South Dublin County Council Crest


Monday, May 14, 2018


HEADED ITEM: C. Performance and Change Management Directorate



Following a meeting on the 12th February 2018, South Dublin County Council (SDCC) initiated the process for public consultation to commence in accordance with Section 13 of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) with regards to two proposed variations:

  1. Proposed Variation No.1 - Zoning Amendment to Lands at Grangecastle West; and
  2. Proposed Variation No.2 - Vacant Site LevyBoth proposed Variations were on public display for 4 weeks from Friday 16th February to Friday 16th March 2018.

Following the completion of the public consultation process, a number of submissions were received from a range of relevant agencies, organisations and the wider public through which a number of prominent issues emerged. The main issues raised in relation to each proposed Variation is dealt with in detail below.

It is proposed to change the zoning objective of 193 hectares of land from zoning objective RU (Rural and Agriculture) to objective EE (Enterprise and Employment). These lands are located in the townlands of Loughtown Upper and Milltown, which are south of the Grand Canal and west and north of the R120, adjoining the existing Grange Castle Business Park. It is also proposed to realign the indicative route for the Western Dublin Orbital Route (North). A total of 17 submissions were received.

The most prominent issues raised were as follow:

The primary matters raised related to the potential impact of the proposed variation on the Grand Canal proposed NHA and on existing natural biodiversity in the area. It is considered that the development of a Biodiversity Management Plan, as recommended, would provide greater detail regarding the management and maintenance of biodiversity in the area. It is also noted that there are a significant number of existing policies and objectives within the County Development Plan 2016-2022 relating to the protection and enhancement of biodiversity within the County, as well as protecting water bodies and watercourses.

Issues were raised with regards to the proposed location of the Western Orbital Route (north). The final route selection and detailed design of this strategic road is yet to be confirmed, and will be subject to a separate process, complete with an associated public consultation period. The requirement for Mobility Management Plans/Workforce Plans and/or Traffic and Transport Assessments are recognised and would be addressed as part of the Development Management Process. Any development proposals with the potential to give rise to significant noise impacts may require a Noise Impact Assessment and mitigation plan to minimise noise disturbances and protect the amenities of the area. The consideration and assessment of these issues would be addressed as part of the development management process.

The Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government confirmed in their submission that Proposed Variation No.1 and Proposed Variation No.2 are fully in compliance with national, regional and local policy. The employment lands at Grangecastle, as outlined in Proposed Variation No.1, are strategically located adjacent to an established cluster of enterprise and employment uses, which will serve to optimise existing infrastructural investment, to develop complimentary employment uses, whilst creating opportunities for synergistic benefits in terms of innovation, research and development, employment and enterprise; all critical objectives to development that are supported by the National Planning Framework (NPF). As part of the development of this land, a masterplan will be prepared by SDCC, which will outline the phased and sequential development of the relevant lands, ensuring the appropriate integration of development with the surrounding context, addressing environment considerations and ensuring development takes place in accordance with the proper planning and sustainable development of the area.

A proposal to rezone a portion of lands at Peamount for residential use (instead of the proposed enterprise and employment use) was submitted. While this proposal is outside of the remit of the variation as currently proposed, the National Planning Framework (NPF) does not support the development of a new town on greenfield lands, and encourages the consolidation of urban development on brownfield/infill sites.

Furthermore, the Core Strategy of the County Development Plan 2016-2022 including its settlement strategy was prepared in accordance with the Regional Planning Guidelines and ensures that there are sufficient zoned lands in the County to provide for housing need and ensures that such lands are located appropriately within a defined settlement hierarchy. Provision has been made for 1,195 hectares of lands that are zoned for residential development within the County. These include significant land banks at Adamstown and Clonburris Strategic Development Zones (SDZ’s) and Kilcarbery which are all within 4 kilometres of the subject lands. The lands zoned for residential development are sufficient to provide for the housing needs of the County up to circa 2025 (41,143 dwellings), with any additional housing to be provided on urban brownfield lands and lands proximate to major public transport nodes.

Issues raised regarding clarification of information contained within the Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (SFRA) pertained to lands outside of the proposed variation and would not prejudice the basis of the report. Notwithstanding this, the overall SFRA for the County Development Plan and the flood risk assessment report carried out for the proposed variation place the subject lands in Flood Zone C i.e. where the probability of flooding is low, less than 0.1%.

The proposed variation provides for the incorporation of new requirements introduced by the Urban Regeneration and Housing Act 2015 in respect of the implementation of the Vacant Site Levy in the written statement.

In accordance with the provisions of the Urban Regeneration and Housing Act 2015, the proposed variation provides for the inclusion of mandatory objectives for the development and renewal of areas that are in need of residential development and/or regeneration and the identification of areas in need of residential development and/or regeneration which may be subject to the application of the vacant site levy in the future.

A total of 2 submissions were received. There were no main issues or concerns raised with regards to the proposed Variation. The Department of Housing Planning and Local Government supported the inclusion of policies and objectives implementing the Vacant Site Levy.


It is therefore recommended, taking account of the proper planning and sustainable development of the area, that Variations No 1 and No 2 of the South Dublin County Development Plan 2016 – 2022 are made in accordance with the Chief Executive’s recommendation.