Agenda - Tallaght ACM (1) 16th February 2009

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16/02/2009 15:30
Council Chamber
Standing Orders:

Headed Items

H-I (1)
Submitted by:
Housing Administration
Housing Administration

Minutes from Tallaght Area Committee Meeting 19th January, 2009.



Qu (1)
Submitted by:
Councillor M. Corr
Willie Sheils

"To ask the Manager to explore the possibility of providing some activities for senior citizens in the new Brookfield Community and Youth facility given the clear need locally to provide afternoon activities for seniors in this area?"

Qu (2)
Submitted by:
Councillor M. Corr
Willie Sheils

"To ask the Manager to indicate the opening date of Tallaght Stadium, to highlight how the operation of the facility will benefit the local community and what the potential economic benefit to the county will be?"

Headed Items

H-I (2)
Submitted by:
Community Services
Willie Sheils

Application for Grants (if any)

H-I (3)
Submitted by:
Community Services
Ian Stobbart

Library News Events

H-I (4)
Submitted by:
Community Services
Community Services


(none received)


Cor (1)
Submitted by:
Community Services
Community Services



Mot (1)
Submitted by:
Community Services
Community Services

Cathaoirleachs Business

(None Received)

Mot (2)
Submitted by:
Councillor C. King
Willie Sheils

" That the Manager provide a detailed report relating to progress on the change of use of the current NABCO Community facility at Donomore Park, Killinarden, as residents continue to suffer unnecessary anti-social activity as a result of the building lying vacant for so many years.

Mot (3)
Submitted by:
Councillor M. Corr
Willie Sheils

That this committee notes the important contribution that Deputation meetings can make towards open lines of communication, exchange of information and general goodwill between community/residents groups and this Council and requests that the Manager highlights clearly the benefits and operation of this process to community/residents groups in the Tallaght area.

Mot (4)
Submitted by:
Councillor C. King
Willie Sheils

"That this Committee calls on the Manager to make additional efforts with the Tallaght St Patricks Day Committee to ensure the parade takes place this year and to invite participants (bands etc) from Brent Council (London) and Newry and Mourne District Council (Co Down) to play an active role in the event strengthening the twinning arrangements with these Councils.

Mot (5)
Submitted by:
Councillor M. Corr
Willie Sheils

That the Manager provides a status report on the operation of the Tallaght Leisure Centre using a SWOT analysis and indicating what ways he will address any negative issues that may arise.



Qu (3)
Submitted by:
Councillor J. Hannon
Bill Kearney

To ask the Manager for a progress report on the Childrens Playground at Sean Walsh Park, Watergate and will he also provide full details of the facility.

Qu (4)
Submitted by:
Councillor K. Warren
Mary Keenan

“To ask the Manager what action the Council intend to take to prevent scrambler bikes being used in Dodder Valley Park, particularly in close proximity to Scoil Carmel, where their activity is a form of annoyance and disturbance to students and to teachers in the school, if the Council are working in tandem with Rathfarnham Garda Station to prevent this kind of activity which is clearly illegal in terms of Council by-laws, and if he will make a statement on the matter?”

Qu (5)
Submitted by:
Councillor K. Warren
Mary Keenan

“To ask the Manager in respect of specific works that were undertaken by South Dublin County Council, or contractors on behalf of South Dublin County Council, re the extension of footpaths in the Woodlawn Park area of Firhouse, and the fact that a significant amount of public open space has been destroyed with tractor marks etc. while these pathways were being established, and that no action has been taken by the Council to repair the public open space in question, and given the complaints to the Council about this matter, if a firm indication will be given by the Parks Department as to when exactly these open spaces will be reinstated to a proper standard, and if he will make a statement on the matter?”

Headed Items

H-I (5)
Submitted by:
Parks Department
Jim Kilgarriff

National Tree Week 2009

H-I (6)
Submitted by:
Parks Department
Jim Kilgarriff

Arboricultural Programme 2008-2009

H-I (7)
Submitted by:
Parks Department
Parks Department


(none received)


Cor (2)
Submitted by:
Parks Department
Parks Department



Mot (6)
Submitted by:
Parks Department
Parks Department

Cathaoirleachs Business

(None Received)

Mot (7)
Submitted by:
Councillor C. King
Bill Kearney

"That this Committee calls on the Manager to arrange for wooden Bollards or similar barrier to be placed on the green space outside 342 Killinarden Estate as a means of preventing the illegal access of vehicles to and from Knockmore Estate, which is currently destroying the small green space and endangering the safety of pedestrians".

Mot (8)
Submitted by:
Councillor J. Hannon
Mary Keenan

That a draft plan for the proposed public park at Ellensborough be presented to the Committee for consideration, and that the consultative process commence thus enabling local residents to have a meaningful input into the outcome.

Mot (9)
Submitted by:
Councillor M. Corr
Bill Kearney

That the Manager arranges for a meeting without delay between the Parks Dept, the Environment Dept and key community representatives in the RAPID areas in Tallaght with a view to establishing a temporary forum to eliminate illegal dumping on green spaces and parks locally.



Qu (6)
Submitted by:
Councillor M. Corr
Colm Ward

To ask the Manager to indicate the precise locations and the time of delivery of reverse vending machines in the Tallaght area, to indicate how these systems will operate sustainably and what plans are in place if difficulties arise with their operation?

Qu (7)
Submitted by:
Councillor M. Corr
Colm Ward

To ask the Manager to indicate what enforcement proceedings have been taken in relation to constant litter and graffiti problems at the following commercial premises *Address supplied ?


Qu (8)
Submitted by:
Councillor E. Maloney
Colm Ward

"To ask the Manager to indicate when the Pay As You Go bin system will commence in Tallaght?"

Qu (9)
Submitted by:
Councillor K. Warren
Colm Ward

“To ask the Manager to state the total number of dumping instances that have been brought to the attention of the litter warden section along Daletree Road over the past three months, if he can confirm that some of the dumped material was set alight over the Christmas period, and the total number of legal proceedings which South Dublin County Council is in the process of taking against those involved in this activity, where an investigation of the material has occurred, if the escalating problem of dumping at this location has been brought to the attention of the Council by the local community, and if he can confirm that the CCTV system promised to be introduced close to the social housing units at Daletree have now been installed by the Council in respect of monitoring illegal activity so that the local authority can take action, and if he will make a statement on the matter?”

Headed Items

H-I (8)
Submitted by:
Environmental Services
Michael Coleman
H-I (9)
Submitted by:
Environmental Services
Michael Coleman
H-I (10)
Submitted by:
Environmental Services
Environmental Services


(None Received)


Cor (3)
Submitted by:
Environmental Services
Environmental Services



Mot (10)
Submitted by:
Environmental Services
Environmental Services

Cathaoirleachs Business

(None Received)

Mot (11)
Submitted by:
Councillor M. Corr
Colm Ward

That the Manager immediately provides a sustainable and monitored system for street cleansing for the main distributor roads in the Jobstown. Brookfield, Fettercairn and Killinarden areas, noting the lack of cleansing of many of these roads in the past year.

Mot (12)
Submitted by:
Councillor M. Corr
Colm Ward

That the Manager definitively arranges for green bin collections that are currently scheduled to take place in the afternoon/evening in Jobstown and other windswept locations in Tallaght South be immediately rescheduled for collection during morning times



Qu (10)
Submitted by:
Councillor M. Corr
Paul Fleming

"To ask the Manager to carry out a survey with all estate management committees in the Tallaght area in order to ascertain any shortcomings in the allocations support service being provided in Tallaght with a view to addressing any problems that might exist and highlighting any programmes that are working well in order to replicate them elsewhere?"

Qu (11)
Submitted by:
Councillor M. Corr
Mick McCartan

"To ask the Manager how long on average a housing list applicant must currently wait in order to be offered housing in the Tallaght area, what the refusal rate is currently at and how long it is taking to turn around vacant houses in the area?"

Qu (12)
Submitted by:
Councillor C. King
Mary Hayes

"To ask the Manager to arrange for a fence or similar boundary to be placed between the rear gardens of *Address Supplied  and adjoining properties at Cushlawn Park where no boundary has ever been in existance resulting in children and youths using these gardens as a rat run to and from Cushlawn Park and Dale?" 

Qu (13)
Submitted by:
Councillor E. Maloney
Mary Hayes

"To ask the Housing Dept., when the rear wall at *address supplied  will be replaced, as promised. The present  wall does not provide security for these tenants, especially at night?"

Qu (14)
Submitted by:
Councillor J. Neville
Mary Hayes

" To ask the Manager to have arranged the raising  of the wall in the front garden at the side and front * details supplied . The resident is suffering from anti-social activity and it is my understanding that in recent times, such work was done on adjacent walls?"

Headed Items

H-I (11)
Submitted by:
Housing Administration
Abe Jacob

Report on housing construction programme

H-I (12)
Submitted by:
Housing Administration
Zita Markey


H-I (13)
Submitted by:
Housing Administration
Housing Administration


(None Received)


Cor (4)
Submitted by:
Housing Administration
Housing Administration



Mot (13)
Submitted by:
Housing Administration
Housing Administration

Cathaoirleachs Business

(None Received)

Mot (14)
Submitted by:
Councillor M. Corr
Abe Jacob, Eddie Conroy

“That the Architects Department explain in detail the rationale behind the lack of pedestrian access and egress in the McUlliam Estate, that he acknowledges that there is a serious problem at this location currently and explains how going forward he proposes to address this.” 

Mot (15)
Submitted by:
Councillor C. King
Paul Fleming

"That this Committtee calls on the Manager to arrange additional links with Tallaght Gardaí with a view to establishing if any of SDCC's tenants are responsible for attacks on the 77 bus which recently resulted in the service being cut after 6pm each night severely inconveniencing the Communities of Jobstown, Brookfield and Fettercairn and to deal with any such persons responsible severely".

Mot (16)
Submitted by:
Councillor E. Maloney
Breda Fogarty

That the Housing Dept., report on the RAS Scheme as it operates within the Tallaght area, and indicate how the down-turn in the property market will effect the Scheme this year.

Mot (17)
Submitted by:
Councillor C. King
Mary Hayes

"That this Committee calls on the Manager to arrange for electrical sockets to be installed in the common areas in all apartment blocks in Russell Square to enable residents to vacume the floors and staircases".