Monday, May 14, 2018
QUESTION: Councillor F. Timmons
That the Chief Executive issues a report to answer when the Scrambler and Quad working forum will commence and any update on this ? Also to ask for a report into what SDCC is doing currently to address this Anti Social Behaviour that is widespread throughout our county
The Council is anxious to progress matters relative to the apparant ever increasing and serious issue of scramblers operating in our parks and open spaces causing distress to residents and also causing extreme damage to our playing facilities.
This item has been discussed at several Council Meetings, Area Committee Meetings and SPC meetings, at which it was more recently agreed to try to establish a Regional Working Group / Forum with representatives from the DLA’s and AGS.
Given the ongoing engagement of the Council's Road Safety Officer with An Garda Síochána and Motorcycling Ireland in relation to such issues, it has been agreed that the SDCC Road Safety Officer will sit on this group, if established, preferably as Chair.
As with any such group that may be established, it will be necessary to develop Terms of Reference for this group, if established, and it should only be required only for a short period of time, being possibly an opportune time to see if input can be given into new draft legislation.
Contact has been made with other DLA's to see if there is a willingness to collaborate on this issue, especially now as it is understood that Justice Minister, Charlie Flanagan, is set to consider additional legislation to tackle the anti-social misuse of scramblers and quad bikes. We await responses in this regard.
In the interim, senior Council personnel are liaising with AGS in relation to localised incidents of this anti-social behaviour.
Similarly, examinations and assessments are being made at certain locations on foot of requests to install boundary fences around various parks and open spaces in order to determine what works are necessary and these will be costed in due course.
It should be noted that due to the level of such requests for areas where joyriding / scrambling is occuring, the potential cost of both honouring commitments already given as well as responding positively to new requests received has the potential to escalate to a level where the current provision in the capital budget cannot meet what is required.
Similarly, costings are currently being prepared for various other types of possible boundary treatment for certain other locations.