Headed Items
"To ask the Manager to provide adequate public lighting in Killinarden park and to arrange to have the large amounts of broken glass removed from the footpaths in the park as a matter of urgency as this represents a significant health and safety risk to the public?"
"To ask the Manager to outline the present status of the proposed restoration of Killininny Tower and site?"
"To ask the Manager if he would remove the overgrown shrubbery and bushes along the perimeter of (Details supplied), as this shelter and cover is being used for anti-social behaviour and for under-age drinking, and if he will make a statement on the matter.?"
Headed Items
Headed Items
"That a draft plan for the proposed public park at Ellensborough be presented to the Committee for consideration as a matter of urgency, and that the consultative process commence thus enabling local residents to have a meaningful input into the outcome"
"That this Committee supports the placing of wooden bollards at the end of Alderwood Grove, Springfield to prevent vehicular access to the green-space"
"That this committee calls on the Manager to landscape the roundabout at the junction of Brookfield Road and Fortunestown Lane as a matter of priority"
"That the issues raised recently by Ellensborough Residents Association in relation to the maintenance of grass verges and open spaces in the vicinity of Kiltipper Way, and the control of litter, be addressed and a maintenance programme be put in place as a matter of urgency."
"That this Committee urges the Parks Dept., to outline the proposed work to enhance the sectiion of the Dodder river at Old Bawn Bridge, and this work to includ to make the river more visable:-
(i) Remove the shrubby
(ii) Night lighting of weir from bridge
(iii) Access with safety for the public
(iv) Steps to re-stock river-fishery
This report to be presented as soon as is possible.
"To ask the Manager to outline the reasons for the delay in the opening of the Brookfield Community and Youth facility and will he make a statement on the matter?"
"To ask the Manager to outline plans for providing Wi-fi zones in all community facilities in the Rapid areas of Tallaght?"
Headed Items
Headed Items
"To ask the Manager to provide details of forthcoming Affordable Units in the Tallaght South and Tallaght Central area - giving details of expected completion dates and the numbers of units coming on stream?
"To ask the Manager to outline what steps have been taken to secure funding and resources for the proposed community facilities and playground for the Fortunestown B development?"
"To ask the Manager for an up-date on plans proposed for a new St. Muirins House?"
Headed Items
Report on Refurbishment/Re-development of existing Traveller Accommodation at Belgard Road.
Headed Items
"That this committee discusses the widespread practice by estate agents and auctioneers to market properties for sale in the Tallaght area as investment properties as opposed to homes in the interest of attempting to stabilise many estates in the Tallaght area"
"To ask the Manager to clarify the regulations set out by the Council in relation to the keeping of horses and horse boxes in council owned residential developments and more specifically in the vicinity of Traveller accommodation developments, to outline what specific measures are being put in place to counteract breaches of regulations in this regard by tenants and going forward how any significant increase in this activity will be monitored?"
"To ask the Manager to investigate problems with sewage in the vicinity of Knockmore Avenue and to report the findings to this committee at the earliest possible date?"
"To ask the Manager to have graffiti removed from the back garden walls of houses in the Killinarden estate which face onto Knockmore Drive?
" To ask the Manager for installation of extra drains on the Belgard Road opposite 1-3 Belgard Road as the current drainage situation is resulting in flooding at and in resident's gardens.
Headed Items
Report on Bin Collection in Kilmartin Drive
Headed Items
"That, having regard to the growing incidence of bin tags being removed/stolen, a system be put in place that would recognise proof of purchase of the appropriate bin tag as being sufficient to enable bin to be collected in the absence of possession of the actual tag"