Monday, September 09, 2019
QUESTION: Councillor L. O'Toole
To ask the Chief Executive how many electric ecar charging points are currently in the county and how many new ones are planned. Could a map of these charging points be supplied. To also ask the Chief Executive how are ecar charging points designed into new developments as newer developments have common shared areas and other layouts have off street car parking making it challenging for residents to use private charging points
Currently we are aware of 24 No. charging points that are available to the public on ESB’s e-Cars network on a 24hr/day basis. This figure includes 3 No. fast charger Combi 50KWh charging points that are located on private/commercial property. The remaining points typically can provide up to 22KWh depending on the make and model of the vehicle being charged. The following web site is availavle to view the map and to check the status of EV charge points:
In addition to the 24 locations described above, SDCC are also aware of several privately-operated charging stations that are available to customers using the provider’s facilities.
SDCC do not currently hold information on privately managed EV charging facilities located at places of employment for the exclusive use of employees.
SDCC has introduced five EV’s into its operational fleet and look forward to replacing further fossil fuelled items of plant and equipment with their rechargeable electric equivalents.
SDCC is currently assessing location in the County at council owned facilities for the provision of EV charging facilities.
SDCC is collaborating with the 3 other Dublin Local Authorities to introduce a standardised system of public EV charging stations at our town centres and municipal facilities.
Discussions have also taking place regionally with third party providers to establish a suitable mechanism for the roll out of EV charging points at strategic locations across the county and the Council is now progressing work on a County Mobility Study which is also expected to incorpoprate objectives in this regard.
Similarly the Council is committed to ensuring that best practice urban design principles are applied to all new developments.
The Development Plan includes policy on charging for electric vehicles and states in Section 11.4.3 that
‘To facilitate the use of electrically operated cars and bicycles in line with National Policy, all developments shall provide facilities for the charging of battery operated cars at a rate of up to 10% of the total car parking spaces. The remainder of the parking spaces should be constructed to be capable of accommodating future charging points, as required.’
This policy is being actively implemented in planning conditions attached to permissions.
SDCC welcomes the recent announcement by the Minister in relation to Government support for the installation of 1000 EV charge points over the next five years.