Headed Items
Confirmation and Re-affirmation of Minutes
Minutes of the Lucan Area Committee Meeting 7th December, 2011
To ask the Manager, to provide an update on proposals to respond to the serious problems of anti-social behaviour at the old road embankment between Moy Glas and Castle Riada as discussed at the meeting in December with Moy Glas residents, Gardaí and the elected members?
To ask the Manager, further to the reply to my question at the September 2010 meeting, to report on the likely timeframe for works to remove the Maplewood Homes hoarding and to generally tidy-up the hedgerow boundary between The Paddocks and the open space at Hillcrest?
To ask the Manger for a progress report on the ditch between Palmerstown Court and the adjoining industrial property and when can the residents expect this matter to be concluded?
To ask the Manager for an updated report on the taking in charge of the open spaces at Griffeen Glen Boulevard Estate?
To ask the Manager for a report on any progress made following the recent meeting in Lucan Sports and Leisure Centre between residents of Moy Glas Estate, Park's Department Officials and Councillors on anti-social behaviour at one of the boundaries of the estate, and at an undeveloped site in the estate?
Headed Items
New Works
(No Business)
Report on CCTV
Arboricultural Programme 2010-2011
(No Business)
Cathaoirleach's Business
That the Manager would present an updated report on the Part 8 process for the construction of a Parks Depot in Griffeen Valley Park.
That this Committee, in seeking to adequately respond to problems of anti-social behaviour affecting Willsbrook Park, requests the Manager to present a detailed report for discussion on feasible measures to minimise these problems including thinning of heavily landscaped-areas and provision of CCTV.
To ask the Manager to provide an update on the response from the land-owner of the site at Coolamber House, Lock Road, to the serving of statutory notices under the Derelict Sites Acts and by the Dangerous Places Section under the Sanitary Services Act?
To ask the Manager to report on the Council’s plans for the 42.56 acres of land at Cooldrinagh acquired by the Council as part of the land-swap agreement approved by Councillors in November 2006?
To ask the Manager if he can confirm that the disposal of the lands at Esker Lane, on which the Re-cycling Centre and Park's Depot were located, to the Department of Education and Skills has been completed. Has the Department of Education and Skills had any pre-planning meeting with the Council regarding a Planning Application for a school building. Does the Manager know which existing or proposed school the site is intended?
Headed Items
New Works
(No Business)
(No Business)
Cathaoirleach's Business
(No Business)
To ask the Manager if the Council is currently in negotiation with any developer or property owner in the Lucan Electoral Area to lease housing units for allocation to eligible applicants on the waiting list under the Government sponsored Social Housing Leasing initiative?
Headed Items
New Works
(No Business)
(No Business)
Cathaoirleach's Business
(No Business)
That this Committee expresses it’s concern over the continuing serious levels of anti-social behaviour in St. Finian’s Estate and requests the Manager to present a detailed report, for discussion, detailing the number of recorded incidents of anti-social behaviour and actions in response in the estate in 2010 and to outline other possible strategic-level responses which may be considered to restore the quality-of-life and personal safety of concerned residents.
Corporate Services & Libraries
To ask the Manager to agree to write to the Department of Education and Skills to seek a report on the provision of a new Naíonra for the benefit of Gaelscoil Naomh Padraig, Lucan, and a new set-down parking area and turning point, for the benefit of Gaelscoil Naomh Padraig and Esker Meadows Estate, Lucan, as part of the recent disposal of lands at Esker Lane to the Department of Education and Skills?
Headed Items
New Works
(No Business)
Library News & Events
(a) Email from Tesco Ireland regarding the stocking of compostable bags in their supermarkets (Item ID 24910)
(b) Letter from Aldi Ireland GmbH regarding the stocking of compostable bags in their supermarkets (Item ID 24910)
(c) Email from ESB Energy International regarding a briefing for the elected members of the Lucan ACM relating to the management and release of water from the Leixlip Dam on the River Liffey. (Item ID 24362)
(d) Letter from HSE regarding the new residential facility on St. Loman's Road (Item ID 25737)
(e) Letter from CDVEC regarding enrolment on the Programme of Labour Force Activation Courses in the Lucan/Clondalkin areas (Item 24909)
(f) Letter from Minister for Justice & Law Reform regarding new and replacement vehicles for an Garda Síochana in the Lucan/Clondalkin areas (Item 24891)
Cathaoirleach's Business
That this Committee notes that residents of Foxborough have expressed concerns about problems, such as noise from idling engines, fumes they are experiencing from the relocated bus number 151 Terminus, and that other residents have complained that buses are using the area on the Balgaddy Road close to Foxborough Estate as an unofficial waiting place and requests the Manager to write to the Area Manager of Dublin Bus, seeking a report on issues raised with the Company about the No. 151 service and how the company is responding.
That this Area Committee calls on the Minister of Education and Skills to make provision for permanent accommodation for Naíonra Chlann Lír on the lands at Esker Lane, located behind Gaelscoil Naomh Padraig, which form part of the land disposal agreed by South Dublin County Council in December 2010. The Naíonra is currently accommodated in the Gaelscoil.
To ask the Manager, further to my motion at the September 2010 meeting, to again consider my proposal to provide timber fencing and a timber gate around the open rubbish dumps which are currently an eyesore in the cemetery; and to further outline any other proposals for improvement works and/or efforts to ensure more regular maintenance and grass-cutting for Esker Cemetery during 2011?
To ask the Manager to report on what measures are proposed for 2011 for the Liffey and Griffeen rivers under the ERBD programme of measure, to advise on how these measures are to be funded; and to report on the outcomes of recent academic research to examine the pollution content of stormwater outfalls to the Griffeen River?
To ask the Manager to have the question of low water pressure (not just recently) in a number of areas of Palmerstown investigated (Palmerstown Avenue, The Dingle, The Coppice and adjacent roads, Elderwood and adjacent roads and to indicate what arrangements have been/will be made during water restrictions to service these areas?
To ask the Manager why the Litter Bins in Palmerstown were not emptied during the recent bad weather and why it took so long after the snow and frost cleared before they were emptied?
To ask the Manager if he could advise of the road sweeping programme in the Lucan Electoral Area, including roads in estates, in the months January, February and March 2011?
Headed Items
New Works
(No Business)
(No Business)
Cathaoirleach's Business
That this Committee supports the waiver scheme available to lower income householders as part of the Council's household waste management scheme, requests the Manager to advise how many householders in the Lucan Electoral Area are eligible for the waiver, and finally asks if he will make a statement on the extent to which householders in receipt of the waiver in the Electoral Area are able to use it satisfactorily, and if he would consider the circulation of a further information leaflet to all households in the EA on the effective use of the black and brown bins.
That the Council carry out a clean-up “blitz” in Palmerstown Village, Manor Road, Kennelsfort Road and laneways to rid the area of unsightly litter that has become more pronounced since the snows.
Headed Items
New Works
(No Business)
Application for Grants
(No Business)
(No Business)
Cathaoirleach's Business
That the Manager would make a report on progress made, with the developer and Palmerstown Community Council, on the completion of the Palmerstown Community Centre.
That this Committee re-affirms and will not give up on its commitment to the provision of a public Swimming Pool in Lucan, condemns unequivocally the decision, supported by all the Coalition parties and members including FF, Green and Independent Dáil Deputies representing Lucan, to abandon, after the relevant Government Department had led this Committee and the Council "up the garden path" for years, including the years of the dear departed Celtic Tiger, by giving repeated written replies referring to the re-opening of the Swimming Pool Programme, the scheme of financial support for Local Authority Swimming Pools, recognises that this betrayal of the Lucan Swimming Pool Project, combined with the collapse in Development Levy income to the Council makes it very difficult for the Manager to raise the necessary finance for a Swimming Pool Project, nevertheless requests the Manager to meet with Lucan EA Councillors to discuss and explore any options that might be open to the Council, and the community of Lucan, to bring a Lucan Swimming Pool project to fruition.
That the Manager would present a detailed report for discussion on the long-awaited and planned Swimming Pool for the Lucan area. In the light of years of effort and representations by the Lucan community and Lucan Public Representatives, including many Motions passed by the Council and Area Committees in pursuit of this water leisure facility, and the Manager's efforts to provide a Swimming Pool for Lucan, that the Manager would report on his most recent efforts and discussions with the Department of Tourism, Culture and Sport and the Department's response to our most recent request for funding through the Swimming Pool Programme, and what alternative initiatives, including possible joint ventures can be explored to deliver a Lucan Swimming Pool.
To ask the Manager if there are plans to improve signage at the turn off for Ballyowen Lane immediately preceding the Texaco filling station heading west bound on the N4?
To ask the Manager to report on the adequacy of the recent gritting schedule with reference to Griffeen Avenue and Castle Road?
To ask the Manager to ensure that much-needed footpath repair and resurfacing works are carried out during 2011 at Newcastle Road outside the houses between Superquinn and Hillcrest?
To ask the Manger if the proposed review of the affects of the bollards installed on the laneway between Kennelsfort Road and The Coppice has been carried out and what consideration has been given to the erection of a wall at this location?
To ask the Manager if he can present a report to the meeting advising how much money will be available for traffic calming projects in the Lucan Electoral Area in 2011, what areas/locations are currently listed in the programme and in what order, and if he would be prepared to consider very small projects (one or two ramps), at locations where there is a demonstrable need?
To thank the Manager for securing the finance for the installation of two new pedestrian crossings in Lucan Village, at La Banca and on the old Dublin Road close to Primrose Lane, and to ask when the work will be completed and the crossings made operational?
Headed Items
New Works
(No Business)
Proposed Declaration of Roads to be Public Roads
(No Business)
(No Business)
Cathaoirleach's Business
That this Committee compliments the Manager and staff of the Council for their work in dealing with the effect on the roads of the recent adverse weather conditions, requests him to present an outline report on the measures implemented in the Lucan Electoral Area, and requests that he sets out the approach taken to deciding which regional and local roads should be prioritized for gritting, noting that many residents have complained that some local roads that carry significant traffic volumes, such as Griffeen Avenue/Road, Willsbrook Road, did not get sufficient treatment.
That the Manager would set out the schedule leading to the introduction of the agreed School-Time Heavy Goods Restriction on the Newcastle Road, Lucan, in keeping with Council Policy as included in our County Development Plan, as agreed with Council Management, and that specifically this new and agreed measure will be introduced on 1st January 2011.
That this Area Committee recommends again that South Dublin County Council, subject to the Garda Commissioner’s approval, implement a school-time HGV restriction on Newcastle Road in Lucan without any further delay.
That in the proposed review of the Parking Bye Laws the Manager would consider again dropping the charge for Saturday Parking in Palmerstown Village and that he consult with the residents and traders on the matter.
That this Committee calls on the Manager to give assurances that traffic management issues will be comprehensively dealt with in the plans for the school site on Esker Lane and in the vicinity of existing schools on Castle Road.
That the Manager bring forward a report on the Traffic situation in Palmerstown and in particular that he include the implications of closing Kennelsfort Road at its junction with Ballyfermot Road/The Coldcut to all traffic except Public Vehicles, the feasibility of making the road through Cherry Orchard Industrial Estate from Kennelsfort Road to Ballyfermot Road a public road as an alternative route, and the replacement of the Pedestrian bridge at the N4 with a surface crossing.
That this Area Committee acknowledges the serious anti-social issues affecting the residents of Finnstown, which have been significantly increased owing to the through pedestrian traffic accessing and exiting from Finnstown Estate via the boundary stub wall and fencing at Hayden's Lane. Prior to this stub wall and fencing being installed as part of the widening of Hayden's Lane, no such serious issues existed. On behalf of all the residents concerned, this Area Committee requests the Manager to bring a detailed report for discussion, that will include proposals for works which will help relieve the Finnstown residents of their on-going torment.
To ask the Manager to update on progress with the ‘Green Route’ project linking Griffeen Avenue to the Grand Canal, including the proposed new Grand Canal bridge and the proposed Griffeen Avenue toucan crossing?
To ask the Manager for an update on the expected delivery of a road that will service the southern backland development at Dodsboro cottages?
To ask the Manger to explain how the policy of having all services underground applies to TV/Phone utility companies who “string” wires from one semi-detached house to another and over greater spans in the Lucan and Palmerstown residential areas?
To ask the Manager if he can advise the Committee on the responsibility of the developer of the Paddocks, Adamstown SDZ, to provide adequate public street lighting during the current phase of development, when housing construction is continuing but many housing units are already occupied?
Headed Items
New Works
(No Business)
Planning Files
A. Large applications under consideration
B. Files requested by members (No Business)
Taking-in-Charge Report
(No Business)
Cathaoirleach's Business
That the Manager would make an updated report on the taking in charge of Rossberry Estate, and make a statement on progress to remedy problems reported with the drainage system at a number of locations in the estate, including a sewage problem which arose over the Christmas period.
That this Committee requests the Manager to agree to take in charge the open space as part of Mount Andrew Court and Mount Andrew Rise, and that the Manager would agree to initiate the necessary procedures under Section 180 of the Planning and Development Act 2000 for the taking in charge of this land in keeping with my previous representations on behalf of local residents in Mount Andrew Court and Mount Andrew Rise, and that if agreed by the elected members the Manager would then agree to meet the residents of Mount Andrew Court and Mount Andrew Rise again as part of this process.
That the Manager will present a report to this Committee about the implications of the new planning application for Adamstown taking into consideration the developer’s failure to deliver a community centre to date.
That the Manager would present a report outlining the current position in regard to the completion and opening for use of the new road linking the Paddocks/Dodsboro to the Newcastle Road.