Headed Items
Confirmation and Re-affirmation of Minutes of Meeting of 22nd October 2019
That the Chief Executive report on the illegal dumping in Balgaddy (through the entrance to the former School site) and to give details on when it started and what steps the Council has taken to prevent it as it is a source of great concern to the local community.
Correspondence (No Business)
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
The Litter Management Plan Action Plan 2019 Q3
To ask the Chief Executive could the areas around the schools and at the Londis shops in Adamstown be monitored for analysis of the quantity of litter in the area, and should findings show an increase that the area will be considered for weekend cleansing. Reports are been made that it’s increasing all the time. Local business have been subjected to a number of fines and this committee asks for a report on the fines to these business for 2018 and 2019 to date.
That this Committee notes the Lucan Survey findings in relation to litter after this brief presentation and takes account of the findings in relation to the Litter Management Plan.
That the Chief Executive carries out a survey of noise levels beside the closest houses to the M50 in Laburnum Walk, Cedar Drive, Glenpark Drive and to compare in particular with Heather Grove, as this area is noticeably louder due to the lack of sufficient barrier protection at Palmerstown Cemetery, and liaises with TII in relation to required improvements in noise protection being installed along the boundary of the cemetery, something which also interrupts the amenity of family members and friends vising deceased loved ones.
Water & Drainage
C2 - Reply from Irish Water
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
This committee requests the Chief Executive to provide to the members a detailed report from IW regarding the recent boiling water notice served to many parts of the county, namely Lucan area. To include in the report confirmation regarding the bug Cryptosporidium that was reported to be in the water and to state if it was human faeces, animal faeces or both. For sometime now the people of Lucan have called on IW to switch its water source back to Ballymore. Since then many other areas have requested same. Could IW explain why it’s not possible to do this, is there no option to increase the water treatment facility at Ballymore Eustace.
Given the repeated invitations to meet this committee to discuss the hard water situation affecting thousands of homes in the constituency, the two boil water notices issued from Leixlip plant and the mixed messages received as to whether or not the boil water notice was lifted or not after the second event.
That the Lucan/Palmerstown/Fonthill area committee has no confidence in Irish Water.
Public Realm
To ask the Chief Executive how many reports of bonfire materials were received prior to Halloween in the area, including which sites, and how many of those sites had bonfire material removed?
To ask the Chief Executive to provide a report on the tree planting proposed for the Lucan Palmerstown Fonthill LEA for 2020 and what percentage will be in parkland as opposed to estate and roadside and what percentage will be native Irish.
To ask the Chief Executive for a report on the children’s’ play space in Waterstown Park at the boundary with Riversdale and to include in his reply if there are any plans to restore it to a satisfactory standard as envisaged when first proposed.
To ask the CE to list areas that have NOT had the tree removals completed as part of the current Tree removal programme and include which estates / areas are next on the programme for the Lucan area.
To ask the Chief Executive for an update on trees recently cut on the Celbridge Road leading to the N4 and adjacent to Weston estate (photo showing location attached) and the State agency responsible for these trees and the work carried out to them and any observations on the works concerned.
To ask the Chief Executive to provide a report on the amount of Halloween bonfires in the LEA, the clean up plan and the projected cost of this operation?
To ask the Chief Executive to arrange an inspection of the two large trees outside 11 Moorfield Avenue and immediate works be carried out?
These trees are causing huge concern in the estate and as Moorfield is not listed on the 2017-2019 programme it could be some time before these concerns are addressed.
Correspondence(No Business)
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
2020 Tree Planting Programme
In light of the latest damage done to the hockey pitch at Weston and it’s surrounding areas, also taken into account the newly installed running track at Lucan Harriers and the new Mulit wall ball due to be completed this committee requests the Chief Executive to introduce CCTV at this sports grounds to also include extra lighting at the main entrance as requested by club members. If a report could be included stating what CCTV funding would be required and compare it to the costs of damaged to both clubs and the council over the last number of years.
That the Chief Executive re-instate the swings at the Hermitage Park playground, which were originally there in 2015 but are now gone, and improve the upkeep of the playground such as grass trimming.
To ask the Chief Executive to provide an update on recent survey works carried out on the fassinages site on the old Lucan road Palmerstown and to provide a date for when we can expect the Part 8 process to commence.
To ask the Chief Executive for a clear timeline on the Council's plans to secure the old Scoil Oscar site on Griffeen avenue, Balgaddy.
To ask the Cheif Executive for a comprehensive report on the vacant house (address withheld), including how long it is vacant, why has it not being allocated and what the Council are doing to resolve this issue?
To ask the Chief Executive to produce a report on how many boarded up Council houses North of the Nass Road, the average turn around time and what plans are in place to make this process quicker?
Correspondence (No Business)
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
That the Chief Executive carry out essential maintenance to fix leaks which have been reported in both Ronanstown Youth Service and Balgaddy Child and Family Resource Centre.
That the Chief Executive gives an up to date report, valid as of today, 26th November, of the outcome of the postponed court deliberations in relation to the unauthorised development on the Balgaddy Road/Griffeen Avenue adjacent to Foxborough, and actions to be taken shortly should the matter be settled, and in any event to report on actions to deal with reports of illegal dumping and burning of material in close proximity to this site.
Correspondence (No Business)
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Deputations for Noting (No Business)
To ask the Chief Executive what progress has been made on the recommendation of the Palmerstown Meitheal Tidy Towns five year strategic plan, to change the Cherry Orchard gantry signpost on the R148 westbound at the footbridge to include signposts to Palmerstown Upper.
This is a recommendation in the five year strategic plan that was funded and requested to be undertaken by SDCC.
To ask the Chief Executive for an update on all footpath repairs scheduled to be completed by the end of 2019 for the Lucan and Palmerstown Fonthill Electoral Areas.
To ask the Chief Executive for an update as to when new LED lighting will be installed on Kennelsfort Road, and the number of street lamps which will have this new lighting installed.
To ask the Chief Executive to outline the plans for the switching on of Christmas lights in Lucan village this year and in particular can it be confirmed that any lights damaged during recent pruning and felling of trees in the village will be replaced.
To ask the Chief Executive if he is aware of the serious flooding that occurs on the roadway/footpath between Palmerstown Woods and Palmerstown Way that seriously disrupts pedestrianisation and if the location will be examined with a view to remedying it and that a report be brought to the LAC in January 2020 on the matter.
This committee asks the Chief Executive for a full report on the plans for the embankment between Moy Glas and Castle Riada.
To ask the Chief Executive to confirm what the plans are regarding a cycle lane outside the Coolamber (Castle view) Development along the Newcastle road.
To ask the Chief Executive for an update in relation to the programme of foothpath repairs. What is the plan for the next 12 months in terms of the number of estates, which estates, the criteria and what regard is taken for reported footpath issues?
To ask the Chief Executive to produce a report on the proposed pedestrian access from the Thomas Omar Road to Balgaddy and to give a statement on this matter?
Correspondence (No Business)
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Winter Maintenance Plan 2019-2020
Pedestrian Crossing Stewarts Hospital Old Lucan Road Palmerstown
Between 47-49 Rowlagh Park and rear of 45 – 47 Rowlagh Park.
That the Chief Executive, in line with the objective written into the Six Year Roads Programme, and noting with regret the total lack of interest currently by the Government and its agencies in dealing with future additional traffic issues caused by the new children's hospital, draws up detailed and costed plans for a grade separated junction at the Kennelsfort Road/R148 interchange in Palmerstown, so as to be prepared should the local authority budget for such a venture and also to encourage more discussion with other parties in a position to fund same.
That this Area Committee calls on the Chief Executive to amend the current parking scheme in Lucan village to allow for an exemption for persons attending the doctors surgery for medical appointments such exemption to be provided were persons attending the surgery display on their vehicles a parking ticket stamped by the doctors surgery confirming their attendance in the surgery.
That a full review be carried out into requests by residents (the subject of several motions and questions over the years) for a 3.5T restriction on Kennelsfort Rd, and on the “Cell” between the R148 at the Oval and Kennelsfort road. To include the decision of the full Council (H.12 {11} July 2015) to have a 3.5T restriction on Kennelsfort Rd and the decision of the then Lucan LAC (November 2016 Item ID: 51367) to impose a 3.5T restriction on the cell between the Oval and Kennelsfort Road, neither of which have been acted upon. And that a full report be brought before this LAC for consideration at the October 2019 meeting.
Further to the passing of Motion No. 21 at the October 2019 Area Committee requesting preparation of a traffic management plan for Lucan informed by a survey of bottlenecks in Lucan and the times these occur, a study of the issues such as traffic avoiding the M50 toll, impact on Lucan Village of congestion, impact of current housing development at Adamstown and other parts of Lucan, and that the Council will before a plan is completed carry out consultation with the public and stakeholders such as local traders, public transport providers, and interested community groups, with a view to mitigating the impact of traffic congestion on local business, the environment, and residential amenity amongst other things - can a timescale for action in relation to the content of this motion be given and an update on funding for the purposes of the Countywide Mobility Strategy and the type of studies to be carried out as referred to in the reply to the motion and a date by which it is expected the Council can proceed advertising for a panel of consultants as referred to.
That the Chief Executive undertake an audit of traffic movements, including speed, between the entrance/exit points of the Oval/R148 and Wheatfield road/Kennelsfort road junction to present engineering solutions to the long standing issues affecting the inner cell of Palmerstown.
To ask the Chief Executive for a further an update on the stream at Tobermaclug and Adamstown SDZ in light of recent complaints to the Council about works in the vicinity of the stream.
To ask the Chief Executive for an update on Planning requirements re Construction traffic using Dodsboro and Newcastle Roads - what requirements are there, including washing of wheels, and any other requirements or agreements aimed at reducing detrimental impact on the quality of life of existing residents of construction traffic to do with new housing development in the Adamstown Strategic Development Zone.
Correspondence (No Business)
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Strategic Housing Development – Stage 3 application submitted to An Bord Pleanála – SHD3ABP-305857-19 St Edmunds, St. Lomans Road, Palmerstown, Dublin 20.
Noting the ongoing concern in relation to the restoration works being carried out on King John's Bridge can the Chief Executive please make a full presentation to this area committee in relation to the following;
1. Works carried out to the bridge since the announcement of the 300k have your say winning entries
2. Reports of any consultants engaged in relation to the process
3. Works to be completed to finalise the project and an estimated timeline for those works
Given that An Bord Pleanala turned down the most recent planning application for the Palmerstown Business Site, and given that any development on this significant area will have a huge impact on the Heritage Village of Palmerstown and also on the declared intention to upgrade the R148/Kennelsfort Rd junction and that the entrance to this site is already vexatious, that a Local Area Plan be prepared for the Village Area of Palmerstown.
Economic Development
Correspondence (No Business)
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Further to my motion raised in 2016, see below, That this Area Committee asks the Chief Executive to report to members on the unused council buildings on the Newcastle road now that the R136 road works are completed, as committed below
MEETING OF LUCAN AREA COMMITTEE Tuesday, February 23, 2016
MOTION: Councillor L. O'Toole"That this Council asks the Chief Executive to consider the possibility of utilising council owned building that is currently unused on the Newcastle Road (next to Lucan Pitch and Putt club) as an interim solution to clubs that are currently hiring premises which are in horrendous conditions. (picture can be provided)."
REPORT:"The Council purchased a site including a yard and building for the purpose of the South Dublin County Council Compulsory Purchase (Adamstown Road (R120) Improvement Scheme) Order, 2015, which was confirmed by An Bord Pleanala on 23rd December, 2015. Funding has recently been confirmed from the Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport. The yard of the site will be fully utilised during the course of the works for the road improvement as a storage facility and compound for the Contractor.The building has no facilities within, as there is no longer any power or foul sewarage availability. Following the completion of works, a full assessment will have to be carried out on the building to assess it's viability for any future use. Any works to remediate the building itself will entail a large financial commitment to change it's usage."
That the chief executive re-examine the viability to purchase the protected structure of "The Schoolmasters House" in Lucan village given that it is on the market for the past four years and recently another site adjacent that could offer parking solutions.
Libraries & Arts
Correspondence (No Business)
Headed Items
NEW WORKS (No Business)
Library News & Events
Application for Arts Grants (No Business)
Corporate Support
This LAC requests, in keeping with the spirit of the decision made by the people of the former Lucan LEA, that South Dublin negotiate with Fingal County Council to the effect that this Council take over the lead role and responsibility for the restoration of The (Guinness) Silver Bridge once the results of the feasibility study become available and that the costs (where not provided by the Exchequer) be shared as always intended.
To ask Chief Executive if a report has been received in relation to previous question on the HGV restriction ban, on the Newcastle road.
To ask the Chief Executive to produce a report on what the Council have got in place in relation to Apprenticeship Schemes eg: Painter, Builder, Electrician, Plumber etc.
How do people apply?
What is the criteria to avail of such schemes?"
C10a - Letter Out Cloverhill Road Bus Service
C10b - Reply NTA Cloverhill Road Bus Service
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
That the Chief Executive write to the NRA and the TII (again) requesting that the signage on the M50 and the N4 be corrected to PALMERSTOWN and write (again) to the Liffey Valley Management Company requesting that the signpost at the Cold Cut exit be corrected to PALMERSTOWN and that the SDCC Manager responsible correct the signpost at the Woodies junction on the Old Lucan Road to PALMERSTOWN.
That the Chief Executive write to Fingal County Council to request a copy of the feasability report recently completed by CORA Engineers on the Silver Bridge at Palmerstown, a project voted for under the participatory budgeting scheme of 2017 and part funded by SDCC.
The Adamstown community has made requests for the Adamstown Community Centre to be included as a ‘polling station’ as part of the public consultation process which took place recently. This committee requests the Chief Executive to support this community in their endeavors to having a new polling station in the Adamstown area. If the response could include a report on submission made to date.
That this area committee to write to Go Ahead Ireland to request they fully implement and enforce the promises made to the local community in Palmerstown Village to stop using the exit point beside Applegreen garage and to stop parking on the old Lucan road in areas that are not the terminus or a designated bus stop.
Performance & Change Management
Correspondence (No Business)
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)