Monday, October 20, 2008
QUESTION: Councillor M. Corr
To ask the Manager to give a report on estate management activity within the Rossfield/Glenshane estates, indicating what projects are currently ongoing in terms of working with residents in relation to estate enhancement etc?
The Estate Management Section is involved on an ongoing basis with both the Brookfield Environment Group and Glenshane / Rossfield Estate Management. In consultation with these groups, a number of Rapid Projects have been completed with the assistance of the Parks Department. These included the landscaping of open space between Glenshane Crescent / Rossfield Park and the removal of stub walls at Rossfield Crescent / Green.
On request from Resident Group members, Estate Management / Parks Dept. funded the installation of new goal posts / nets on Rossfield Green for the youth of the area.
The annual organised clean up of the estates, plus scrub planting was undertaken with the assistance of the Environment Group and the Council’s Environment Dept. Designated green and black wheelie bins were allocated to the Environment Group to assist in the on- going clean up of the estates.
In consultation with the Resident’s Group, Estate Management undertook a survey of street signage in Rossfield and Glenshane with the assistance of the Roads Dept. twenty new street and estate nameplates were erected this year.
Estate Management has engaged a contractor on a number of occasions, to cut grass verges / paint over graffiti in both Rossfield and Glenshane. It is hoped to maintain this support on an ongoing basis, funding permitting.
In April of this year, Estate management, in conjunction with Tallaght Youth Service and GAP, funded and supported an urban art mural in Glenshane Estate.
Estate Management has also targeted areas in Rossfield and Glenshane that are prone to Anti Social behaviour. The raising of boundary walls, and the erection of railings have been necessary at a number of locations through out the estates. There is a number of requests for remedial works that Estate Management / Allocation Support are currently dealing with in relation to vulnerable anti social areas, and it is hoped also to address these locations in the near future.