Headed Items
Confirmation & Re-affirmation of Minutes of Meeting held on 20th January, 2021
Libraries & Arts
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Library News & Events
Application for Arts Grants (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
Economic Development
"To ask the Chief Executive for an update on the conveyancing necessary to bring the Community Meeting Space in the Orchard Lodge Apartment Block, for which planning permission was granted seventeen years ago (SD03A/0271), into South Dublin County Council ownership and thus allow its fit out to commence?"
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
"That this Area Committee gets a full outline of the history and ownership of the public lands in Rathcoole adjacent to Rathcoole Park."
Performance & Change Management
"To ask the Chief Executive if the ecological surveys carried out on the SDCC owned Rathcoole Woodlands, Rathcoole Peoples Park, and the GAA owned lands as part of the master plan preparation or for any other purpose, found 'Priority Annex I habitat to 91E0 Alluvial forests with Alnus glutinosa and Fraxinus excelsior' and were there other annex habitats found on the same lands, and if so, what are they, and are there maps of same available?"
"To ask the Chief Executive for an update on the implementation of the various phases of the €5 million development of Corkagh Park, presented at the December 2019 County Council by the consultancy firm Tyréns?"
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
Corporate Support
"To ask the Chief Executive to set out, in a step by step form, the procedure which must be followed by the residents of Saggart to rectify the road names in Saggart village by way of a plebiscite, and any relevant paperwork which must be completed in order to have a plebiscite?"
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
Cathaoirleach's Business
"That this Committee acknowledges the allegations of egregious behaviour (rape and sexual assaults on male minors) made against a secondary school teacher now deceased, Domhnall Ó Lublaigh, who taught in Clondalkin between the 1970's and 1990's first at Coláiste Chrónáin (The Tech) and then at Coláiste Chilliain as well as having extensive involvement in the Coláiste na bhFiann Irish language Summer Schools. These matters have recently been highlighted in the TG4 investigation programme, Finné. This Committee calls on the Minister for Justice to release the Garda internal investigation into the cases brought against Ó Lublaigh, and also calls on the DDLETB and the Archbishop of Dublin to make a statement."
"That this Area Committee supports the Programme for Government aim to end Direct Provision. We commit to writing to the Minister for Justice to show our support and solidarity with all those living in Direct Provision and unite in a call to ask the Government to commit to a timeframe when Direct Provision will be ended by."
"This Area Committee expresses deep concern given the close proximity to our area, at the recent fire in 'Thorntons Recycling Plant and commends the emergency services for their prompt and efficient response. We call on the Chief Executive to request a full report from the Chief Fire Officer of any investigation that is carried out. That the findings of any report are made public and available to this Committee and South Dublin County Council for further scrutiny and to consider any recommendations on the control and operation of such facilities within the boundary's of South Dublin County Council."
That this Area Committee calls on the Minister for Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth to insert a paragraph amendment to the Civil Registration Act to give adopted people the right to access their birth certificates.The Amendment can be appended to any legislation currently being passed by the Oireachtas. The proposed text is as follows: "An tArd-Chláraitheoir shall on an application made in the prescribed manner by an adopted person, a record of whose birth is kept by an tArd-Chláraitheoir and who has reached the age of 18 years supply to that person on payment of the prescribed fee (if any) such information as is necessary to enable that person to obtain a certified copy of the record of his/her birth."
Water & Drainage
"To ask the Chief Executive to estimate the cost of engaging engineering consultants to explore options for placing a public viewpoint on top of the decommissioned Water Tower on Monastery Road in Clondalkin?"
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
Cathaoirleach's Business
"This Area Committee acknowledges the recent flooding in Corkagh Park and how the overflow drain on the West and North sides of the GAA pitches in Clondalkin Park has been engaged, and calls on the the Drainage Section of South Dublin County Council to brief members on the functioning of flood controls on the parts of Clondalkin that are in the Camac flood basin."
"That this Committee calls upon the Chief Executive to arrange a meeting with interested parties such as, and including concerned residents groups to discuss the apparent rising water levels in Corkagh Park with the purpose of explaining actions taken by South Dublin County Council to control the flow from the Camac and aimed at preventing flooding in the Clondalkin area."
Public Realm
"To ask the Chief Executive to produce a report for the discussion of the feasibility of the Council providing an addition dog run, specifically for small breed dogs within the confines of Corkagh Park?"
"That this Committee acknowledges the illuminated forest walk installed in December by DLRCC in Marlay Park. The 1km trail among the trees with twinkling Christmas lights is fully accessible for wheelchairs & buggies and is open from 4pm - 8pm Monday - Friday. To ask the Chief Executive what the possibility of creating such a walk in Corkagh Park for Winter 2021 would be?"
"To ask the Chief Executive if the amended motion below from the December 2020 meeting of the Clondalkin Area Committee has been put to the Environment, Public Realm & Climate Change Strategic Policy Committee and to outline what action/s will be taken, over what timeframe, and what is the purpose of the study and to provide a report on same. Amended Motion 'That the Environment, Public Realm & Climate Change Strategic Policy Committee initiates a study on the impact of 'Priority Annex I habitat to 91E0 Alluvial forests with Alnus glutinosa and Fraxinus excelsior' on all Council-owned lands proposed for housing in Rathcoole, with a view to incorporating the National Parks and Wildlife Service expertise and with a focus on Climate Action & Biodiversity.'
"To ask the Chief Executive for a report that gets South Dublin County Council to identify areas around Corkagh Park where native trees can be planted. There are still Avenues around the park that are bare and could be enhanced not to mention the depleated wood near the playground and of course the Famine Field. Will South Dublin County Council plant trees during this planting season in the park and how many?"
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Tree Maintenance Programme update
Correspondence (No Business)
"That this Area Committee supports the survivors of Church and State Mother and Baby and County Institutions and asks that the Parks Department look at a healing space/section within Corkagh Park to have a memorial space for survivors and the public to reflect on this dark part of our history and apply to the Department of Youth and Children for Funding to develop this healing space"
"That this Committee agrees that South Dublin County Council should carry out a clean up operation of rubbish and illegal dumping along the hedge rows and ditches along Alymer Road from Baldonnel Road up to main estate houses and that Litter Wardens should endeavour to ascertain those who are responsible."
"To ask the Chief Executive for a report into ongoing dumping in car park of Main Street? What can the Council do to ensure a long term solution?"
"To ask the Chief Executive what monitoring of fire safety standards and environmental controls are carried out on Waste Treatment Plants within the South Dublin County Council Area?"
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Bi-annually Report on Litter Management Plan
Correspondence (No Business)
"To ask the Chief Executive to issue a report into Tidy Towns and who is over this from South Dublin County Council? Also can the Executive confirm that all allocated Tidy Towns budget will go to Tidy Towns this year? What the budget is and how many Tidy Towns groups there are?
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Deputations (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
"That this Committee agrees that South Dublin County Council shall put in place a traffic management plan for the Lindisfarne Part-8 recently approved and that all site access should take place from Lock View Road and that this should be included in the tendering documentation."
"To ask the Chief Executive to issue an update report into the vacant houses on Station Road. What can South Dublin County Council do to get these into Housing?"
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Housing Supply Report
Correspondence (No Business)
"That this Area Committee requests that South Dublin County Council Housing liaise with the 4 Districts Day Care Centres and the HSE in looking at older persons housing beside the day centre that would provide holistic care for prospective residents, an initial feasibility study is done, and a report is brought back to the Area Committee."
To ask the Chief Executive what developments if any have been permitted at Cappaghmore, Clondalkin (address provided).
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
"That this Area Committee calls for a report on planning enforcement complaints in the Clondalkin LEA and requests an update on their status and any enforcement letters issued."
"To ask the Chief Executive if Council can improve the traffic control at the junction of Fonthill Road and Cherrywood Ave by offering a priority access from Cherrywood Ave during peak traffic times?"
"To ask the Chief Executive what his long term view is on the feasibility of banning HGV traffic from Newcastle Village given the noise pollution, air pollution, dirt, danger and traffic nuisance they cause to residents there?"
"To ask the Chief Executive to issue a report into the Woodford Roundabout and to answer when will it be made safe? When will it be finished? To consider to put signage up if it can't be finished due to Covid 19?"
"To ask the Chief Executive if there are plans to resurface roads in the Clondalkin LEA to correct the damage and infill work that has taken place as a result of works being carried out by ESB and other service providers along ' New' Nangor Road and the Fonthill Road (from Newlands Cross - to Nangor Road)?"
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Proposed Declaration of Roads to be Public Roads (No Business)
2021 Roadworks, Footpath and Cycle Track Programme.
Draft Control of Parking Bye Laws 2021 - Proposed Material alteration - Saggart & Newcastle Villages
Report on Public Consultatation on Material Alteration to Control of Parking Bye Laws 2021 - Monastery Park/Monastery Drive, Clondalkin
Cathaoirleach's Business
"That this Area Committee thanks Irish Rail for the upkeep of the pedestrian and cycle route from the Ninth Lock Road to Clondalkin Fonthill Train Station, and calls on them and Transport Infrastructure Ireland to place a sign post on the Ninth Lock Road to indicate the route to the train station to passers by."
"That this Area Committee calls on the Chief Executive to repair the footpaths in Monastery Estate."
"That this Area Committee request that South Dublin County Council put a traffic management plan in place for Newcastle Main Street and that a report is brought back to this Committee as a matter of urgency. There are several issues of speeding and kerbs that are at the same level of the road and there is huge concerns that someone may be killed on this road due to safety issues."
"That this Area Committee calls for a report into traffic calming measures in Newcastle Village, and asks the Council to take any and all steps necessary to divert traffic bound for Greenogue away from Newcastle Village."
"That this Area Committee requests the repair and up keep of the Nangor Road."
"That this Area Committee: gets a detailed report on how SDCC are dealing with congested traffic issues and the disruption HGV's are causing to the village in Newcastle. • There are an excessive amount of large vehicles travelling through the village. I believe this is because of the Greenogue industrial estate. They are using our village as a shortcut to the N4. The road that the industrial estate is supposed to use, is a narrow winding country road. The drivers use our village as a shortcut because it is easier for them. We are suffering from environmental pollution, noise pollution, and safety issues because of this and the residents in the village are at breaking point. • It is very scary and intimidating to walk around the village when HGVS is traveling at speed. I have often had to move back and pull my child or pets out of the way for fear of them getting too close. • There are several speed bumps and uneven road on Main Street. When large vehicles travel through the village it is extremely noisy as they bang and rattle. We are constantly disturbed by the noise, especially at night, through the night, and early in the morning. My family has often been awoken by the banging of trucks at unreasonable times. • The amount of dirt on the footpaths is getting worse. One of the reasons this is happening is dirt spraying when large vehicles fly through the village."
"That this Area Committee calls on the Chief Executive to install lighting in Burgage Gardens, Newcastle. (address provided)"
"That this Area Committee calls on Transport Infrastructure Ireland to install secure parking options for cyclists at the Red Cow Luas Station."