Monday, February 14, 2011
QUESTION: Councillor E. Tuffy
To ask the Manager if he will approach owners of land zoned for residential and industrial development in the County to discuss with them the possibility of parts of their lands being used for the provision of temporary/short term allotments, under low or zero rent lease agreements which would allow land owners to move quickly on the development of their lands when the economic situation improves in coming years?
It is the policy of the Council to support the development of allotment facilities throughout the County.
Section 1.3.41 of the South Dublin County Council Development Plan 2010 - 2016 on allotments, states that there are 245 allotments allocated throughout the County, in Corkagh Park, Clondalkin, Mill Lane, Palmerston, Friarstown, Bohernabreena and Tymon Park, Tallaght.
Allotments have been constructed in a number of public parks and they have been an outstanding success to date. It is an objective of the Council to provide allotments in parks taking into consideration the demand for the facilities and the presence of a high level of supervision within the park. Allotments offer the opportunity to provide education in horticulture as well as on the sustainable value of home food production.
Section 1.3.42.i states that it is the policy of the Council to examine the potential to promote and extend the Allotment Schemes throughout the County to accommodate the increasing demand for allotment space and that horticulture amenities are developed to meet the needs of the County.
Section 1.3.42ii states that it is the policy of the Council that in areas zoned residential of mixed development that a proportionate area of land for allotment use be promoted and encouraged where the development proposed is substantially or completely apartment style development.
To ascertain the ownership of residential and industrial zoned land throughout the County would be a very time consuming and costly process. The required infastructure to support allotments, i.e. roads, paths, fencing, water supply, car parking, storage and toilet facilities, is also very costly and its provision on a short term basis could not be justified having regard to the financial position of the Council.
While the Council is examining its landholding with a view to identifying sites suitable for the development of further allotments, the sourcing of funding for such development is challenging. However, the Council is supportive of private sector involvement in the provision of allotments and encourages its expansion throughout the County.