Headed Items
Minutes from Tallaght Area Committee Meeting 20th September, 2010.
Headed Items
Application for Grants (if any)
Letter sent to South Dublin Chamber of Commerce dated 13th October, 2010 regarding 2 Motions passed at the Tallaght Area Committee Meeting (1) on 20th September, 2010 regarding the a St. Patricks' Day Celebration in Tallaght in 2011.
Cathaoirleachs Business
(none received)
This Committee calls on the Manager to agree to a review and establish protocols and clear procedures in relation to the planting, pruning and possible removal of trees and other shrubbery on the sightlines of CCTV cameras in the Tallaght area and agree to arrange for regular meetings on the issue with the relevent Garda Authorities.
"To ask the Manager to give an indication of the timeline likely in the handing over of the laneway adjacent to Swiftbrook Estate to the school authorities locally - given the anxiety caused to residents in the immediate vicinity due to ongoing anti-social behaviour at this location and also to give an indication of a likely completion date of intended works such as boundary treatment etc?"
"To ask the Manager to arrange for the immediate removal of weeds and debris at the base of the boundary wall of Russell Square and Swiftbook as requested over two years ago?"
"To ask the Manager to present a vacant house list for the Tallaght area?"
"To ask the Manager what is the current situation in relation to available funding for kitchen maintenance and upgrade of Council houses in this Committee area?"
"To ask the Manager to report on the situation with RAS applications in this Committee area at present and can he confirm/deny that applications are not being processed and if so, why?"
Headed Items
Quarterly Anti Social Report
Cathaoirleachs Business
That in future when trees and landscaping are being planted as part of a development carried out under the auspices of the Architects/Housing Department that a definite plan around responsibility/grass cutting/pruning etc is put in place in order to avoid the neglect of expensive planting as has happened in the past.
That this Committee calls on the Manager to investigate the feasibility and possibility of facilitating a cul de sac at Russell Place as has been requested by residents in the area in the interest of safety and to stop the 'rat running' through the road to avoid the traffic lights nearby.
That effective action be taken to deal with the ongoing problems of dumping and harassment of local residents in the vicinity of Ballycragh Traveller Accommodation, and that a joined -up approach be taken by Housing and Environmental Services.
"That this Committee calls on the Manager to give a report outlining the exact funding being made available to this Council from Dept of Environment, Heritage and Local Government for long term accomodation for persons with special housing needs, how this will impact on current demands facing this Council, and if any will be located in this Committee area."
That this Committee calls on the Manager to complete the works at Donomore Park where the re-inforced wall was built at Killinarden Park by installing railings to prevent easy access to the road by anti-social elements who have set fire to bins and cars and caused untold damage to property belonging to residents.
"To ask the Manager to immediately put in a cleansing schedule for more frequent cleansing of the area outside the shopping centre on Sundale Park given the lack of response from the adjacent property owner to the environmental hazard at this location due to persistent littering and lack of cleansing and also taking into consideration the councils responsibility to cleanse public roads?"
"To ask the Manager to arrange for sweeping and removal of broken glass from the footpath on the Jobstown Park side of Fortunestown Lane noting the significant hazard created by this unaddressed littering and to commit to carrying this function out where necessary going forward?"
"To ask the Manager to carry out a survey on housing in *Address Supplied in order to ascertain the number of vacant houses that can be considered littered under the Litter Pollution Act and to present a report back to this Commitee on action being taken in each case?"
"To ask the County Manager for an update on the roll out of the brown bin system, the amount of complaints received, how many customers have refused to uptake on the bins, and how the Council are dealing with complaints about mulch, maggots, and residents not being allowed to use compostable bags in the bins in this Committee area?"
"To ask the Manager is he aware of clay and rubble coming from trucks particularly on wet days coming from the Respond Housing Building site at the rear of Virginia Heights and will he give a report on what action he /she has been taken to address this issue?"
"To ask the Manager what progress has been made in clearing the backlog of bin waiver applications in this Committe area?"
"To ask the Manager if he can arrange for adequate signage to be provided for the two green areas on Whitehall Road in relation to dog fouling in the area?"
"To ask the Manager if he will arrange to have graffiti removed from all public buildings in the whitehall Road/Close Gardens area; and if he will provide an information leaflet for the residents outlining where they may get assistance for the removal of graffiti from their premises?"
Headed Items
Letter sent to Ibal dated 13th October, 2010 regarding a Motion passed at the Tallaght Area Committee Meeting (1) on 20th September, 2010 regarding the IBAL surveys.
Cathaoirleachs Business
(none received)
That this Committee calls on the Manager to detail the number of Litter Wardens allocated to the Tallaght Central area, and the number of fines imposed for litter/dog fouling in the last twelve months in the area.
This Motion calls on the Manager to allow the use of biodegradable bin liners inside the Brown Bins in this Committee area. The current practise of depositing waste directly into the brown wheelie bin is resulting in a poor uptake of the use of the bins. These bins take meat and cooked food waste which are not normally put into compost bins because they attract vermin and other pests and as the bins are not collected weekly this waste is rotting away inside the bin leaving a smelly residue inside the bin after it has been emptied and during the summer months this resulted in blue bottles and maggots accumulating in the bin, which are a Health & Safety concern. If biodegradeable bin liners were permitted these problems would be greatly reduced and I firmly believe that more people would opt to use the brown bins.
That this Committee calls on the Manager to ensure that for future bin collections in this Committee area, where the collection day falls on a Bank Holiday Monday, he will arrange to have a collection either on the Saturday or Tuesday adjacent and if he will inform residents of the arrangement.