Wednesday, November 21, 2018
MOTION: Councillor F. Timmons
Cathaoirleach's Business
"That this Area Committee calls on South Dublin County Council to do a full review of Health and Safety in relation to Traffic in Newcastle. Also to look at HGV vehicles and look at below to see if there is a possibility of school time. Heavy HGV Vehicles could be banned and bring a report back to the area meeting. Also to look at the traffic congestion being experienced currently in Athgoe/Newcastle and the weight limit of the Hazel Hatch Bridge on the R405. The level of very heavy artic trucks that use it is not right. It causes chaos when two trucks meet as there is very little room to maneuver to get past each other.’’
(Possible routes - N7 to N4- so they go through the Village. Instead they could take the exit off the N7 at Corkagh Park and drive straight down the link road to the N4. Some may also be coming from Greenogue Industrial Estate- and may want to get to N4. Also they could take the road down the back of the Industrial Estate that brings them out close to where Baldonnel/ Grangecastle and drive through Lucan to get to the N4 or they can also get to the link Road near Clondalkin as mentioned above- by taking the same road at back of Industrial Estate).
Health and Safety in relation to traffic in Newcastle is subject to ongoing scrutiny and review. Measures to enhance safety for all road users have been implemented throughout Newcastle over the past number of years.
A Local Area Plan for Newcastle was adopted in 2012 following extensive public consultation. The LAP ensures that zoned lands are developed in a co-ordinated manner including a 6 year road plan in which the Main Street is a backbone of movement for the village and to provide alternative routes for pedestrians, cyclists and vehicles in a manner that links each neighbourhood directly with the village core and between neighbourhoods.
Hazel Hatch Bridge is under the control of Waterways Ireland. However, NTA paid for the installation of traffic lights on the canal bridge as part of the establishment of a bus route from Maynooth College to Tallaght to address the issue you raise. South Dublin County Council acknowledge that the R405 has a finite width south of the bridge and this road cannot be widened without land acquisition. Furthermore there is no objective in the CDP 2016-2022 to upgrade it.
Newcastle Village is located on the R120 (Lucan - Newcastle - Rathcoole Road). As indicated in the policy document "The Mobility and Management of Heavy Goods Vehicles on South Dublin County Road Network" the R120 is part of the Strategic Road Network. At present there is no suitable route for accommodation of diverted traffic. However, it is intended to look at the possibility of a trial being undertaken of a partial HGV restriction when the R120/R134 (Newcastle Road/Nangor Road) improvement scheme is complete in 2019. This will be subject to detailed traffic surveys being undertaken and consultation with relevant stakeholders including the Garda Commissioner.