Headed Items
Minutes of Meeting of 18th December, 2023.
"If there are plan's to include as part of winter maintenance plan in Tallaght to grit footpaths outside schools and cycle lanes?"
"The footpath from Tymonville Grove to the Bus Stop 2430 on Castletymon Road has become a trip hazard, with many elderly residents saying that is is dangerous when the path is wet. Could some remedial works be carried out at this location and a non slip surface installed?"
"To ask the CEO that given the approaching 45th anniversary of the official opening of the first bridge across the Tallaght by-pass at Tallaght Village/St Dominics and noting that the original namestone of the bridge commemorating Charlie O'Toole, the co-founder in 1969 with Fr. Paul Hynes OP of Tallaght Welfare Society, went missing; will he now make arrangements to provide a suitable nameplate/stone at the Charlie O'Toole bridge; will he confirm the position and make a statement?"
"To ask the CEO to confirm plans to provide "Welcome to Tallaght" on all entry points to Tallaght; will he give an update and make a statement?"
"To ask the Chief Executive for an update on the Taking in charge process for Corbally Estate, Citywest and a time-frame for the same?"
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
2024 RWP
Tallaght to Clondalkin Cycle Scheme Presentation.
Correspondence (No Business)
"This Area Committee supports the need for a maintenance plan for active travel infrastructure in Tallaght".
"To ask the manager following up on my previously submitted question - "To ask the Manager can instruction be sent to the owner to reinstate the wall at the old gate entrance to Katherine Tynan House?" and "can I get an update on when works will commence?"
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
Economic Development
“Could you please provide the number of hotels within the remit of the Tallaght ACM. Could you please provide the number of these hotels that are open for bookings for tourism as of today's date and how many are in use for other purposes ie homeless hubs, Direct provision, Ukrainian accommodation, IPAS accommodation?”
"To ask the CEO to confirm when the first phase of the Innovation Quarter will now be operational; will he give full details and make a statement?"
"To ask the CEO to confirm if all works at Tallaght Stadium are now completed; will he give details and state when the new Stand will be available for spectators and will he make a statement?"
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
Libraries & Arts
"Following up from my motion in TAC May 2023 Monday, May 22, 2023 MOTION NO.8 MOTION: Councillor T. Costello "Tallaght Library is a wonderful much utilised amenity in Tallaght, can funds be allocated and a focus be made on modernising and upgrading the Library?" "Can I get an update on the status of works being carried out?"
Headed Items
Application for Arts Grants
Library News & Events
NEW WORKS (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
Corporate Support
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence for noting
Performance & Change Management
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
Water & Drainage
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New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
Public Realm
"To ask the CEO to confirm his plans to deal with the issues raised at our December meetings by members in respect of St Kevins Killians GAA Club which serves the communities in Kilnamanagh and Kingswood; will he give details and make a statement?"
"To ask the CEO to present a further report on his actions to ensure that Sean Walsh Park remains safe for all park users; will he details he has maintained in the matter and make a statement?"
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Public Realm Draft Improvement Works Programme
Correspondence(No Business)
"I would like to request that SDCC focus on improving the green space to the rear of St Dominic Shops I have attached photos of an area which is in an unacceptable state. The green area has been destroyed by quads and scramblers, there is discarded fast gas containers, footpaths are covered in mud as are kiss gates - I have attached photos?"
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
"The hoarding is now down from the housing on Brady's Field. It is clear what the football team raised during the meeting with SDCC about this scheme regarding the risk of footballs going into the complex and posing a risk to windows. The railings won't keep all the footballs out during training, matches or kick about.. There was discussion of nets being erected at the meeting. Can you confirm if that is being explored or implemented please?"
"To ask the manager how many voids are there currently in the Tallaght area broken down by bedroom size and time vacant?"
"To ask the Manager, under the 3 year capital programme, when will the targeted maintenance and upgrade works including roofing works, bin storage areas, external painting and the installation of mechanical ventilation in Mac Uilliam commence and how many houses/apartments will be completed in each phase of those works?"
"To ask the CEO to present an update on vacant/boarded up housing and in reporting will he list the number of such properties in Tallaght estates and detail the actions being taken?"
"To ask the CEO to present a report on the development of the 133 Affordable Rental Apartments on the site close to the Innovation Centre; will he give details, confirm the schedule being followed and make a statement?"
"To ask the CEO for an update on the Age Friendly Housing Developments in Tallaght; will he give details in each case and will he make a statement?"
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Quarterly Housing Allocations Report 2024 (For Noting)
Correspondence (No Business)
"This council will inspect the mould problem on Deer park avenue?"
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)