Headed Items
Minutes from Tallaght Area Committee Meeting - 22nd February, 2010
"To ask the Manager to provide a comprehensive report outlining in detail the role and actions of the Planning Dept in relation to the former Clean Build site at Bohernabreena Road, from the initial grant of permission, and including details of enforcement action, legal action (if any) and costs incurred?"
Headed Items
Taking in Charge Report
Planning Files.
Large applications under consideration.
(No Business.)
(None Received.)
Cathaoirleachs Business
(None Received)
"To ask the Manager to provide extra clean ups in Greenhills Park, a recent rise in anti social behavior has resulted in a major increase in dumped bottles and cans which are currently being cleaned up and removed by local residents?"
"To ask the Manager to report on progress in relation to the clean up of bonfires in the Tallaght area from last October and the cost of same?"
Headed Items
Proposed Part 8 for the development of a pedestrian path system and Dublin Mountains Way route at Kiltipper Park, Tallaght.
(None Received.)
Cathaoirleach's Business.
That this Committee aware of the ongoing problem of bonfires and litter on the green space between Lanndale Lawns and Ashgrove in Springfield and asks the Manager to investigate ways of supporting local residents in conjunction with the Garda Authorities to enable the green space and the general area to be returned to some normality.
That this Committee calls on the Manager to arrange for the removal of hedges along the N81 adjacent to Kiltalown Park with a view to the safety of pedestrians using the park being improved.
That this Committee calls on the Manager to do a general clean up of Ballycragh Park and remove various dumped items from the lake.
That the Manager provide a update on the wall on Whitehall Road and the provision of capping for this wall as requested on many occasions by the Residents Association.
That the Parks Department arrange an inspection of the trees on Cypress Park as a matter of urgency.
"To ask the Manager to arrange a clean up of the old piggery site at the back of the Templeogue Inn in Templeogue Village?"
Headed Items
(No Business.)
(None Received.)
Cathaoirleachs Business
(None Received)
That the Manager outline the criteria for a derelict site and explain how the current condition of the Burmagh Garage site should not result in it being declared a derelict site.
"To ask the Manager to carry out a review of the safety of the Luas crossing on Cookstown Way turning towards Tallaght Hospital with a view to improving this junction to ensure motorists do not break amber lights as there have been several near collisions at this location and signal importance should be re-emphasised?"
Headed Items
Proposed Declaration of Roads to be Public Roads
- Newhall Court
Report on Proposed Extinguishment of the Public Right of Way over laneway to the Rear of 34 St. Peter’s Drive, Greenhills, Dublin 12
Department of Transport - 2010 Regional & Local Road Grant Allocations
(No Business.)
(None Received.)
Cathaoirleach's Business.
That this Council Committte calls on the Manager in view of previous difficulties with the road layout at the roadway near the junction of the M50 and Ballycullen Road to give a report updating this Committee and its Councillors on state of the present roadworks layout and when the works involved will be resolved.
That this Committee call on the Manager to arrange for the marking of parking bays on Avonbeg Gardens adjacent to the St Dominics Community Centre with a view to a more efficient use of the space available for parking.
That this Committee is appalled by the vandalism in the open space near the junction of Tamarisk Drive and Treepark Road in Kilnamanagh. That this Committee urges the replacement of the wall along the M50 slipway and the use of a stud wall or other measure to stop the smashing of the wall with large wooden spools, as has occurred on a number of previous occasions.
That this Committee requests the immediate resurfacing of the Kiltipper Road , Tallaght from the entrance/exit of Deerpark, past the entrance to Ellensborough and down to the roundabout. This section is in a dangerous state.
That the Manager gives a commitment to ensure that all road signage on National Roads in the Tallaght area are verified for correct spelling of placenames etc. as soon as possible.
That Piperstown Road be added to the list of rural roads on the gritting schedule.
That this Committee calls on the Manager to provide a report on the large ramp adjacent to the Killinarden Enterprise Centre and the Killinarden House which was the subject of a motion from myself and a subsequent headed item recently.
That the Manager arrange an inspection of the footpaths in Cypress Park Templeogue, as they are in a serious state of disrepair.
That this Committee calls on the Manager to arrange for the removal of the boulder at the laneway between Millbrook lawns health centre and Homelawns and St Dominics Estates as youths congregate at this location daily and nightly.
Corporate Services & Libraries
"To ask the Manager to write to F.A.S and ask for details of intentions of F.A.S for future use of land formerly their old site in Cookstown Industrial Estate and any time scales involved?"
"To ask the Manager to write to Bus Átha Cliath and request a large bus shelter be installed on the old Blessington Road opposite St Maelruain's Church. The area is used by students and staff from the Institute of Technology Tallaght and up to 30 people can gather there at peak times?"
Headed Items
Library News & Events
New Works Corporate Services & Libraries
(No Business.)
Correspondence Corporate Services & Libraries
a)Letter SENT to the Manager, Spawell Leisure Centre, on 25th February, 2010, as a result of a Motion passed at the Tallaght(2) ACM on 22nd February, 2010, in relation to the ongoing problem of golf balls being hit outside the perimeter of Spawell Golf Centre and placing people and property at risk of damage.
b)Letter SENT to the Minister of State, Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government, on 25th February, 2010, as a result of a Motion passed at the Tallaght(2) ACM on 22nd February, 2010, in relation to a request for the amendment of the Local Government Act 2001, to allow for the granting of city status for Tallaght.
c)Letter SENT to the Manager, Bus Atha Cliath, on 2nd March, 2010, as a result of a Question submitted to the Tallaght(2) ACM on 22nd February, 2010, in relation to facilitating residents in the Walkinstown and Greenhills areas access to St James' Hospital, through the extension of the 123 route, the provision of a feeder bus to the LUAS line, or some other option.
d) Letter RECEIVED from the Manager, Bus Atha Cliath, on 15th March, 2010, as a result of a Question submitted to the Tallaght(2) ACM on 22nd February, 2010, in relation to facilitating residents in the Walkinstown and Greenhills areas access to St James' Hospital, through the extension of the 123 route, the provision of a feeder bus to the LUAS line, or some other option.
Cathaoirleachs Business
(None Received)