Headed Items
a) Minutes of Meeting of South Dublin County Council, 10th January 2011
b) Minutes of Annual Budget Meeting, 21st December 2010 (deferred from January Council meeting)
(all circulated herewith)
a) Rathfarnham Area Committee – 11th January 2011
Dealing with Environment, Housing, Roads, Planning, Development & Parks, Corporate & Library Services, Community
(no report)
b) Tallaght Area Committee (1) – 17th January 2011
Dealing with Environment, Community, Housing
(no report)
c) Clondalkin Area Committee – 19th January 2011
Dealing with Community (1 report - Community Grants), Environment, Housing, Roads, Planning, Development & Parks, Corporate Services & Libraries
(circulated herewith)
d) Tallaght Area Committee (2) - 24th January 2011
Dealing with Roads, Planning, Development & Parks, Corporate & Library Services
(no report)
e) Lucan Area Committee – 25th January 2011
Dealing with Community, Environment, Housing, Roads, Planning, Development & Parks, Corporate Services & Libraries
(no report)
a) Calendar of Meeting Dates (March - April 2011)
b) Report on Conferences/Seminars
c) Report on Strategic Support for Business and Employment
(all circulated herewith)
a) Sports, Recreation, Community & Parks Strategic Policy Committee
(i) Report of Meeting 02nd February 2011
(ii) Minutes of Meeting 17th November 2010
(all circulated herewith)
b) Environment Strategic Policy Committee
i) Report of Meeting 07th February 2011
(ii) Minutes of Meeting 15th November 2010
(all circulated herewith)
(no reports)
To ask the Manager in view of the growing demand for water in the County will the Manager outline the investment and upgrading programme proposed by this and other Dublin local authorities and if the modernisation of the current water treatment centres will dramatically increase the supply situation?
To ask the Manager to make a statement on the Council's approach to refurbishing Council housing stock which becomes vacant:-
(a) Is such housing stock always renovated?
(b) If so why and could some such properties be left unchanged making money available for housing repairs elsewhere?
To ask the Manager to outline what South Dublin County Council's response is and will be to people who, because they are unable to repay their mortgage, have to give up their homes and therefore are in need of Social Housing?
To ask the Manager to provide an update on the Boherboy Water Scheme to include projected completion date, additional costs, if any, arising from the demise of the main contractor, and how, in these circumstances, it is proposed to complete the Scheme through the appointment of another contractor or otherwise
To ask the Manager to report on increases in the number of householders who are in receipt of mortgage assistance from the Council owing to low income?
To ask the Manager if there have been any applications for declarations under section 5 of the Planning and Development Act 2000 and have any of these related to works to have the external walls of a house insulated and have any declarations been made that the works were not an exempted development and if the Manager will make a statement on the matter?
To ask the Manager to report on the rights and responsibilities of local authorities with respect to the creation of new rights-of-ways in the context of the recent High Court ruling on the Lissadell case?
To ask the Manager to report on the total number of residential units for which commencement notices were lodged with the Building Control Authority during 2010?
To ask the Manager to provide further detail on the council’s planned investigation of the strategic options available in waste collection and disposal and its testing of the market to establish which option will be most beneficial to the Council and the customer?
To ask the Manager to report on recent meetings with the council’s green bin contractor regarding service problems that arose during the adverse weather condition in December/January?
To ask the Manager to further update on the council’s Work Placement Programme and to advise of any consideration being given to introducing community-employment and/or training schemes directed at outdoor work areas?
To ask the Manager to report on how and when the elected members will be consulted regarding the roll-out of the ‘Public Realm Transformation Initiative’ during 2011 noting that €300,000 is allocated in Budget 2011 and that a further €180,000 not expended in 2010 was transferred to capital reserves and is also available for expenditure in 2011?
To ask the Manager for an update on the review to the service provided by Dublin Fire Brigade, and to make a statement on the matter.
To ask the Manager to report on any contact with the "Local Government Efficiency Review Group," and to make a statement on the matter.
To ask the Manager to provide a report on the Higher Education Grants Scheme for the current academic year, detailing the numbers applying, the numbers processed, comparisons to previous years, the performance of new systems and any planned changes for the coming academic year in light of the advanced status of the Student Support Bill in the Oireachtas.
To ask the Manager if, noting that Motion (3) was passed by the Council at its December 2010 meeting, he will give a report on the present position of the strategic review of the options available for the continued provision by the Council of a Household Bin collection service by direct labour, and if he will report to members on what measures and actions have been considered, and where appropriate discussed with the Trades Unions representing staff, to improve the performance of the current Black and Brown Bin systems, including the possibility of using trucks which can collect Black and Brown Bins together, alternative options to the existing alternating Black and Brown Bin schedules, the potential to achieve more efficiency in the management and work practices at present being implemented, and the verification measures implemented to ensure that only householders who meet the household income waiver conditions are in receipt of waivers?
To ask the Manager for an updated report on the review being carried out of the Council's Five Year Playground Programme, and if, as Part of that review, he will examine the option of a revised programme which includes, as well as the provision of regional and local playgrounds, the possibility of the Council working with local residents groups to provide small local play facilities in selected areas on estate open spaces, small parks, where local residents might be prepared to contribute to the financial resources required to provide equipment and the management of such small playgrounds?
To ask the Manager if he will approach owners of land zoned for residential and industrial development in the County to discuss with them the possibility of parts of their lands being used for the provision of temporary/short term allotments, under low or zero rent lease agreements which would allow land owners to move quickly on the development of their lands when the economic situation improves in coming years?
To ask the Manager if he will provide members with data that show, on an Electoral Area Basis, trends in presentation rates of Black and Brown Bins since the full implementation of the Brown Bin Service, and if he can advise members on how this Council is in compliance with the Government order requiring reduction of waste presented for land fill, and if he can provide compatative information for other local authorities, including LAs which have outsourced their household waste collection system, and LAs which have not?
To ask the Manager if he will advise on the expenditure on traffic calming schemes/projects, by Electoral Area, in the last two years, and if in view of the shortage of funds for traffic calming, he will examine the feasibility of implementing small scale (eg one or two ramps, or other appropriate road alteration measures) at locations where there are significant safety risks, as opposed to the large scheme approach of recent years, which are now not financially viable on a County wide basis?
1. An mbeadh Plean Éigeandála ag an gComhairle dá dtarlofaí dóiteán mór nó beag sa chontae, agus an mbeadh dóthan uisce ar fáíl don Bhriogáid Dóiteáin Bhaile Átha Cliath i gcás srianta/ciorraithe uisce curtha i bhfeidhm ag an gComhairle, mar a tharla an mhí seo caite?
2. An bhfuil Prótocail ann don chás seo ?
3. An bhfuil siad ar eolas ag daoine sa Bhriogáid Dóiteáin agus sa Chomhairle Contae?
(1. Does the Council have an Emergency Plan in the event of a large or small fire in the County that enough water would be available to the Dublin Fire Brigade in case of cuts or water restrictions being in place, as happened last month.
2. Do Protocols exist for such a case?
3. Are they known to people in the Council and Fire Brigade?)
Cad iad na gníomhartha a bheidh ar siúl chun Lá Fhéile Pádraig a cheilliúradh sa Chontae?
(What are the activities planned for St Patrick's Day in the County?)
Headed Items
(all circulated herewith)
b) Disposal of Fee Simple Interest in Former Local Authority Dwellings - 3 dwellings
(circulated herewith)
c) Proposed Lease of Pavilion and Carpark at Mill Lane, Palmerston, Dublin 20 to the Trustees of Palmerstown Rangers Football Club
(circulated herewith)
a) Proposed Disposal of Affordable Dwellings
(no report)
(circulated herewith)
(no report)
(circulated herewith)
(circulated herewith)
Letter, dated 11th January 2011, from Minister for Enterprise, Trade & Innovation regarding motion passed in relation to Minimum Wage
Letter, dated 27th January 2011, from Minister for Communications regarding motion passed in relation to Universal Services Obligation
Correspondence from DoEHLG regarding Training & Development for Elected Members on the Planning & Development (Amendment) Act 2010 (half-day seminar on morning of 11th April in Dublin Castle)
Letter dated 8th February, from Department of Community, Equality and Gaeltacht Affairs regarding the National Drugs Strategy.
Letters, dated 21st December 2010, from Donegal County Council regarding (i) An Post and (ii) Undocumented Irish
Letter, dated 23rd December 2010, from Limerick County Council regarding Planning Applications.
Letter, dated 5th January 2011, from Monaghan Town Council regarding Bulk LPG Market
Letters, by email dated 12th January 2010, from South Tipperary County Council regarding (i) Postal Service and (ii) Sugar Industry
Letter, by email dated 13th January 2011, from Clonmel Borough Council regarding the Postal Service
Email, dated 14th January, from Castlebar Town Council, regarding policies in Primary and Secondary School.
Email, dated 14th January 2011, from Castlebar Town Council condemning mortgage rate increases
Letter, by email dated 26th January 2011, from North Tipperary County Council regarding Postal Services in Ireland
Letter, dated 01st February 2011, from National Transport Authority regarding motion passed in relation to Dublin Bus fares increase
Mayor's Business
That this Council give due consideration to the results of a survey conducted by a resident of the County to establish the views/experiences of senior citizens in relation to our Grey and Brown Bin collection. 52 pensioners were surveyed and replies from 47 were received: Details attached.
Mayor's Business
That the elected members of this Council opposes any decision to privatise the bin collection service.
We oppose any loss of jobs from the bin service and believe that privatisation of the bin collection service will lead to a more expensive service for the householder.
That the Manager will give a report on the progress of the Social Housing Leasing Scheme within the County.
That this Council requests the Manager to present a detailed report to form the basis for discussion with the elected member on proposals to improve the management of the public realm in our county, including the need for improved and more regular litter-cleansing and grass-cutting services and the need to pursue greater coordination and innovative working arrangements between council departments and noting the provision of funding in the adopted budget for 2010 for ‘public realm transformation’.
That South Dublin County Council enacts the Parks Bye-Laws so that the Gardai can enforce them.
That this Council agrees to introduce a Freefone 1800 Litter Line Number to facilitate the public in contacting the Council to report illegal dumping. This new initiative is in response to the growing environmental issues, including increased dumping and fly-tipping, and will encourage and facilitate more residents to support this Councils efforts to resolve this menace, including providing additional support to the work of our litter wardens throughout South Dublin. Further the public launching of this project will give new hope to the residents of this county for a cleaner environment to the future.
That this Council recommends that South Dublin county Council signs up to The Covenant of Mayors which is a commitment by signatory towns and cities and counties to go beyond the objectives of EU energy policy in terms of reduction in CO2 emissions through enhanced energy efficiency and cleaner energy production and use.
That this Council contacts the Department of Environment & Local Government and asks them how much money is granted to the NRA from the Government? From the government through the National Development Plan? From the EU? In general how much money do they get for free? Is it a case that the NRA should be abolished and its functions brought back under the Department of Transport?
That the Manager would present a detailed report for discussion on the range of supporting services this Council provides for our youth and children in the areas of sport, music, play, social, drama and the arts, indoor and in our parks. At a time of deep recession many families in this county appreciate these services, and would the Manager set out what services can be developed or extended for the benefit of the many young people and families of this county, and would the Manager also consider producing an A-Z of free facilities available for the families of this county, hard copy or electronically?
That a report be brought to this committee re road margins and open spaces owned or maintained by this council where youths congregrate for drinking and drugging activities resulting in debris (needles and broken bottles) being discarded on these spaces to the danger of young children, my query is to ascertain whose responsibility is the removal of this detritus.
Recognising that the State Pension and associated supports form a crucial safety net for the elderly, and recognising that over 84% of older people in Ireland rely on the public pension and related supports to keep them from the risk of poverty, and believing that the State Pension must not suffer any cuts, direct or indirect, in the next budget, this Council declares its support for the campaign to Defend the State Pension organised by the Older and Bolder Alliance and calls on the Taoiseach and the Government to make a long term commitment to a fair and secure State Pension now and in the future.
That the Manager outline as a result of the revenue deficit as projected in this years budget what departments and areas in departments will suffer cutbacks and can the Manager confirm if cutbacks will total €7m between now and end of Dec 2010?
Specifically can the Manager outline what programmes will have all funding stopped and or partially withdrawn in Parks, Roads and Housing?
That this Council rejects the Government proposal in the 4 Year Plan to introduce a course fee of €200 for students on PLC courses, requests the Manager to convey this view to the Minister for Education and Skills, and also to convey to the Minister the view of this Council that the cap on the number of PLC places should be lifted for September 2011 to allow County Dublin VEC to increase its intake of PLC students, and the number of PLC courses it provides, in view of the very high levels of unemployment amongst young adults, between 18 and 25 years old, in the County.
That this Council considers the merits and legality of introducing bye laws requiring house occupiers to clear snow from driveways and footpaths in front of their homes
This Council calls on the Manager to give a report naming the estates in the South Dublin County Council area that have not been included in the nightly or daily water cuts to service as part of the response to the reduction in supply difficulties and outline the rational between one estate being effected since before Christmas and other areas seemingly having a full but reduced pressure service.
That this Council, recognising the enormous environmental, health, and tourism benefits of the approx 5,000 acres of publicly-run forest areas in the Dublin Mountains area, along with the excellent co-operation between this Council, Coillte and the Dublin Mountains Partnership in creating a fantastic amenity for local residents, supports the continued public ownership of Coillte and opposes any attempts to privatise the company.
Go gcinnteoidh gach ball den gComhairle seo go mbainfidh a bpáirtí polaitiúil gach postaer agus gach Ábhar toghchánaíochta anuas i gceart Ó na cuallí solais agus Ó mhaoin eile na Comhairle agus nach bhfágfaidh aon rian den Ábhar sin orthu; na ceanglóirí plaisteacha go háirithe, tar Éis an olltoghcháin atá le teacht an mhí seo agus go n-úsáidfaidh sé/sí deimheas crann chun na críche sin.
(That each member of this Council will ensure that their political party removes every poster and electioneering material from the lampposts and other Council property and that no trace of this material is left on them, especially the plastic binders, after the forthcoming election and that Garden Secateurs be used for such purposes.)
That this Council invites the Chief Executive of the HSA (Health & Safety Authority) Martin O'Halloran to present a report to this Chamber on the impact of HSA regulations and Guidelines on this Council in relation to Road Maintenance and grass cutting etc and the interpretations of these regulations by the City and County Manager's Association.
This Council calls on the Manager to investigate whether New York has dog friendly areas in public parks; if so, how they operate, and whether we could use a similar system in our parks so as to avoid the problem of dog fouling.
That this council discuss the result of the talks that have taken place with NAMA and the County and City Managers Associations re the shortfall in development levies - taking into consideration that Councils issue the certificate of compliance which can only be issued when development contributions are paid to the satisfaction of the local authority. That the course of action to be taken on each development in the SDCC area be discussed and agreed with this council, this discussion to take place with the aid of an up to date report on outstanding development levies of circa 34m broken down into (a) not developed (b) partially developed (c) completed developments; as levies are only collectable on completed works, and to state the current economic value of outstanding levies.
That this council recommends that the Manager, in accordance with section 3 of Control of Horses Act 1996, designates inspectors from the Dublin SPCA as 'Authorised Officers' as defined by the Act, for the purpose of supporting South Dublin County Council in meeting it's responsibilities under the Act and to allow the DSPCA to more effectively undertake its duties in relation to horse welfare.
That this Council considers the merits and legality of introducing bye laws requiring house occupiers to clear snow from driveways and footpaths in front of their homes to maintain the grass verges in front of their homes
That an update be given re Geothermal site at Greenogue Newcastle.
That the Manager will identify potential sources to provide assistance to householders who are in need of replacing lead service pipes at their homes. Further that the Manager will report on the extent of the problem where service pipes are not buried to the 45cm specification.
That this Council, noting that in other countries many Local and Regional Governments have put in place and are implementing Climate Change Adaptation Strategies, requests the Manager to write to the Minister for Environment, Heritage and Local Government, urging the Minister to publish, at the earliest possible date, a National Climate Change Adaptation Strategy, promised by Government in 2007, so that this Council, and neighbouring Local Authorities, can develop local and regional policies on Adaptation for inclusion in their overall Climate Change Policies.