south dublin county council crest


Monday, February 14, 2011


HEADED ITEM: C. Services Department

Sports, Recreation, Community & Parks Strategic Policy Committee

(ii) Minutes of Meeting 17th November 2010


Members Officials
Cllr C King Billy Coman , Director of Services
Cllr M Mc Donagh Willie Sheils, Senior Executive Officer, Community
Cllr D Keating Alison Silke, Sports and Recreation Officer
Cllr B Lawlor Thomas McDermott Sports Partnership
Cllr P Cosgrave Brian Sheehan, Senior Parks Superintendent
Cllr M Duff  
Cllr T Delaney  
Cllr G Kenny  
James Coughlan  
Carmel Mc Cartney  
Cecil Johnston  
Sean Reid  

Apologies: Cllr T Ridge

An Leas Meara  Cllr. Cathal King presided.

1)  Minutes of previous meeting held on 12th of May 2010     

 Proposed: Cllr C King

 Seconded: C Johnston

 2)   Matters arising.


3)   Launch of Sports Strategy -

Presented by Thos Mc Dermott, South Dublin Sports Partnership Co-ordinator

Mayor Eamonn Maloney and Mr John Tracey, CEO Irish Sports Council, joined the members to officially launch the strategic plan for Sport & Recreation and Physical Activity 2010 – 2016.  A brief overview was presented to the members.  Members commended staff on the work to date in relation to sport, physical activity and recreation across the county.

4)   Halloween Presentation

 Presented by Brian Sheehan Senior Parks Superintendent

 A detailed presentation on the programme for Halloween 2010 was presented to the members.

Parks department where commended on their programme of works, particularly the opening of Ballymount Depot, and the Bulb programme by C. McCartney, Cllrs King, Mc Donnagh, and Duff. The programme was deemed to be successful all round.

Brian Sheehan responded to all and the presentation was noted

5)   Tallaght Stadium

Presented by Willie Sheils, Senior Executive Officer, Community Services

A detailed presentation on Tallaght Stadium was presented to the members , highlighting the progress in the Stadium from it’s inception to this very day.  SDCC where commended on the standard of the facility and the work completed to date.

B Coman highlighted the standards achieved by all involved with Tallaght Stadium in such a short period of time, Tallaght Stadium is and always will be a multi purpose community facility for all to avail of.  The range of programmes and events offered to date in Tallaght Stadium has be vast and it will continue to grow over the next few years.

Discussion around the sustainability and versatility of the Stadium ensued, members where reassured that all avenues of income where being explored and that every effort will and has been made to ensure Tallaght Stadium will remain a multi use facility for the county.

W Sheils & B Coman responded to all queries raised and the presentation was noted

6)   Leisure Facilities Presentation

Presented by James Morrissey, A/Area Community Officer, Community Services

A detailed presentation on Tallaght, Clondalkin and Lucan Leisure Centres was presented to the members, detailing the user groups of each facility and vast range of activities on offer in each centre.

Presentation on the Community facilities by Daniel Walsh was postponed until the next SPC

Meeting concluded at 7.00pm.

Presentation was made to the Dublin Ladies Football Team, All Ireland Champions 2010 – 2011