Monday, September 09, 2019
MOTION: Councillor Peter Kavanagh
That South Dublin County Council acknowledge and support the recent declaration of a Climate and Biodiversity Emergency by Dáil Éireann, and further support the recent Climate Strikes by young people in the county and beyond.
That SDCC have listened and have understood the grave urgency felt by these young people and their families and have accepted their demand that elected representatives act immediately to ensure a liveable future for all residents of South Dublin County, Ireland and the planet.
That SDCC agree that the evidence of climate crisis is overwhelming, particularly in light of the IPCC report of 2019.
That SDCC agree that, while relatively small in global terms, each local authority can be a leader on climate action by acting decisively.
That SDCC will implement the following steps:
Following recommendation from the Environment, Public Realm & Climate Change SPC and a Public Consultation Process the draft South Dublin County Council Climate Change Action Plan 2019-2024 was approved by Council on the 7th May 2019.
In 2013 the EU published the EU Adaptation Strategy which sets out a framework and mechanism for enhancing the preparedness of the EU for the current and future impacts of climate change, and in 2014 the EU published the EU Climate & Energy Framework, setting out policy objectives in the 2020-2030 period and EU wide targets. The Paris Agreement (COP 21), December 2015, Ireland, as a party to this agreement, recognises both the right and responsibility of all parties to pursue low carbon, climate resilient development and its supporting initiatives.
Ireland responded with the publication of the National Climate Action and Low Carbon Development Act 2015 (commonly known as the Climate Act 2015) which provides the required policy context for a strategic national adaptation response to climate change which aims, as a fundamental national objective, to achieve a transition to a competitive, low carbon, climate resilient and environmentally sustainable economy by 2050.
As part of the Climate Act 2015 reductions in greenhouse gas emissions and adaptation to the impacts of climate change is being addressed through national plans, the National Low Carbon Roadmap, the National Mitigation Plan (NMP), 2017 and National Adaptation Framework (NAF), 2018.
Ireland’s NAF and NMP were published by the DCCAE and provide for an all of government approach to adaptation and mitigation and requires the development of local and sectoral plans.
Implementing the Plan
The South Dublin County Council Climate Change Action Plan 2019-2024 was finalised in July and will be submitted to the Minister for Communications, Climate Action and Environment. This is in accordance with the requirements of the NAF, as local adaptation strategies are required to be submitted by 30th September 2019.
The Climate Change Action Plan sets out how the Council will improve energy efficiency and reduce greenhouse gas emissions in its own buildings and operations, while making its functional area more adaptive to the impacts of climate change.
The plan concentrates on the two approaches required to tackle climate change.
There are four key targets in the CCAP;
The Plan includes a range of actions, organised across six key action areas, each to be delivered by an interdepartmental Action Team;
A Steering Group made up of senior management and the chairs of the Action Teams will oversee the delivery of the plan. Regular updates and reviews will be presented to the Elected Members during the lifetime of the plan.
There are 130 actions across the five action areas.
Climate Action related projects currently being worked on include:
Tree Planting Programme – over 2,500 trees planted
There are a number of designation/ award schemes that require a demonstration of climate actions and these include the An Taisce Green Flag; 129 flags up to end of 2018 exist and 24 were awarded so far this year, five Proposed Natural Heritage Areas (PNHA), two Special Areas of Conservation (ASC), and one Special Protected Area (SPA).
100% of the Councils buildings possess and display Energy Certificates in accordance with the Energy Efficiency Directive SI 426/2014.
25% of SOX lamps in our public lighting system have been replaced with LED’s, this is an ongoing project.
1.4% of the fleet has become electric with the introduction of 5 Electric Vehicles, this will continue to rise.
12 Pedestrian Prioritisation schemes are in place.
51 council installed bike parking facilities were in place by end of 2018, this has been increased with the introduction of 3 locations fitted with Cyc-Locs.
Approximately 300 KM of cycle track exists.
The Council is involved with transport initiatives such as; Smarter Travel Programmes, Car Free Day, Cycle2Work Day, to encourage a modal shift from cars.
100% of the Councils 74 Civic and Bring Centres have a waste reuse facility.
7 Master Composter Courses, 4 Workshops and 1 social media campaign was run in 2018 on the Stop Food Waste Campaign.
In 2017, 13 anti-dumping initiatives/ anti-litter campaigns were initiated, a total of 12 took place in 2018, these included Conscious Cup, Gum Litter, Cigarette Disposal and Don’t be Dick campaigns.
Over 2000 citizen engagements events, over 200 social housing residents and 3 in house events were hosted by SDCC relating to waste management and recycling practices in the last two years (2017-2018).
3 major flood alleviation schemes are underway at the Rivers Poddle, Whitechurch and the Camac. The Ballycullen Stream Flood Alleviation Scheme is complete. Trash screens have been upgraded throughout the county. With a total of €1.9M spent on major and minor flood mitigation works and projects to end of 2018.
10 community gardens are provided for community use, and 99% of the 424 allotments provided by the council are being enjoyed by our citizens to grow their own fruit, vegetables and flowers.
Since 2017, 10 Tidy Towns Groups participated in the Tidy Towns Heritage Award, this year a new Tidy Towns group is being set up in Tallaght.