Agenda - May 2018 County Council Meeting

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14/05/2018 15:30
Council Chamber
Standing Orders:

Headed Items

H-I (1)
Submitted by:
Corporate Performance and Change Management Directorate
Corporate Performance and Change Management Directorate


a) Minutes of Meeting 9th April 2018

H-I (2)
Submitted by:
Corporate Performance and Change Management Directorate
Director of Housing, Social & Community Development, Director of Environment, Water & Climate Change , A/Director of Land Use, Planning & Transportation


a) Rathfarnham/Templeogue-Terenure Area Committee - 10th April 2018     

Dealing with Public Realm, Water & Drainage, Housing, Community, Planning, Economic  Development, Libraries & Arts ( 1 report ), Corporate Support, Performance & Change Management


 b) Clondalkin Area Committee – 18th April 2018

 Dealing with Public Realm, Water & Drainage, Housing,     Community, Planning, Economic Development, Libraries & Arts, Corporate Support, Performance & Change Management

 (No report)

 c) Tallaght Area Committee – 23rd April 2018

 Dealing with Public Realm, Water & Drainage, Housing, Community, Planning, Economic Development, Libraries & Arts (1 report) Corporate Support, Performance    & Change Management(1 report)


d) Lucan Area Committee – 24th April 2018

 Dealing with Public Realm, Water & Drainage, Housing, Community, Planning, Economic Development, Libraries & Arts, Corporate Support, Performance & Change Management     

(No report

H-I (3)
Submitted by:
Corporate Performance and Change Management Directorate
Corporate Performance and Change Management Directorate


( H3 no reports)

H-I (4)
Submitted by:
Corporate Performance and Change Management Directorate
Corporate Performance and Change Management Directorate


(H4 No report)

H-I (5)
Submitted by:
Corporate Performance and Change Management Directorate
Corporate Performance and Change Management Directorate


(H5 No report)


Qu (1)
Submitted by:
Councillor P. Foley
A/Director of Land Use, Planning & Transportation

To ask the Chief Executive for an update on the Dodder Greenway Route?

Qu (2)
Submitted by:
Councillor M. Johansson
Director of Housing, Social & Community Development

To ask the Chief Executive to outline the total number of Part V properties acquired by SDCC in 2017, and include a breakdown of those in the various LEA's?

Qu (3)
Submitted by:
Councillor P. Kearns
A/Director of Land Use, Planning & Transportation

To ask the manager what is the current timeline following a report of a suspected breach of planning to an inspection being carried out.

Qu (4)
Submitted by:
Councillor W. Lavelle
A/Director of Land Use, Planning & Transportation

To ask the Chief Executive to provide a written statement in response to the vote by elected members on motion no. 3 at the March meeting of this Council to request the initiation  of a  developmemt plan variation process and the commencement of a consultation with the public and statutory stakeholders ahead of a separate vote in the substantive matter of the variation proposal?

Qu (5)
Submitted by:
Councillor E. O'Brien
Director of Environment, Water & Climate Change

To ask the Chief Executive  if an application has been made for funding under the 2018 Anti-Litter and Anti-Graffiti Awareness Grant Scheme (ALAGS). and if successful where it is intended to allocate the funding and if specific schemes will be identified to deal with littering, dog fouling and graffiti.

Qu (6)
Submitted by:
Councillor E. O'Brien
Director of Housing, Social & Community Development

To ask the Director to detail the number of inspections carried out on Council owned properties over the last 12 months and the number of negative findings resulting from those inspections

Qu (7)
Submitted by:
Councillor C. O'Connor
Director of Housing, Social & Community Development

To ask the Chief Executive to make a statement in respect of the Council's Migration Integration Strategies and will he give full details of actions he is taking in respect of the matter.

Qu (8)
Submitted by:
Councillor C. O'Connor
Director of Corporate Performance & Change Management , Colm Murphy

To ask the Chief Executive if he is satisfied that everything possible is being done to ensure that all those who are qualified to vote are being included on our Voting Register and in responding will he give an update on his thinking in respect of possible changes to the system through which the Voting Register is compiled.

Qu (9)
Submitted by:
Councillor C. O'Connor
Director of Housing, Social & Community Development

To ask the Chief Executive to outline to the Council actions he is taking in respect of the vast amount of rent arrears owed to the Council and will he also confirm the length of time such arrears are in place.

Qu (10)
Submitted by:
Councillor C. O'Connor
Director of Environment, Water & Climate Change

To ask the Chief Executive to confirm to the Council his strategy to deal with the menace of dog fouling which is the subject of concern in many areas throughout the County; will he detail actions he is taking and will he also confirm how many fines were issued in respect of this problem in 2017.

Qu (11)
Submitted by:
Councillor C. O'Connor
Director of Housing, Social & Community Development

To ask the Chief Executive to present an up to date report on initiatives he is taking to deal effectively with the homeless crisis effecting families from our County and in reporting will he give statistics in respect of families from our County currently accommodated in hotels/hostels both within our County and elsewhere.

Qu (12)
Submitted by:
Councillor L. O'Toole
Director of Housing, Social & Community Development

Question: Sports facilities

To ask the CEO for an update on the questions/responses to the items below and confirm details of the launch which was planned last year.

To ask the CEO to update this committee on previous question/response (see below) given in particular the formal launch that was to take place.

(QUESTION NO.23QUESTION: Councillor L. O'Toole                                                                               To ask the Chief Executive to report on the Sports facilities audit which was due to be carried out at the beginning of the year.                                                                                                                        REPLY: A working group made up of representatives of different departments have developed a Community Facilities Map.   Following a community consultation process the Community GIS was soft launched in April and is now publicly accessible on the Council website: shows community centres, neighbourhood facilities, sports facilities including pitches and playgrounds which are managed or supported by South Dublin County Council.  Details are also provided of other facilities in the county which provide facilities and services which are available within communities such as schools, health centres etc.  This project is still a work in progress, consultation and feedback is ongoing and welcome. It is anticipated that a formal launch of the project will be held later this year)

Qu (13)
Submitted by:
Councillor L. O'Toole
Director of Environment, Water & Climate Change

To ask the Chief Executive to report on the protocol regarding horses which are placed on private and public lands. To include who is responsible the ownership of the horses on the lands, how licenses are provided and who is responsible for removing them if warranted.

Qu (14)
Submitted by:
Councillor L. O'Toole
Director of Environment, Water & Climate Change

To ask the Chief Executive to confirm the number of bottle banks / recycling units that are located in local supermarkets/business units with the county and confirm the units that have none to date, and if there are plans to look and making this a criteria for business considering most of the recycling is generated from these premises.

Qu (15)
Submitted by:
Councillor F. Timmons
Director of Housing, Social & Community Development

That the Chief Executive gives a report on the current Housing lists? To clarify what lists exist and how many are on each list?

Qu (16)
Submitted by:
Councillor F. Timmons
Director of Economic, Enterprise & Tourism Development

That the chief executive gives an update report on the Library Development plan and when this will come to full council for discussion?

Qu (17)
Submitted by:
Councillor F. Timmons
Director of Environment, Water & Climate Change

That the Chief Executive issues a report to answer when the Scrambler and Quad working forum will commence and any update on this ? Also to ask for a report into what SDCC is doing currently to address this Anti Social Behaviour that is widespread throughout our county

Qu (18)
Submitted by:
Councillor F. Timmons
Director of Housing, Social & Community Development

To ask the Chief Executive to give a report on how many are on the Housing lists of the other Dublin Local Authorities?

Qu (19)
Submitted by:
Councillor F. Timmons
Director of Housing, Social & Community Development

That the chief executive gives a report on the current Social Housing builds? How many will be built 2018 and 2019 and how many further Part 8s are planned?  Also to clarify how many Social houses have been built 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018?

Headed Items

H-I (6)
Submitted by:
Corporate Performance and Change Management Directorate
A/Director of Land Use, Planning & Transportation


(H6 No reports)

H-I (7)
Submitted by:
Corporate Performance and Change Management Directorate
Director of Housing, Social & Community Development, Director of Economic, Enterprise & Tourism Development


(a) - Proposed disposal of plot of land at Brookfield Road, Tallaght to Elim Ministries Ireland

(b) - Proposed disposal of lands at Letts Field, Clondalkin to St. Laurence O'Toole Diocesan Trust

 (c) - Proposed disposal of lands at Grange Castle Business Park to Grange Backup Power Ltd.


H - I 7(a) - Proposed disposal of plot of land at Brookfield Road, Tallaght to Elim Ministries Ireland

H -I 7 (b) - Proposed disposal of lands at Letts Field, Clondalkin to St. Laurence O'Toole Diocesan Trust

H-I 7 (c) - Proposed disposal of lands at Grange Castle Business Park to Grange Backup Power Ltd.

H-I (8)
Submitted by:
Corporate Performance and Change Management Directorate
Chief Executive
H-I (9)
Submitted by:
Corporate Performance and Change Management Directorate
Director of Economic, Enterprise & Tourism Development



H-I (10)
Submitted by:
Corporate Performance and Change Management Directorate
Director of Environment, Water & Climate Change
H-I (11)
Submitted by:
Corporate Performance and Change Management Directorate
Director of Economic, Enterprise & Tourism Development


H-I (12)
Submitted by:
Corporate Performance and Change Management Directorate
Director of Corporate Performance & Change Management , Niall Noonan
H-I (13)
Submitted by:
Corporate Performance and Change Management Directorate
County Architect


H-I (14)
Submitted by:
Corporate Performance and Change Management Directorate
A/Director of Land Use, Planning & Transportation


Cor (1)
Submitted by:
Corporate Performance and Change Management Directorate


Letter dated 18th April 2018 from Minister for Planning, Housing & Local Government regarding Social Housing Provision

Cor (2)
Submitted by:
Corporate Performance and Change Management Directorate


Letter dated 17th April 2018, from Minister of Foreign Affairs regarding the current situation in Myanmarand and the plight of the Rohingya Community

Cor (3)
Submitted by:
Corporate Performance and Change Management Directorate
Corporate Performance and Change Management Directorate


Letter dated the 26th March, 2018 from Office of the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Simon Coveney regarding the Justice system & prison matters in Northern Ireland.

Cor (4)
Submitted by:
Corporate Performance and Change Management Directorate

Letter dated 23rd April 2018 from Dublin City Council regarding former Magdeline Home at Sean Mc Dermot Street

Cor (5)
Submitted by:
Corporate Performance and Change Management Directorate
Corporate Performance and Change Management Directorate

Letter dated 6th April, 2018 from Leitrim County Council regarding National Parks and Wildlife Services

Cor (6)
Submitted by:
Corporate Performance and Change Management Directorate
Corporate Performance and Change Management Directorate

Letter dated 29th March, 2018 from Sligo County Council asking Gaelic Athletic Association to broadcast GAA matches on free to eir channels.

Cor (7)
Submitted by:
Corporate Performance and Change Management Directorate
Corporate Performance and Change Management Directorate

Email dated 27th March 2018 from the Office of Minister Finnian McGrath regarding the qualifying criteria for the Primary Medical Certificate

Cor (8)
Submitted by:
Corporate Performance and Change Management Directorate
Corporate Performance and Change Management Directorate

Letter dated 5th April 2018 from Donegal County Council regarding Community Employment Schemes


Mot (1)
Submitted by:
Councillor P. Gogarty
A/Director of Land Use, Planning & Transportation


That this Council writes to the Minister for Housing, Planning and Local Government seeking stiffer penalties for developers not completing estates properly within agreed timeframes, as well as a more streamlined redress system for subcontractors who fail to get paid on time or at all, given that many of these small operators are dependent on such agreed payments and may not always be in a position to seek redress through the courts; and if the Chief Executive can make a statement on what powers the Council currently has in relation to dealing with such rogue developers.

Mot (2)
Submitted by:
Councillor P. Gogarty
Director of Corporate Performance & Change Management

That this Council writes to the Minister for Justice and Equality and the Minister of State at the Department of Justice and Equality with special responsibility for Equality, Immigration and Integration to outline our serious concerns at the proposed withdrawal of funding for the Intercultural Centres winthin the County and, recognising the important and valuable service these centres provide, calls for funding to be reinstated so as to allow the centres to continue in their current forms.

Mot (3)
Submitted by:
Councillor M. Johansson
Director of Corporate Performance & Change Management

That the Elected Members of this Council expresses its support for the students of Trinity College Dublin who have protested against a new €450 fee for re-sitting exams, and agrees to write to the Provost Patrick Prendergast informing him of the same. This Council notes that registration fees in Higher Education has been increasing dramatically during the recession creating barriers to access to education for low income families.

Mot (4)
Submitted by:
Councillor M. Genockey
Director of Corporate Performance & Change Management

That this Council calls on the Minister with responsibility for the National Drugs Strategy to provide full free GP access (through the medical card scheme) within community drug services in order to provide more holistic healthcare for the clients of these services.

Mot (5)
Submitted by:
Councillor E. O'Brien
Director of Housing, Social & Community Development

This County Council calls on the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport to immediately suspend the Sports Capital Grants scheme pending a full review of the scheme and introduction of the National Sports Policy

Mot (6)
Submitted by:
Councillor R. Nolan
Director of Environment, Water & Climate Change

Following the Motion passed unanimously by Fingal County Council, to return waste management back to the Local Authority, this Council agrees to do the same and lobby's Minister Denis Naughten on this issue.  

Mot (7)
Submitted by:
Councillor L. O'Toole
Director of Environment, Water & Climate Change

'That this committee requests the Chief Executive to write to REPAK inviting them to make a presentation to the members regarding the current recycling process in Ireland including measures to improve recycling and the impact these measures may have on consumers.

To also request details on any planned future initiatives or campaigns by REPAK or any of it’s business members to reduce waste.'

Mot (8)
Submitted by:
Councillor E. Higgins, Councillor V. Casserly
A/Director of Land Use, Planning & Transportation

To call on management to co ordinate a pilot scheme with the Road Safety Officer to deter aggressive drivers who are endangering School Wardens and School Children in the county. Similar to Mayo County Council and Kildare County Council, the scheme involves Go Pro Cameras being fixed to school warden stop signs, front and rear, in order to detect and record incidents or near misses.

Mot (9)
Submitted by:
Councillor S. Holland
Director of Corporate Performance & Change Management

The Advertising Standards Agency and Referendum Commission have both washed their hands of the content of some anti-abortion posters around this district.  Some are beside schools and contain the text "License to Kill" with images of foetuses of greater than 12 weeks gestation.  In the absence of action from the designated bodies, and notwithstanding my views or anyones views on abortion, these images and text are offensive and disturbing and I call on this council to remove them. 


Mot (10)
Submitted by:
Councillor D. Richardson
Director of Corporate Performance & Change Management

This Council supports South Dublin County becoming free from goods and services produced in Israeli settlements illegally established on stolen Palestinian land and therefore urges Senators to support the Control of Economic Activity (Occupied Territories) Bill, 2018.


Mot (11)
Submitted by:
Councillor F. Timmons
Corporate Performance and Change Management Directorate

"Nicole Fox died of suicide because of bullying, in light of this and other deaths and self-harm caused by bullying That SDCC commit to writing to Simon Harris Minister for Health and Jim Daly - Minister of State at the Department of Health with special responsibility for Mental Health and Older People to introduce a new law called Cocos Law that will legislate for bullying and online social media and phone bullying and make these crimes a criminal offence. We recognise the horror and effect bullying has on individuals and call on our legislators to act immediately to have bullying treated as a criminal matter. "

Mot (12)
Submitted by:
Councillor C. O'Connor
Director of Economic, Enterprise & Tourism Development

That this South Dublin County Council calls on the Chief Executive to confirm actions he proposes to deal with the threats and challenges presented by Brexit; will he outline contacts he has had in respect of the matter, will he update members and will he make a detailed statement.

Mot (13)
Submitted by:
Councillor B. Leech, Councillor M. Murphy, Councillor K. Mahon
Director of Corporate Performance & Change Management

This Council supports the recommendations of The Oireachtas Joint Committee on The Eighth Amendment of The Constitution, which includes access to abortion up to 12 weeks of pregnancy, and writes to the Minister to express this position.”



Mot (14)
Submitted by:
Councillor W. Lavelle
Director of Housing, Social & Community Development

That this Council promotes the potential of homesharing initiatives such as which is a social enterprise based in this country. 

Mot (15)
Submitted by:
Councillor B. Bonner
Director of Corporate Performance & Change Management

Molann an Chomhairle seo go mbeadh nascadh cultúrtha idir Mhuintir Chluain Dolcáin agus Muintir Charna i nGaeltacht Chonamara.  Tabharfaidh sé seo aitheantas don obair atá á dhéanamh ag muintir Chrónáin agus muintir labhartha na gaeilge i gCluain Dolcáin.  

Tá suim ag an bpobal i ngach áit Nascadh a bhunú mar tá aithne mhaith acu ar a chéile cheana féin.  Is fíor tábhachtach é go mbéadh nascadh idir pobail nua labhartha na Gaeilge cosúil le Cluain Dolcáin agus pobal na gaeltachta traidisiúnta cosúil le Carna.

This council supports the idea of a cultural link between the village of Clondalkin and the Gaeltacht community of Carna in Connemara.  This would recognise the work being done by Muintir Chrónáin and the Irish Speaking community of Clondalkin.  It would also recognise the importance of making connections between New Irish speaking areas and areas in the more traditional gaeltacht. Both communities support the estblishment of a Nascadh Cultúrtha as they already have links of friendship but would like to see those links strengthened. 

Mot (16)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell
Director of Housing, Social & Community Development

 Given the current Housing Crisis which is most severe in the Dublin Region, the elected members direct that the Chief Executive Officer formally write to the Minister for Housing with a proposition for a Pilot Housing Scheme(s) involving appropriate support from the Minister that would enable SDCC, alone or in collaboration with one or more Recognised Housing Agencies, to acquire residential land, in one or a number of plots, either by land swop or through purchase, so as to build 750 to 1000 Social and Affordable Housing units, as a matter of urgency, for persons on the current SDCC Housing list.



Mot (17)
Submitted by:
Councillor C. King
Director of Corporate Performance & Change Management

That this council calls on the minister for justice to change the laws around on line bullying to make it an offense to bully any person on line and call it cocos law.

The 1997 act does not go far enough
We are loosing to many people to suicide from on line bullying.

Section 5 of the 1997 Act provides as follows:
“5(1) A person who, without lawful excuse, makes to another a threat, by any means intending the other to believe it will be carried out, to kill or cause serious harm to that other or a third person shall be guilty of an offence.”

Force does not actually have to be used; merely causing an apprehension of force is sufficient for assault under the law. The apprehension must be on reasonable grounds (i.e. the victim must reasonably believe that the threat is real and imminent) so if texts, e mails, tweets etc were to contain threats of physical violence such as “I hate you. You are going to die. I will kill you” and the recipient has reason to believe the threat is real and that death or injury will occur imminently then the person issuing the threat has committed an offence.