Headed Items
Confirmation & Re-affirmation of Minutes of Meeting of 21st October, 2018.
"To ask the chief Executive when the pothole reported at the rear of Neilstown Shopping Centre will be filled in?"
"Can I get a list of completed and ongoing lighting upgrades for our area?"
"To ask the Chief Executive to confirm the Road's Depot plans in this area, and share the contingency analysis which cover the road clearing and gritting plans for extreme weather conditions which have impacted us very significantly in the last two years and are on the rise?"
"To ask the Chief Executive for a report to be provided on an update on opening up a pedestrian walkway between Alpine Estate-Fonthill Road, which planning was agreed by Council in 2015."
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Proposed Declaration of Roads to be Public Roads (No Business)
'Winter Maintenance Plan 2018 - 2019'
Proposed Permeability Schemes Clondalkin
Correspondence (No Business)
Cathaoirleach's Business
"That this Area Committee calls on South Dublin County Council to do a full review of Health and Safety in relation to Traffic in Newcastle. Also to look at HGV vehicles and look at below to see if there is a possibility of school time. Heavy HGV Vehicles could be banned and bring a report back to the area meeting. Also to look at the traffic congestion being experienced currently in Athgoe/Newcastle and the weight limit of the Hazel Hatch Bridge on the R405. The level of very heavy artic trucks that use it is not right. It causes chaos when two trucks meet as there is very little room to maneuver to get past each other.’’
(Possible routes - N7 to N4- so they go through the Village. Instead they could take the exit off the N7 at Corkagh Park and drive straight down the link road to the N4. Some may also be coming from Greenogue Industrial Estate- and may want to get to N4. Also they could take the road down the back of the Industrial Estate that brings them out close to where Baldonnel/ Grangecastle and drive through Lucan to get to the N4 or they can also get to the link Road near Clondalkin as mentioned above- by taking the same road at back of Industrial Estate).
"That this committee gets a comprehensive traffic management report for the village of Rathcoole and it's surrounds and any proposals to increase flow through the village during peak times."
"That the Chief Executive gives an update on the western orbital route in this electoral area. Can we get a large scale map as any maps we have seen don't give the full picture. How will the manager address noise pollution between the road and existing houses / buildings? What is the deadline for this development?"
In reference to a previous motion I tabled in February this year which asked "Can the Chief Executive provide a report for discussion on opening up pedestrian permeability routes from Foxdene, Miele an Ri and Tor an Ri to the 9th Lough Road (Thomas Omar Road)for pupils who attend Kishoge Community College."
Can I get an up to date report on the progress of this matter, including if the Council sought funding from the NTA to open this permeability?
"That this Area Committee agrees to contact the NRA and Transdev in order to request that an extra stop would be added to the Luas Line to serve the communities in Fox and Geese, Killeen Cottages and Camac Park. This extra stop would also serve many workers in the retail and industrial units in this area."
"That this Committee agrees that the footpath replacement and adequate tree maintenance takes place in tandem in the Oatfield Estate and that a date is furnished for those works to take place."
"That this Area Committee looks into parking issues within Monastery Rise."
"To ask the Chief Executive for a report into two local structures 1) RIC Barracks and 2) St Joseph's Graveyard and where South Dublin County Council is at with both and what is planned for the future for both and how they can be preserved?"
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
"That this Area Committee agrees that local groups such as the History Society, Tidy Towns and Residents Groups should be consulted before any plans are drawn up to install gateways features for Clondalkin Village."
Economic Development
"To ask the Chief Executive if the Council own the plot of land between St Kevin's Community College and the Clondalkin/Lucan Addiction Clinic beside the roundabout on the Fonthill Road (highlighted in blue on map attached)
If yes, has the council got any plans for this land?
If no, can the Chief Executive contact the owner and ask what plans they have for this land as it is currently an eyesore?
Is mise"
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
Libraries & Arts
"To ask the Chief Executive to report on how Clondalkin Library will mark and what will be done to mark the 100 years since World War I and to ask that men who died from Clondalkin are included in any such display?"
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Library News & Events
Application for Arts Grants (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
Cathaoirleach's Business
"That this Area Committee asks that Clondalkin Library marks Irelands 100th years anniversary (December 14th) of women's first vote and this should acknowledge woman that have served as TDs , Senators and Councillors in the Clondalkin area This should also acknowledge the 100 year anniversary of the election of Ireland's first female member of parliament - Countess Markiewicz."
Corporate Support
That the Chief Executive to issue a report in relation to the following issues firstly talk that the Ballymount Depot is to be closed, with operations moving to Deansrath in Clondalkin. Can you confirm or deny this? Also to ask that the community be updated on these Park Depot plans, timelines and the cost to benefit analysis which proves there will not be any reduction in any service level or standard?
"To ask the Chief Executive to write to the Department of Education asking them to place traffic poles along the centre of the road outside St.Finian's National School, Newcastle, Co.Dublin?
This will hinder people doing u-turns and make the area a lot safer for children and parents alike."
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Have Your Say Quarterly Report
Cathaoirleach's Business
"That this Area Committee welcomes the extension of the Direct Provision centre Known as the Towers to June 2019, we commit writing to the Minister for Justice and the Reception & Integration Agency (RIA) to ask that a plan is put in place to deal with the closure of this centre and that immediate supports are put in place for all the people living in the centre.
We also again condemn the system known as Direct Provision and ask that the minister bring this to the cabinet table and a more friendly and welcoming reception system is put in place as a matter of urgency."
Performance & Change Management
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
Water & Drainage
"To ask the Chief Executive what measures are in place to address the Crayfish Plague in the River Camac?"
Headed Items
Dublin Urban Rivers LIFE - Report
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
Public Realm
"To ask the Chief Executive if assistance can be given to clean the section of laneway between Common's Road and St John's Park East and to keep the laneway clear of litter."
"Can I have a copy of the report showing why the land in front of the Parks Depot is unsuitable for development as a carpark?"
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
Cathaoirleach's Business
"That this Committee asked that South Dublin County Council to look at 3 Kerb-Sort trucks to be trialled on a 12 month basis as detailed below in response to the need for recycling banks that are proving very difficult to find suitable locations
(Cost price is approx.. €200,000 or hiring is approx. €35,000 per annum. The savings made on collecting, transporting and disposal of illegal dumped waste would be massive.)
"That we agree to trim the long grass at the cluster of trees at the entrance to Boot Road please"
"That this Area Committee commends the work done in resurfacing the car park at Clondalkin Leisure Centre and the levelling and reseeding of the river bank at this location. Could a series of steps be installed at this location so that it might be possible for people to sit and admire the river here?"
"That this Area Committee requests the installation of park benches in Rathcoole Park at the location of each playspace attraction (maximum of 3 benches being asked for)."
"That this Area Committee agrees that, as agreed at the September Area Committee Meeting, a full report and discussion is held regarding the Tree Maintenance Programme in Clondalkin."
"That this Area Committee agrees that the Chief Executive provide a report on the play space programme for North Clondalkin for discussion and that any monies left over in the programme is ring fenced for the already agreed play space in Collinstown Park."
"That this Committee agrees that the clean up of all the Estates in North Clondalkin is completed before the end of the calendar month."
"That the Chief Executive agrees to closely monitor Corkagh Park large dogs attacking smaller dogs. A small dog was recently murdered by another dog. This is unacceptable. This committee must apologies to the dog's owners and send on our sympathy. Can the Chief Executive outline how many dogs we know have been killed from other dogs in Corkagh Park in 2017/2018?"
"That this Committee agrees that all the Estates in the North Clondalkin Area are added to the 'live list' for road sweeping relating to leaves."
"That this committee contacts and arranges meetings with North & East Housing Association in relation to anti social behaviour queries at Westbourne Estate."
"To ask the Chief Executive for a list of all the vacant Council properties in the North Clondalkin catchment area?"
"To ask the Chief Executive to issue a report in relation to the Oldcastle site and what the delay is and how this will be progressed and what other part 8 's are proposed for the Clondalkin Area?"
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Update on Social Housing Development at Balgaddy F
Correspondence (No Business)
"In relation to new housing builds in Lealand, that the Chief Executive directs the construction company in Lealand Estate to clean the road and site entrance and properly hoard off the area to prevent dust sweep."
"That this Area Committee agrees that all outstanding works agreed with the residents of St Mark's Green are further committed to and completed by the end of the calendar year."
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Deputations for Noting
Cathaoirleach's Business
"That this Area Committee request an update report on the provision for a community space as in the original Integrated Area Plan on Orchard Lane and where the title for ownership is at and when this may be resolved through the Law Department. Has a costing been done to bring unit to a basic standard and when will this be done so that it could be developed into a Senior Citizens Community Hub? Has any thought been given to future use?"
"That this Committee recognises the enormous achievements of our local Tidy Towns Groups and commends the volunteerism that has ensured our villages look so well and were commended by the National Tidy Towns Competition."
"In Budget 2018, the government announced an additional allocation of 6.5m euro for drug-related actions but this is just one off funding and is inefficient to support the strategic and sustainable investment in local services in Clondalkin.
This Committee calls for the 2019 budget to provide for the restoration of the Drugs and Alcohol Task Force budgets to pre-austerity 2008 levels."
"Residents of Clondalkin who are 55+ currently travel in to Dublin City Council to avail of discounted rates for Community Centres, Gyms, Swimming pools etc provided by Dublin City Council.
This Committee calls on the same practice to be implemented in South Dublin County Councils facilities so that residents of Clondalkin can avail of this discount in their own area."