South Dublin County Council Crest


Wednesday, March 21, 2007


Report on Refurbishment/Re-development of existing Traveller Accommodation at Belgard Road.


The members of the Area Committee at their last meeting requested that a written report on the the above be prepared and submitted to this meeting of the Area Committee.

As members are aware, the Traveller Accommodation Programme 2005 - 2008 provides for the refurbishment / redevelopment of the existing Belgard Road site. The Programme provides that work on the proposal should commence no later than the end of 2008. In this regard it has been indicated since the adoption of the Programme that every effort would be made to commence each scheme at the earliest possible opportunity. In this regard both the members and management have been exploring the options open to achieving this objective. It should be noted that it was also agreed that the priority in the central Tallaght area was to ensure that the new accommodation for the residents of the temporary facility at St Maelruans had overall priority in the Traveller Accommodation Programme and that since the final residents moved into their new accommodation last December, the entire focus of the Traveller Accommodation Unit in this area has been directed to the advancement of this project. 

As previously reported to the Area Committee, the Council has had a number of discussions with the management of Tallaght I.T. At the request of the Area Committee last year, a letter was sent to the Director requesting that progress on this scheme be expedited. Further correspondence and discussions have continued with the Institute. In the most recent meeting with the Institute, the County Manager personally raised the matter with the Director. The Director undertook to continue to work with the Council on this matter. The Institute have however consistently stated that their immediate priority is related to the commencement of the next phase of their capital investment programme. It was agreed however to continue to work to explore all options for the advancement of this scheme.

In this regard the Council is also examining possible wider solutions to the provision of an accommodation solution in the immediate area of the existing accommodation. In the course of a number of discussions with developers who are preparing proposals for residential developments in the immediate area, the developers were specifically requested to examine whether they could offer a solution to replace the existing development to the Council. While none of these discussions have lead to a formal offer, a number of the developers said that they would actively consider their options and would revert to the Council in due course. While there is no indication that a proposal will arise from these discussions, it is encouraging that the suggestion was not dismissed at the outset.

In the meantime contact is being maintained with the residents of the site and with the Tallaght Traveller Support Group. The matter is also reviewed at each meeting of the Local Traveller Accommodation Consultative Committee.