Tuesday, November 26, 2019
MOTION: Councillor P. Gogarty
That the Chief Executive carries out a survey of noise levels beside the closest houses to the M50 in Laburnum Walk, Cedar Drive, Glenpark Drive and to compare in particular with Heather Grove, as this area is noticeably louder due to the lack of sufficient barrier protection at Palmerstown Cemetery, and liaises with TII in relation to required improvements in noise protection being installed along the boundary of the cemetery, something which also interrupts the amenity of family members and friends vising deceased loved ones.
Environmental Noise in Ireland is dealt with under EU Directive 2002/49/EC. South Dublin County Council is a Noise Mapping Body under this legislation and the Environmental Health Department has completed our latest noise mapping of the county, as part of the overall Dublin Agglomeration Noise Action Plan 2018 - 2023.
This latest Noise Action Plan has been prepared in accordance with the requirements of the Environmental Noise Regulations 2006. These Regulations give effect to the EU Directive 2002/49/EC relating to the assessment and management of environmental noise.
The following are the target values for undesirable high sound levels in the Noise Action Plan 2018-2023:
> 55 dB(A) Lnight
> 70 dB(A) Lday
There are a number of noise monitors in the Palmerstown area which we use to capture noise levels from the M50 which could impact local residential properties. A permanent SDCC Noise monitor is located in Palmerstown Court. Although set back from the M50 it gives a good indication of noise levels in nearby residential areas.
In addition, the TII have a number of monitors stationed along the M50 including at the Palmerstown junction which would be indicative of the noise levels at the roadside.
The height and the material used to construct the noise barrier changes at the rear boundary wall of the last residential property on Heather Grove, Number 47. An inspection of number 47 took place on Friday 22 November 2019 and existing noise mitigation measures installed by the householder were examined. The residents were open to noise monitoring being carried out within their property.
The noise barrier along the cemetery boundary is lower and constructed of a different material than that shielding the residential properties of Laburnam Walk, Heather Grove and Cedar Drive. Noise exposure at the cemetery would be deemed short term in nature and the lower night time sound levels would not be applicable at this location as the public would not be using the cemetery during night time hours. Noise exposure at this location would not be as significant as that experienced at nearby residential properties.
The day and night time noise level readings from both the TII noise monitors and SDCC’s own noise monitor are available online from the SDCC website and the TII website. On the basis of an assessment of readings from these monitors the Environmental Health Department will liaise with the TII and ask that they assess the adequacy of the noise barrier and whether improvements can be made. Depending on the outcome of this liaison with TII further noise monitoring can be carried out.