Agenda - Tallaght ACM (1) 20th October, 2008

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20/10/2008 15:30
Council Chamber
Standing Orders:

Headed Items

H-I (1)
Submitted by:
Housing Administration
Housing Administration

Minutes from Tallaght Area Committee Meeting (1) 15th September, 2008.



Qu (1)
Submitted by:
Councillor M. Corr
Colm Ward

"To ask the Manager once again to provide a rapid, proactive response to graffiti removal in the Jobstown, Fettercairn, Brookfield and Killinarden areas given the much publicised additional funding going into these areas for graffiti removal?"

Qu (2)
Submitted by:
Councillor M. Corr
Colm Ward

"To ask the Manager as a matter of urgency to target in a structured way any business operating in the West Tallaght area who are being remiss in their responsibilities in terms of consistent cleansing, graffiti removal, litter picking etc, that this project to include businesses such as shops, takeaways, off-licences, privately rented houses, utility service providers, Dublin Bus etc. with a view to ensuring a culture of proper civic and corporate responsibility no matter where the business is operating in this county and to report back to councillors of this committee in two months?"

Qu (3)
Submitted by:
Councillor S. Crowe
Colm Ward

"To ask the manager in view of the obvious litter problem at Killinardan Shops will he outline what discussion he has had with local businesses owners and is there any plans to introduce any litter bins in the immediate area?"

Qu (4)
Submitted by:
Councillor S. Crowe
Colm Ward

"To ask the manager to agree to remove the litter and waste dumped into the river dodder at the rear of Cherryfield Traveller accomodation?"

Qu (5)
Submitted by:
Councillor J. Hannon
Maria O'Neill

"To ask the Manager to confirm what action has been taken to resolve the ongoing sewerage issues at *address supplied ?"

Qu (6)
Submitted by:
Councillor J. Neville
Colm Ward

" To ask the Manager to provide a number of litter bins along the pedestrian route adjacent to Kilnamanagh Community Centre?."

Qu (7)
Submitted by:
Councillor J. Neville
Colm Ward

" To ask the Manager to have arranged the immediate removal of the recent grafitti on the wooding fence, signs, power box, walls, etc on the Embankment Road near the M50 and will the Manager note the importance of the Embankment Road as a vehicular access to Tallaght?."

Qu (8)
Submitted by:
Councillor J. Neville
Colm Ward

" To ask the Manager to have arranged for the installation of litter bins at the following locations (1) outside the Cemetary gates at Tynan Hall. (2) on the Ballymount Road between Tynan Hall and Kingswood Ave. (3) on the Ballymount Road between Kingswood Ave and Belgard Road and (4) All Kingswood Ave and will the Manager note the appreciation felt by residents and the Residents Association following the installation  and successful use of litter bins at Kingswood Castle and Dunmore?."

Qu (9)
Submitted by:
Councillor K. Warren
Colm Ward

“To ask the Manager how many fines have been issued by  South Dublin County Council in respect of a violation of by-law “Presenting a waste container for collection with lid not securely closed”, and to list those areas where an alleged breach of the by-law has occurred in regard to this matter, and if he can confirm or deny the suggestion that only certain areas of Tallaght are being pin-pointed for this offence, and that the publication of all of the areas where the offence has occurred would greatly reduce suspicion that only certain areas are being highlighted, and if he will make a statement on the matter.”

Headed Items

H-I (2)
Submitted by:
Environmental Services
Maria O'Neill

Flooding at Knockmore Park

H-I (3)
Submitted by:
Environmental Services
Colm Ward

Report on Litter Management Plan 2008-2011

H-I (4)
Submitted by:
Environmental Services
Environmental Services


(no business received)


Cor (1)
Submitted by:
Environmental Services
Environmental Services


(no business received)


Mot (1)
Submitted by:
Councillor C. Jones
Colm Ward

Cathaoirleachs Business

That this committee calls for the manager to take urgent action to clean up and improve the area between the Bancroft Road entrance and Castle Park.

Mot (2)
Submitted by:
Councillor S. Crowe
Colm Ward

This committee calls on the  Manager to give a detailed report outlining the environmental and access works that need to be carried out along the River Dodder from Templeogue Bridge to the lands past the Mill in Tallaght  and will he  include in the report the litter and the finance needed in the report for   the removal of litter particularly at the rear of  the  Cherryfield housing.

Mot (3)
Submitted by:
Councillor C. King
Colm Ward

"That this Committee calls on the Manager to report on progress made as a result of the recent Council initiatives to tackle the litter problem in the Tallaght area and to include the progamme of additional works that have taken place as part of the recent initiatives".

Mot (4)
Submitted by:
Councillor M. Corr
Colm Ward

That the Manager outline why the Handcart operative provided for in previous budgets by the council has been removed from the Kiltalown/Jobstown area and indicate what measures have been put in place to cleanse this area since this resource withdrawal.

Mot (5)
Submitted by:
Councillor M. Murphy
Colm Ward

That the manager will arrange to clear the un-official dump site that has been in existance at the "Bishops Field" in Tymon North for some time.

Mot (6)
Submitted by:
Councillor C. Jones
Colm Ward

This committee calls for improvement in cleansing and the inclusion of litterbins in the car park of Castletymon library.

Mot (7)
Submitted by:
Councillor M. Murphy
Colm Ward

That the Manager will deploy four Litter Wardens in Tallaght next year to bring the number up to one per 20,000 population as is recommended by the Department of the Environment.

Mot (8)
Submitted by:
Councillor E. Maloney
Colm Ward

That this Committee be presented with a report on the proposed introduction of the Brown Compost Bin and the Pilot Scheme for the areas within the Tallaght Area Committee.

Mot (9)
Submitted by:
Councillor M. Corr
Colm Ward

That the Manager indicates if it was ever agreed by Councillors or the Environment SPC to roll back and abandon the practice of junk collections every two years to the RAPID estates in Tallaght (and countywide) as originally agreed at the Environment SPC of the 1/2/06 and adopted by the Council at the Council meeting of the 13/2/06, or if this was an action undertaken by the Manager without the sanction of the Council.



Qu (10)
Submitted by:
Councillor M. Corr
Hugh Hogan

To ask the Manager to check the feasability of providing additional badly needed high-quality open space in the McUlliam estate on the land currently set aside for future housing projects which, now seem very unlikely to proceed given the present economic downturn, in order that children who are currently resident in the estate can enjoy the same benefits of phasing of facilities that have been provided in areas such as Adamstown and presently in land rezoned at Garter Lane?

Qu (11)
Submitted by:
Councillor M. Corr
Paul Fleming

To ask the Manager to give a report on estate management activity within the Rossfield/Glenshane estates, indicating what projects are currently ongoing in terms of working with residents in relation to estate enhancement etc?

Qu (12)
Submitted by:
Councillor J. Hannon
Mary Hayes

"To ask the Manager to outline his policy with regard to the maintenance of gardens in dwellings rented by elderly tenants, and having regard to the fact that such tenants are unable to do so themselves?"

Qu (13)
Submitted by:
Councillor J. Neville
Marie Kennedy

" To ask the Manager for a detailed time-frame for the implementation of the Window Replacement & Cavity Insulation Programmes in the St.Aengus Parish area?."

Headed Items

H-I (5)
Submitted by:
Housing Administration
Paul Fleming

Report on Quarterly Statistics for Anti-social Behaviour

H-I (6)
Submitted by:
Housing Administration
Hugh Hogan, John Walsh

Housing Construction - The Castletymon Scheme

H-I (7)
Submitted by:
Housing Administration
Hugh Hogan

Report from Motion No. 3  at Tallaght ACM (2) on 22/09/2008

Driveways between 45 - 60 Fettercairn Road

H-I (8)
Submitted by:
Housing Administration
Housing Administration

Report on housing construction programme

H-I (9)
Submitted by:
Housing Administration
Zita Markey


H-I (10)
Submitted by:
Housing Administration
Housing Administration


(no business received)


Cor (2)
Submitted by:
Housing Administration
Housing Administration


A. Letter dated 2nd August, 2008, sent to IT Tallaght,  regarding a Headed Item passed at the Tallaght Area Committee Meeting of 15th September, 2008, in relation to the provision of a Residential Caravan Park at the Belgard Road site.

B. Letter dated 9th October, 2008, received from IT Tallaght, regarding a Headed Item passed at the Tallaght Area Committee Meeting of 15th September, 2008, in relation to the provision of a Residential Caravan Park at the Belgard Road site.


Mot (10)
Submitted by:
Councillor C. Jones
Eddie Conroy

Cathaoirleach's Business

This committee calls for footpath repairs to be carried out in the immediate vicinity of St. Aengus Community Centre as it is frequented by Senior Citizens and disabled people.

Mot (11)
Submitted by:
Councillor C. King
John Walsh

"That this Committee calls on the Manager to make a presentation at this meeting on the proposed Knockmore/Donomore infill scheme incorporating Bernardo's services, to clarify some issues that have arisen post part eight".

Mot (12)
Submitted by:
Councillor S. Crowe
Paul Fleming

This Council Committee agrees in view of the ongoing difficulties being experienced by residents  in the newly established  McUlliam Estate to have on site meeting in the immediate area

Mot (13)
Submitted by:
Councillor C. King
Paul Fleming

"That this Committee calls on the Manager to arrange for the erection of gates at 7 and 8 Cushlawn Place as the tenants are experiencing large scale anti-social activity in their front and back gardens as a result of the design of the cul-de-sac, while taking into consideration every other housing unit on Cushlawn Place has gates".

Mot (14)
Submitted by:
Councillor S. Crowe
Hugh Hogan

 This Council Committee recommends that a study be carried out in to rolls and the posssible  shortage of spaces in  schools in the Killinardan Parish area  before and new housing projests are agreed in the immediate area

Mot (15)
Submitted by:
Councillor M. Corr
Mick McCartan, Miriam Reilly

That the Manager outlines what actions have been or are being currently taken to speed up the tenanting of vacant houses in Council estates in Tallaght.



Qu (14)
Submitted by:
Councillor M. Corr
Billy Coman

"To ask the Manager to report on the delays in rolling out the CCTV scheme in Jobstown, Brookfield, Fettercairn and Killinarden - while appreciating that the CCTV scheme is not in the ownership of the Council and that other agencies are responsible for it's delivery the delays are having an extremely negative affect on the morale of residents in these communities?"

Qu (15)
Submitted by:
Councillor M. Corr
Billy Coman

"To ask the Manager to investigate the possibility of identifying a site/sites within the Jobstown area in order to facilitate the Golden Cobra Boxing Club and the 169th Dublin (Jobstown) Scout Group?"

Qu (16)
Submitted by:
Councillor J. Hannon
Billy Coman

"To ask the Manager to report on the provision of the Community Facility at Ballycragh Park, with an indication of timescale on commencement?"

Qu (17)
Submitted by:
Councillor C. King
Billy Coman

"To ask the Manager to provide updated details of the NABCO owned 'Community Facility' on Donomore Park which has been reported on twice this year but with no progress, leaving residents in it's vicinity to deal with the ongoing anti-social activity it attracts as a result of it being vacant?"

Qu (18)
Submitted by:
Councillor J. Neville
Billy Coman

" To ask the Manager for a detailed update on the refurbishment of Fettercairn Farm House, a time-frame for completion and opening and the proposed services to be provided?."

Headed Items

H-I (11)
Submitted by:
Community Services
Billy Coman

Application for Grants (if any)

H-I (12)
Submitted by:
Community Services
Ian Stobbart

Library News Events

H-I (13)
Submitted by:
Community Services
Community Services


(no business received)


Cor (3)
Submitted by:
Community Services
Community Services


(no business received)

Headed Items

H-I (14)
Submitted by:
Community Services
Community Services

Cathaoirleachs Business

(no business received)



Qu (19)
Submitted by:
Councillor M. Corr
Bill Kearney

"To ask the Manager to liaise with the Roads Department in order to ensure that bulb planting is carried out immediately on any grass verge areas on Phase 3 of the Outer Ring Road so that flowers will be evident for next Spring?"

Qu (20)
Submitted by:
Councillor S. Crowe
Bill Kearney

"To ask the Manager will he arrange for an investigation and removal of the tree outside numbers  9 & 10 Ambervale Estate as the roots are cracking garden walls, damaging the drain, the water main and  the ESB supply unit as well as creating a  physical danger to pedestrians?"

Qu (21)
Submitted by:
Councillor J. Hannon
Carmel O'Grady

"To ask the Manager to provide details of proposals to utilise the Dodder Linear Park for cycleways, and can he also indicate what, if any, contact has been made with neighbouring local authorities with a view to the provision of a continuous cycleway along the full extent of the Dodder?"

Qu (22)
Submitted by:
Councillor C. Jones
Carmel O'Grady

"To ask the manager about the possible alternatives to the existing location of a swing gate between Bancroft Park and Tymon North Gardens as its location is causing disturbance to surrounding residents?"

Qu (23)
Submitted by:
Councillor C. King
Bill Kearney

"To ask the Manager to arrange for the landscaping of the grass verge along Knockmore Park adjacent to the boundary of Killinarden Park as some parts of the verge have covered the foorpath completely?"

Qu (24)
Submitted by:
Councillor E. Maloney
Bill Kearney

"To ask the Manager when work will be compleated on the Childrens Playground at Watergate Park, Old Bawn?"

Qu (25)
Submitted by:
Councillor E. Maloney
Bill Kearney

"To ask the Manager to arrange the pruning of a tree in Watergate Park which is leaning on the wall and garage of *details attached? "        

Qu (26)
Submitted by:
Councillor J. Neville
Carmel O'Grady

"To ask the Manager to have arranged for the provision of a footpath at the green area between the Old Belgard Road and the Dale, Belgard Heights?  This area is used by a large number of residents walking to and from the Luas Station at Belgard Heights?"

Qu (27)
Submitted by:
Councillor J. Neville
Carmel O'Grady

" To ask the Manager to have arranged an inspection of the Dodder Valley Parklands at the rear of Morton's Pub as vehicular access is allowing motorbikes to enter the parklands with consequent noise pollution for nearby residents in Glenview Estate?."

Qu (28)
Submitted by:
Councillor K. Warren
Carmel O'Grady

‘To ask the manager to carry out an inspection on the trees in Avonbeg Park with a view to placing them on the pruning programme as they haven’t received treatment of this nature for many years and will he make a statement on the matter?’

Qu (29)
Submitted by:
Councillor K. Warren
Bill Kearney

“To ask the Manager when the much promised pathway off the open space between Sycamore and Forest in Kingswood Heights will be established by the Council as promised earlier this year, as a means of helping Luas passengers access their homes in a speedier fashion, and if he will make a statement on the matter?”

Qu (30)
Submitted by:
Councillor K. Warren
Carmel O'Grady

“To ask the Manager if consideration has been given to completely overhaul the existing grass verges and general appearance of the pathway running along the Embankment Road, closest to the perimeter of Kilnamanagh Close, and given the importance of this route onto Belgard Road, and the fact that the Luas tram has greatly enhanced the visual nature of the road, if funding can now be secured for the other side of the road, which is in a really poor condition since the installation of a new public path along this road some years ago, and if he will make a statement on the matter.”

Qu (31)
Submitted by:
Councillor K. Warren
Carmel O'Grady

“To ask the Manager, given the significance of Ballycullen Avenue as a main road artery in the Firhouse area, and given the fact that virtually no houses effectively adjoin this road, making it impossible for residents to cut the grass margins that exist in the road, if South Dublin County Council would now agree to cut these margins on a regular basis as they have become overgrown, and require maintenance, and if he will make a statement on the matter?”

Headed Items

H-I (15)
Submitted by:
Parks Department
Parks Department


(no business received)


Cor (4)
Submitted by:
Parks Department
Parks Department


(no business received)


Mot (16)
Submitted by:
Councillor C. Jones
Carmel O'Grady

Cathaoirleachs Business

This committee calls on the manager to give an update on the progress between the residents of  Parklands Court and the Council on the issue of anti-social behaviour in Ballycragh Park.

Mot (17)
Submitted by:
Councillor E. Maloney
Bill Kearney

That this Committee supports the provision of a full-time Park-warden at Watergate Park, Tallaght.

Mot (18)
Submitted by:
Councillor J. Hannon
Bill Kearney

That consideration be given to the introduction of Bye-Laws for the regulation, control, and use of off-road vehicles at Massey Woods, Cruagh, and Hell Fire Club lands.

Mot (19)
Submitted by:
Councillor S. Crowe
Bill Kearney

This Committeee calls on the manager to include  as part of any future works and in conjunction wiith local residents the establishment of flower and rock feature in front of the bridge and viaduct  (opposite Killinardan Park ) which has been used as an illegal site and dumping area into the river.

Mot (20)
Submitted by:
Councillor C. King
Bill Kearney

"That this Committee calls on the Manager to arrange for the small strip of grass verge outside 48 St Maelruains Park to be 'tarmaced' or concreted over as there is a very steep gradient which is unsuitable for mowing"

Mot (21)
Submitted by:
Councillor S. Crowe
Carmel O'Grady

This Committee calls on the manager to  investigate and resolve the difficulties being experienced by St Marks GAA Club Springfield ,Tallaght with  2 of the pitches allocated to them following the removal of the ditch running near them and  subsquent creating even worse flooding and water retention in the immediate area

Mot (22)
Submitted by:
Councillor M. Murphy
Carmel O'Grady

That the manager will investigate fitting a device on the bridge between the Square and Sean Walshe Park to prevent shopping trolleys being taken across the bridge.

Mot (23)
Submitted by:
Councillor S. Crowe
Bill Kearney

This Council agrees to call on the  manager   in view of the ongoing criminality  and anti social behaviour being experienced by residents in Ambervale Estate Springfield  agrees to erect a detterent on the railings at the Cookstown Road side  of the greenspace..

Mot (24)
Submitted by:
Councillor M. Murphy
Jim Kilgarriff

That the manager will instruct the contractor who cuts grass throughout the area that they will clear all footpaths of cut grass as wet grass is proving to be a major slip hazard.

Mot (25)
Submitted by:
Councillor J. Hannon
Brian Sheehan

That this Committee reiterates its support for the extension of the Dodder Linear Park from Oldbawn to Bohernabreena, and that the Manager brings forward proposals to give effect to this policy, which is enshrined in the current Development Plan.

Mot (26)
Submitted by:
Councillor E. Maloney
Carmel O'Grady

That this Committee requests that the Parks Dept., with the cooperation of An Garda investigate the public safety issues for residents living close to the Bonfire sites at Dodder Park, close to the tennis court, and at St. Maelruans Park / Old Bawn Road.

Mot (27)
Submitted by:
Councillor M. Corr
Bill Kearney

That the Manager compels Kelland Homes to remove the mounds of earth surrounding the railings at Sundale Green and Sundale Park on Fortunestown Lane - that this committee notes and congratulates the Parks Dept on the excellent and elaborate landscaping of the roundabout at this location which is warmly welcomed by the local community - this mounding is a source of great concern locally due to the danger it represents for pedestrians crossing the road and the detrimental affect it has on the visual amenity of the area.