loss of visual amenities, which clearly demonstrates that examination of such matters at the early planning stages can be inadequate or even flawed.
This Council expresses its deep dissatisfaction with the operation of the e-flow tolling system on the M50 and asks its operators to give a presentation to South Dublin County Council with a view to improving the service at a greatly reduced cost.
That South Dublin County Council call on the Taoiseach and Minister for Social and Family Affairs to publish the National Carers Strategy as committed to in the Social Partnership Agreement – Towards 2016 and in the programme for Government as a matter of principal.
That the Manager undertakes a review of the Traveller Accommodation within the county in terms of environmental hazards, increased dumping, animal welfare and safety issues with a view to addressing as a matter of urgency these matters.
That this Council recognises the importance of the Institute of Technology Tallaght, as the County's higher education institution, to the economic, social and cultural life of the County, and in particular its demonstrated contribution to increased educational equality in Tallaght and Clondalkin, and completely rejects the recommendation (D.2.3 Rationalisation of third level institutions) in the Report of the Special Group on Public Service Numbers and Expenditure Programmes (the McCarthy Report) that IT Tallaght be amalgamated with DIT, and requests the Manager to convey this view in writing to An Taoiseach, the Minister for Finance and the Minister for Education and Science.
That South Dublin County Council reverse the recent introduction of playing pitch fees for juvenile clubs.
That this Council supports the 'Justice for Robert Delany Campaign' and the recently established website www.innocentvictimsofviolence.ie which was set up by the Delany Family as a Forum of support and information for the Campaign and furthermore calls on any Citizen with information on the callous crime which resulted in Robert's hospitalisation to inform the Gardaí of any such information.
That the Manager would present a detailed report for discussion on the Council's Water Leisure Strategy, including a detailed report on the remaining elements of the Water Leisure Strategy, and in the current uncertain economic climate, within what planned time-frame does the Manager envisage the remaining projects will be rolled out?
That this Council asks the Manager to introduce a minimum of 4 grass cuttings in every graveyard in the County during the grass growing season. The current situation of one cutting per year has resulted in graveyards being inaccessible, particularly to senior citizens, and is causing emotional distress to families who have loved ones buried in these graveyards.
That this Council rejects Recommendations B.2, (to discontinue the RAPID scheme), B.3 (to reduce community and voluntary sector supports), B.4 (to reduce the allocation for the Community Services programme),and B.5 (to reduce the allocation for Local and Community Development Programmes) in the Report of the Special Group on Public Service Numbers and Expenditure Programmes (the McCarthy Report) and requests the Manager to convey this view in writing to An Taoiseach, the Minister for Finance and the Minister for Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs.
That this Council calls on the government to ensure that sufficient funding is guaranteed to cover house improvement grants, including Grants for Older People, Mobility Grants and Disability Grants for the remainder of 2009 and into 2010. Any cutbacks in these grant schemes will result in many of our older residents and those with mobility difficulties losing the opportunity to continue using their own home. It will take away their independence and attack their dignity.