Monday, May 14, 2018
QUESTION: Councillor C. O'Connor
To ask the Chief Executive to confirm to the Council his strategy to deal with the menace of dog fouling which is the subject of concern in many areas throughout the County; will he detail actions he is taking and will he also confirm how many fines were issued in respect of this problem in 2017.
The menace of dog fouling continues to attract attention and is of concern to many across the county.
Section 22 of the Litter Pollution Act 1997, as amended (the Act), states that ....."the person in charge of a dog is subject to a fine or prosecution if he/she does not immediately remove any faeces deposited by their dog in certain places, and/or if that person fails to ensure that the dog litter is properly disposed of in a suitable sanitary manner".
In 2017, one fine was issued for dog fouling. The difficulty with enforcement of this particular section of the Act is the requirement for witness testimony, to report that the offence happened and that an identified person is the person in charge of the dog. The Council continues to encourage residents groups and/or individuals to assist the Warden Service in this regard.
In efforts to combat the problem of dog foul, and as part fo the Litter Management Plan, the Council has embarked on a high level Dog Foul campaign as follows:
Dog Litter Signage (3 different designs x 100 of each) are available and requests for signage are considered on a case by case basis and signs are only erected on demonstrated need.
The location of the request is examined for suitability and if deemed suitable signs can be erected. If there is/are registered group(s) in existence in an area, signage may be provided directly to the group through the Social Credit Scheme with the caveat that such signage erected must have due regard for public health and safety, and must not impede visibility or restrict traffic, cycling and pedestrian flow. Also, if it is proposed to co-use a pole, authorisation will be required.
Alternatively requests are added to the current signage waiting list, pending determination of suitability, and availability of resources for signage erection.
During 2017 over 210 dog litter signs were erected in South Dublin County Council and 12 were given out directly to Councillors / Registered / Residents Groups for distribution and erection locally.
Similarly, a very forceful media campaign has been undertaken including cinemas and radio adverts.
Currently, dog litter stickers, image attached, are being piloted on existing litter bins demonstrating that these receptacles are suitable for such litter.
Arrangements are also being made for the provision of Green Dog Walker (GDW)promotion material at popup stands in Council's public buildings. As GDW is a community led initiative it is intended to make a GDW pop up stand available to community groups for use at community events.