Headed Items
(a) - Annual/Inaugural Meeting Minutes - June 7th 2019
(b) - July Council Meeting Minutes - July 8th 2019
(No Reports)
(No Reports)
(No Reports)
(No Reports)
To ask the Chief Executive for a further breakdown of the fixmystreet.ie report.
In July 2019, following a question from Councillor Joanna Tuffy, it was stated that
there had been 2083 reports to the end of May 2019 and 5250 reports in 2018. Can the Chief Executive provide further information including what percentage of reports were responded to in both time lines. Where a resolution was provided, what percentage of reports were notified of such a resolution?
To ask the Chief Executive for a list of where the public water fountains will be located throughout the county and if he will make a statement on the matter. It was noted that one was placed near to the Limekiln entrance of Tymon Park for what appeared to be a photo op a number of months ago. There was huge disappointment when it was learned that this was just temporary and understandably there is now a large expectation that a permanent public water fountain will be placed back in this area.
To ask the Chief Executive for an update on plans for projects and expenditure for Teen Hang Out Spaces following a very insightful survey conducted by SDCC that was reported earlier on this year. To ask whether such projects will be allocated fairly across the county, a timeline of same and for the Chief Executive to give a statement on the matter.
To ask the Chief Executive to provide a progress report on the River Poddle Flood Alleviation Scheme and for him to make a statement on the matter.
To ask the Chief Executive to provide further information related to the use of glyphosates that are outsourced to Oxygen and for him to make a statement on the matter.
Can the Chief Executive confirm that Oxygen are aware of the council motion relating to glyphosate use? A number of residents across the county have complained to me over the summer that they have seen people spraying glyphosates on public footpaths, outside there property and near to public parks. Nor did it appear that the staff member had put up signage to confirm that glyphosates were being sprayed, nor did there seem to be any concern as to wind conditions. Can the Chief Executive therefore also confirm that any entity acting on the council's behalf are in full compliance of the regulations relating to glyphosate use and what does the council do to ensure that this is the case?
To ask the Chief Executive to put together a report that will outline to councillors how much undeveloped public/local authority owned land is in the SDCC area and what % lie in each of the 7 LEAs. This will enable councillors to make more informed decisions regarding Part 8 developments. It would be of huge benefit to councillors to have this report before the year ends.
To ask the Chief Executive, what is the estimated level of trade currently undertaken through the tendering process for the procurement of goods and services? Can he outline how this process may be affected by Britain leaving the EU without a trade deal being in place and also, what are the implications for the operations of services by SDCC?
To ask the Chief Executive how many casual traders licences are issue each year and how many of these are subject to rates by SDCC. What is the basis for the demand for rates upon casual traders?
To ask the Chief Executive for a list of income from paid parking by area and/or village and to present same in tabular form.
To ask the Chief Executive for a report on abandoned cars by area
To ask the Chief Executive how many social houses were built in 2018, by area, in tabular form, setting out how many of these were direct build and how many were provided via housing associations.
To ask the Chief Executive how many people are on the Council housing list, by area.
To ask the Chief Executive if the Council up to date on tree stump removal and, if not, when does it envisage it will achieve up to date status
To ask the Chief Executive what plans are in place to provide more bins to deal with the situation in relation to dog waste.
To ask the Chief Executive how many 1 Bed wheelchair accessible social houses are in the county at the moment and are there plans to build more, if yes how many and when.
To ask the Chief Executive how many social housing projects are in the pipeline or due for completion in 2019 / 2020 and how many tenants are proposed to be accommodated in these developments and to make a statement on the matter
To ask the Chief Executive for details on how the Council proposed to deal with bonfires across the county this year, what plans have been made and what contacts have been made with Garda to co-ordinate services
To ask the Chief Executive how many people have been prosecuted for illegal dumping in the county year to date.
To ask the Chief Executive how many vacant council houses are there in the county and how long, on average, when a house is vacated does it remain vacant.
In the light of concerns raised by environmental groups concerning the environmental impact of large scale helium balloon releases, can the Chief Executive set out what the policy of the Council is towards such events?
Following reports of hedgerows in rural areas being extensively cut during the closed season, can the Chief Executive set out what criteria are applied in order to determine whether hedge-cutting is 'necessary' for the purposes of the Wildlife (Amendment) Act 2000 and what instructions are given to those carrying out exempted necessary work to ensure that cutting is kept to a bare minimum.
To ask the Chief Executive if South Dublin County Council has looked investigated the cost and feasibility of switching to solar power street lights as a longterm future solution, as opposed to continuing with LED replacement?
To ask the Chief Executive for an update on the N81 improvement scheme and if he will make a statement on the matter?
Can the Chief Executive please report on the current rate of leakage/retention of water in South Dublin County Council infrastructure?
The Council conducts regular Housing Needs Assessments of those on the Local Authority housing list. Can the Chief Executive clarify the procedure for those on HAP who may, having taken up employment, have moved over the threshold to qualify for local authority housing?
To ask the Chief Executive to set out, in tabular form and by electoral area, the amount of money spent on developing Tidy Town Strategic Plans over the past 5 years and how progress in the implementation of these plans is monitored and if he will make a statement on the matter.
To ask the Chief Executive to set out, in tabular format, the total amout of money spent on Tallaght Stadium in the year to date under categorical headings and how this performs against projected spend and if he will make a statement on how the difference between the two is addressed.
To ask the Chief Executive to set out, in tabular format and by electoral area, the overall progress in meeting the targets set for the Tree Maintenance Programme and how this progress compares against initial projections for the Tree Maintenance Programme and if he will make a statement on the matter.
To ask the Chief Executive to set out whether or not versions of the Heritage App developed for Clondalkin village will be deployed for other urban villages in the county and if so, what the timeline for this would be and if he will make a statement on the matter.
To ask the Chief Executive to outline what steps, if any, have been taken to involve and consult with community groups and residents associations in the County's approach to protecting biodiversity in order to maximise public support for this initiative and if he will make a statement on the matter.
To ask the Chief Executive to outline whether or not the County has drawn down funds from the Community CCTV schemes, and if not, to outline the reasons why.
Can the Chief Executive please provide detail on the Big Belly Solar Bin Pilot project? Can SDCC please confirm if the pilot project has commenced and outline plans for roll out and implementation throughout the County?
Can the Chief Executive please provide a report on the playspaces that have been implemented in 2018 and 2019? Can the report provide details on any instances of antisocial behaviour being reported and any remedial works that needed to be carried out to any of the play spaces?
Can the Chief Executive please provide details of any housing estates in the County which are waiting to be Taken in Charge by SDCC and for how long each estate has been waiting for TIC?
To ask the Chief Executive to report on his proposed actions to deal effectively with the annual challenges presented by the Halloween season and will he confirm plans to protect our Open Spaces throughout the County and will he also undertake a publicity and education programme in respect of the matter and will he make a statement.
To ask the Chief Executive to update members on plans to deal with issues relating to Brexit including supports available to businesses in respect of the matter and will he make a statement.
To ask the Chief Executive to report on his continued efforts to deal with the dumping/litter/graffiti challenge throughout this County and will he confirm the costs to this Council this year in respect of the matter and also state the number of successful prosecutions and may we have a statement.
To ask the Chief Executive to confirm his plans to deal with the many calls received regarding Trees which require immediate attention and cannot wait for the Maintenance Programme to catch up and will he appreciate the frustration in many communities at the situation and give assurances.
To ask the Chief Executive to confirm his plans for the spending of the recently announced Government Grant for the provision of Library supports in disadvantaged areas and will he give details.
To ask the Chief Executive how many electric ecar charging points are currently in the county and how many new ones are planned. Could a map of these charging points be supplied. To also ask the Chief Executive how are ecar charging points designed into new developments as newer developments have common shared areas and other layouts have off street car parking making it challenging for residents to use private charging points
To ask the Chief Executive to report on the total number of people on the housing waiting list which require specially adapted houses for disability and a breakdown between independent residents and families.
To ask the Chief Executive when the next review of speed signs are planned for the county.
Is SDCC signed up to the national pollinators plan (www.pollinators.ie) and, if not, how might this be best explored?
To ask the Chief Executive if he would confirm if the Council has been in receipt of any claims for damage caused to private property by Council owned trees, and if so, can he quantify the number of claims, the attendant costs, and if he would make a statement on the matter.
To ask the Chief Executive if the Council has been in receipt of claims for reimbursement of tree surgery/maintenance where residents have been obliged to take action on Council owned trees overhanging the resident's properties, and if he would make a statement on the matter.
To ask the Chief Executive to provide a report in relation to the number of enforcement actions taken in relation to planning violations over the lifetime of the last Council term and if he would care to make a statement on the matter.
To ask the Chief Executive to provide a report in relation to actions taken by the Council against Council tenants to enforce the clauses of tenancy agreements, the number arising in an annual period, time taken from complaint to execution of the action to enforce the clause, and if he would care to make a statement in relation to the matter.
To ask the Chief Executive if the Council have a policy for the employment of persons with disabilities, particularly those with autism and dyspraxia, and whether the Council have engaged with the Department of Social Protection Employability Service Programme and if he would like to make a statement on the matter.
To ask the Chief Executive for a report into what Part 8s are proposed to be raised for the lifetime of the council? How many houses will this provide for?
To ask the Chief Executive for a report into ''Swifts'' birds in our county? What is being done to preserve there nesting areas, how many are know to be in SDCC area and in what locations?
To ask the Chief Executive for a report into the issue of rats. As there is so much work planned in SDCC who should residents contact and how many are employed to deal with this issue?
To ask the Chief Executive for a report into community centres in SDCC? How many are in the SDCC area, how many are planned and in what locations? to ask that SDCC look at how they are funded and run ? also To ask the manager to look at how other local authorities fund these vital community services.
To ask the Chief Executive for a report into how many council houses have been provided by Part 5s for the years 2017, 2018 , 2019 and how many are envisaged for the next 5 years? To also ask how these houses are allocated and is there any situation where a new development would not have to provide council housing of 10%?
Headed Items
(No Reports)
(a) - Proposed disposal of fee simple interest in 99 Balrothery Estate, Tallaght, Dublin 24
(b) - Proposed disposal of fee simple interest at 184 Alpine Heights, Clondalkin, Dublin 22
(c) - Proposed disposal of plot of land to rear of 83 Hillcrest Drive, Lucan, Co. Dublin
(d) - Proposed disposal of ESB substation site adjacent to Lucan Swimming Pool site, Esker, Lucan, Co. Dublin
(e) - Proposed leasehold disposal of ESB indoor substation site in HSE Community Nursing Unit, Tymon North Road, Tallaght, Dublin 24
(f) - Proposed disposal of ESB substation site, Corkagh Grange, Old Nangor Road, Dublin 22
H-I 7 (a) - Proposed disposal of fee simple interest in 99 Balrothery Estate, Tallaght, Dublin 24
H-I 7 (b) - Proposed disposal of fee simple interest at 184 Alpine Heights, Clondalkin, Dublin 22
H-I 7 (c) - Proposed disposal of plot of land to rear of 83 Hillcrest Drive, Lucan, Co. Dublin
H-I 7 (d) - Proposed disposal of ESB substation site adjacent to Lucan Swimming Pool site, Esker, Lucan, Co. Dublin
H-I 7 (e) - Proposed leasehold disposal of ESB indoor substation site in HSE Community Nursing Unit, Tymon North Road, Tallaght, Dublin 24
H-I 7 (f) - Proposed disposal of ESB substation site, Corkagh Grange, Old Nangor Road, Dublin 22
SPC SCHEME 2019 -2024
Letter dated 29th April 2019 from Minster Katherine Zappone replying to Motion 5 from the April 2019 Council meeting regarding Adoptee Identity Rights.
Letter dated 22nd May 2019 from the Department of Housing, Planning & Local Government in reply to Motion 2 from the November 2018 Council meeting regarding the changes made to part V by the Urban Regeneration and Housing Act 2015
To call on the Chief Executive to replicate and produce appropriate signage for our Libraries in support of Autism Friendly Initiatives.
(Please see an example attached as used in libraries in the UK)
That this Council gives its full support to the Dublin Civil Defence Services, including Emergency Medical Technicians (EMT's), paramedics and advanced paramedics
That this Council calls on the Chief Executive to review Council policy regarding Tree Preservation Orders which are included in our County Development Plam, specifically the removal of a Tree Preservation Order.
That this Council calls on the Irish Government to immediately plan for a United Ireland and furthermore to ask the Minister to call on the British Secretary of State to set a date for a border poll on Irish Unification
This Council, building on the joint Climate Action Plan of the Four Dublin Local Authorities, as a show of support for the leadership and commitment demonstrated by the Young People of this County, in recognition of how precious the Dublin Mountains, Liffey Valley and Dodder Valley are, and to give a practical expression to our moto “Ag Seo Ar gCuram” hereby declare a climate and ecological emergency across the entire county and will endeavour over the lifetime of this Council to use ever opportunity to reverse biodiversity loss and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
That this Council will commit to move towards a County-wide voluntary ban on election posters and, as a first step, will agree here and now to limit voluntarily the number of posters to one hundred per candidate per Local Electoral Area and to refrain from erecting posters in areas zoned rural, and that the Environmental SPC be asked to identify suitable designated postering areas with a view to limiting all future election postering to one such area per LEA.
That this Council requests Senior staff from TII and the NTA, along with senior officials from the Department of transport to attend a special day-long meeting arranged by SDCC on an agreed date in early September to discuss and draw up detailed and imminent solutions for the gridlock problem and sustainable transport deficit in our County, including:
- The Climate Crisis and the implementation of measures under the National Climate Change Strategy;
- The imminent construction of the Children's Hospital and its impact on national routes such as the M7/N7, the M50 and M4./N4 and especially the R148;
- The lack of detail to date on tangible transport options as part of the Clonburris SDZ which will see 8,000 to 11,000 new homes built in the County;
- Gridlock and rat running in many of the urban villages in our County;
- Biodiversity and pollinator plans;
and if a statement can be made on the matter.
That South Dublin County Council acknowledge and support the recent declaration of a Climate and Biodiversity Emergency by Dáil Éireann, and further support the recent Climate Strikes by young people in the county and beyond.
That SDCC have listened and have understood the grave urgency felt by these young people and their families and have accepted their demand that elected representatives act immediately to ensure a liveable future for all residents of South Dublin County, Ireland and the planet.
That SDCC agree that the evidence of climate crisis is overwhelming, particularly in light of the IPCC report of 2019.
That SDCC agree that, while relatively small in global terms, each local authority can be a leader on climate action by acting decisively.
That SDCC will implement the following steps:
- Declare a Climate Emergency for South Dublin County
- Expedite the implementation of the Climate Change Action Plan 2019-2024
- Declare a Biodiversity Emergency for South Dublin County
- Update and publish a new Biodiversity Action Plan
- Ensure the Environment, Public Realm and Climate Change SPC also include biodiversity in its title and remit
- Report regularly on the progress of these plans and actions
That this Council calls on the Chief Executive to give guarantees that he is doing everything possible to deal with the challenge presented by the Climate Change crises and in reporting will he confirm how he intends to communicate details of his actions to the wider community and will he make a statement.
This Council commits to maintain the current Rent Differential Rate for Local Authority tenants at 10% and the continuation of the €10 per household discount for Local Authority tenants aged over 65, for the term of this Council.
To ask the Chief Executive for a review of the Control of Horses Act and its Bye Laws with a view to giving Councils direct mechanisms for on the spot sanctions for 'owners, keepers or persons in control of an equine' who do not comply with equine ID/microchipping requirements, in order to change attitudes to owning equines and thereby improve welfare.
This Council agrees that carbon tax is not the answer to tackle climate change. Carbon tax is a regressive tax. It targets the wrong people and does not challenge the real cause of carbon emissions. This Council calls for a stoppage of any implementation of a new carbon tax and calls for immediate action on investment in renewable energy, public transport and a stop to licences issued to extract fossil fuels.
That this County Council confirms that it will endeavour to ensure that single use plastics are not used at all South Dublin County Council events and in particular large scale outdoor events and festivals with a view to banning single use plastics at any such event within the next 12 months
In view of the number of Post Primary schools in our County and the number of additional schools planned, and taking into account the amount of Section 29 Appeals for refusal to enrol that are going through the DDLEB and the DES, owing to the amount of parents or guardians that are missing application dates or acceptance dates, for Post Primary Schools, due to varying forms of notices of when this process starts and finishes, that this Council calls on the Minister of Education and Skills, to introduce a national registration period, applicable to every Post Primary School, in an effort to ensure that each potential pupil is given a fair and equal chance to enrol at the appropriate time, in the school of their choice.
That we write to the Minister for defence also An Taoiseach asking that the long over due medals for gallantry and distinguished service specifically for the Irish soldiers of “A” Company who served at Jadotville in 1961 be awarded. These medals were promised by former Taoiseach Enda Kenny in his final days in Office and still they have not been received.
‘That South Dublin County Council supports the Exhibition of survivors of institutions called ''Our Living Bereavement'' that will be launched on the 7th October in Tallaght Library. We hope in raising awareness of this sad part of Irish history that all people affected by such trauma will finally be acknowledged. We commit to writing to the minister for Children to ask that all survivors are assisted to cope with their living bereavements by way of counselling supports , a museum with living stories , a remembrance garden , assistance with medical needs and any other supports they need‘.
That this newly elected Council condemns the utterly inhumane system of Direct Provision and calls upon the Government to bring about its immediate end and to introduce a reception procedure for asylum seekers which is not-for-profit and which is in accordance with international human rights law.
That this Council supports the promotion of eco friendly bus shelters to include their use as solar panels, rain harvesters, low maintenance plants and flowers for a bee friendly environment such as are utilised by the Dutch city Utreacht.
If the motion is agreed by the Members, it is proposed that the Council write to National Transport Authority to urge its implementation as soon as possible.