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Monday, October 12, 2009




(c) Nominations to SPC s


The following is a summary of update circulated and noted at the September 2009 OP&F meeting:

Nominations to new Strategic Policy Committees

There are 6 proposed Strategic Policy Committees (SPCs) as follows

(a)              Housing & Social Strategic Policy Committee

(b)              Economic Development Strategic Policy Committee

(c)               Transportation Strategic Policy Committee

(d)              Environment Strategic Policy Committee

(e)              Arts, Culture, Gaeilge, Education & Libraries Strategic  Policy Committee

(f)               Sports, Recreation, Community & Parks Strategic Policy  Committee

 With regard to the membership of each committee: Standing Order No. 5 (Of Standing Orders adopted in 2001) states as follows:

 (a)      The total membership of each Committee shall be 15 except in the case of the Economic Development (incl. Planning) Committee, which shall have a total membership of 18.

(b)     The membership shall consist of 5 representatives from outside bodies and 10 Councillors except in the case of the Economic Development Committee, which shall consist of 6 representatives from outside bodies, and 12 Councillors.  Each Councillor will be a member of a minimum of two Committees.’

As a first step to establishing new SPCs South Dublin County Council selected 6 Chairs-designate for each proposed SPC as outlined above at the Annual Meeting held on 19th June 2009. 

 With regard to the membership of Sectoral Groups: There are six overall sectors which are recommended in the guidelines issued by the Department which should be represented on at least one SPC in each local authority.  These sectors include the following:

 1.     Agricultural / Farming

2.     Environmental / Conservation / Culture

3.     Development Construction

4.     Business / Commercial

5.     Trade Union

6.     Community / Voluntary / Disadvantaged

Nominations for membership of the SPCs were sought and in respect of the business, farming, employers / Trade Unions and Environmental sectors these were facilitated by the National Partnership Pillars. SDCC facilitated the nomination process of community and voluntary representatives through the community and voluntary forum and platform.                                  End of Summary

The following provides an update on the nomination process:

 ·        Business:

Chambers Ireland reported that South Dublin Chamber is in the final stage of the nomination process. This has been confirmed with South Dublin Chamber 

 ·        Environmental Pillar: 

A panel of local people is being prepared by the national pillar and is due for submission.

 ·        Farming: 

 The IFA has advised of a meeting of the farming organisations scheduled for 19th October 2009 at which the nomination process will be finalized.

 ·        Trade Unions:  

Will submit shortly

The following is an update on the nominations for the Development / Construction sector:

 The following is an update on the nominations for the Community / Culture / Voluntary sector:

In accordance with C L 12/09 the nomination process for the community and voluntary sector was facilitated through the Council.  A number of nominations for representation have been received from South Dublin Community Platform  and South Dublin Community Forum in respect of various committees and the process of finalizing the representations is almost complete.  Tallaght Community Arts  made recommendation for membership of the Arts, Culture, Gaeilge, Education & Libraries Strategic  Policy Committee

Representation of Elected Members on the 6 SPCs has also been advanced since the OP&F meeting although not finalised as outlined on attached schedule

It is a matter for the Council to approve all nominations and accordingly it is intended to continually update the members with the final list of nominations as soon as they come to hand.   In order to ensure that the all SPC members (elected and non elected) receive formal approval in advance of the scheduled SPC meetings (which are outlined in the draft calendar but subject to change) it is proposed to presented the final list of nominations to area committees in advance of their formal ratification at the November 2009 Council meeting.