Headed Items
Confirmation & Re-affirmation of Minutes of Meeting of 16th January, 2019
Water & Drainage
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
"With the recent change of supply of water to the Clondalkin area from Ballymore Eustace to Leixlip resulting in many complaints from residents including limescale and sediments in the water, this Committee agrees to invite Irish Water to meet the Clondalkin Counsellors for a single item meeting to discuss this issue.
"That this Area Committee agrees that volunteers who work with Friends of the Camac in the Clondalkin Electoral Area should be supported by the Council with the provision of Water Safety Training Courses for them."
"That this area committee agrees that the council should apply for funding from the Life Project scheme in order to develop and improve the Mill Pond at Clondalkin Park and the Camac River as it flows through the Clondalkin Electoral area."
Public Realm
"To ask the Chief Executive to assist with the following query: I have been asking for a number of years now to have two large trees removed from the side of my Home -( private address supplied). They hang over our back garden and completely shade the garden from sunshine all year round. This is so unfair and my husband has medical problems and is now unable to do anything with them. To make it even worse, when the sun gets to the front of the house it's completely blocked with a large tree to the side of our gate so very stressing on both of us."
"To ask the Chief Executive if the trees on St Anthony's Avenue, Clondalkin which adjoin the boundary with St Joseph's BNS, Clondalkin could be reduced sigificantly in height."
"That the Chief Executive address the following issue: the issue I want to raise is regarding tree management, specifically in Rathcoole as I looked into the Management Plan, saw it as “completed” for Beechwood Lawns. Investigated and saw the the Management Plan included planting of new trees which has not taken place."
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
"That this Area Committee asks the Chief Executive to explore the opportunity of running a Darkness Into Light fundraiser for Pieta House in Corkagh and Rathcoole Park in 2019/2020."
"That this Area Committee provide a report for discussion on the impact the CCTV in St Cuthbert's Park has had to date and furthermore this committee agrees that an extensive clean up of the park is undertaken"
"That this Area Committee gets a full report on the planned play spaces in Newcastle and to have a legal representative there if the update is legal."
"This Committee agrees that the Council replace the damaged/missing wooden bollards at the end of Deansrath Grove which leads onto St.Cuthberts Road and Lock View Road and also the bollards at Deansrath Lawns which leads to Lock View Road."
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
"To ask the Chief Executive if there will be a village festival in Clondalkin this year and if so on what dates?"
"To ask the Chief Executive for a report into community space at Ballynakelly. What was agreed in planning and when will it be delivered? What is the delay?
"To ask the Chief Executive to provide a report on the Councils installing Carbon Monoxide alarms and how residents can apply for them?"
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Deputations for Noting (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
"That this Committee asks the Chief Executive to formally request a meeting with the Lawrence OToole Trust to discuss purchasing the old schoolhouse in Newcastle."
"To ask the Chief Executive for a report on the house building project in St Cuthbert's Park?"
"To ask the Chief Executive to provide a report on how many tenants in Balgaddy (Meile An Ri/Tor An Ri/Buirg An Ri/Foxdene) are currently on a Transfer List including a breakdown for each Estate and the average amount of time on the Transfer List for each Estate?
"To ask the Chief Executive for a report for Balgaddy to address the following issues: How many are on the Transfer list? Why are so many asking to move/transfer? Is it overcrowding or other issues? Report to include how many have a private legal case against the council to date? Please could report be as detailed as possible!"
"To ask the Chief Executive to provide an update on the Grange/Kilcarbery joint venture project and a projected timeline for the completion of the initial units?"
"To ask the Chief Executive to issue a report to explain why it has taken so long for 'repairs' into the Clondalkin Boardwalk. Bearing in mind this issue was highlighted by the Tidy Towns National adjudicator in June and communicated separately by Clondalkin Tidy Towns to SDCC. What is the delay and when will work be finished? What has been the costs involved in the Boardwalk and its repairs?"
"To ask the Chief Executive to provide a report stating how many HAP Tenants there are North of Naas Road, South of Naas Road and in total and how much this cost to provide in 2018?"
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Part 8 - St. Mark's Phase 2
Correspondence (No Business)
Cathaoirleach's Business
"That this Committee asks for an update on previous motions agreed by Elected Members on a hostel/emergency accommodation for the Clondalkin area and for a report into how many people are deemed homeless in the Clondalkin area and how many are identified as rough sleepers? Has any site been identified?"
"To ask the Chief Executive for a report on the development that is taking place at the CB packaging site and in the adjacent lands which adjoin the Ninth Lock Road and the New Nangor Road."
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
Cathaoirleach's Business
"That this Committee calls for a mural to celebrate the 135th anniversary of the foundation of Clondalkin Round Towers GAA. The details of the design-to be mutually agreed upon-will include all club activities (football; hurling and camogie) gender and ethnicity.
(There will be NO cost to SDCC as funding will be raised by Round Towers GAA and Clondalkin Tidy Towns. Round Towers and CTT are prepared to meet all costs including design, insurance, scaffolding and painting etc.)"
"That this committee gets a legal update on the enforcement of planning at Behan's Quarry, Rathcoole."
"To ask the Chief Executive to ensure that the Plaza in front of the Credit Union at Main Street/Convent Road in Clondalkin is given due attention."
"To ask for details of the LED lighting upgrades that will be carried out in Q1 and Q2?"
"To ask the Chief Executive for an update on the Council seeking funding and going out to Part 8 planning for pedestrian accesses from Balgaddy to the Thomas Omar Road?"
"To ask for a salt bin to be installed at Hazelhatch Bridge?"
"To ask the Chief Executive how residents can avail of salt bins from the Council and what is the criteria for getting one?"
Headed Items
Proposed Declaration of Roads to be Public Roads (No Business)
New Works (No Business)
Roadworks & Footpath Programme 2019
Traffic Calming Programme 2019/20 – Results of Public Consultation
Draft Road Traffic (Periodic Special Speed Limit) amendment Bye-Law 2019
Cathaoirleach's Business
"That this Area Committee calls on a full audit of footpaths to be done in Monastery Estate (trees have lifted footpaths and there are large holes on footpaths, also patch up jobs done in some place by service companies). The Current condition of the footpaths are a significant health and safety risk. We ask that an Audit is carried out and that work identified as needing done is carried out as a matter of urgency."
"That the Committee agree to fix the pot holes in Cappaghmore and just outside the Estate."
Libraries & Arts
Headed Items
Library News & Events
Application for Arts Grants (No Business)
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
Cathaoirleach's Business
"That this Committee asks the Chief Executive for an update on previous motions and questions on a proposed Library and how this can be achieved that would serve the growing areas of Newcastle, Rathcoole and Saggart. What can be done to progress this much needed facility and what would be the estimated time frame?"
Economic Development
"To ask the Chief Executive to clarify who owns the piece of waste ground on Kilmahuddrick Road, Clondalkin (Map attached) and to speak with the owners about keeping this land maintained"
"To ask the Chief Executive for a report on the ownership of the Mill Ponds in Clondalkin Park."
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
Cathaoirleach's Business
"That this committee calls for the Path of ''Brigid’s Pilgrimage Way'' to be signposted and a suitable path be laid that keeps it as authentic as possible - (this is the stretch from Knockmenagh Road at Brigid’s Cottages to Monastery Road) and also that the Library Section of SDCC put together a display to explain the importance of this ancient path to the Public. We also ask for a report into the land ownership at this site? We also congratulate the organisers of the successful St. Brigid's Pilgrimage Walk that took place on 1st February."
"That this Committee asks the Legal Department for a full report on the Community Centre at Orchard Lane, Clondalkin."
Co-Sponsor: Trevor Gillian
"That this Area Committee agrees that there should be investment by the Council in the St. Brigid's Pilgrim Way in Clondalkin."
Performance & Change Management
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
Corporate Support
"To ask that the Chief Executive that the Green Isle Hotel be written to and asked to landscape the area of land they own from Boot Road to Green Isle."
"To ask the Chief Executive for a report into response back from below Suspensory Motion agreed by elected members. Also to ask for a update report on any efforts SDCC has taken to resolve this issue?
21-11-2018 Suspensory Motion
That this committee writes to Newcastle Church and the St. Laurence O'Toole Diocesan Trust on behalf of the 3K1C-Newcastle Scout Group who Last week I received an email from the Church’s solicitors asking us to vacate their den by 31st December 2018 which is located on church property. This is devastating news for the 3K1C-Newcastle Scout Group who provides 100 children with a social outlet and help teach them social and life skills. We ask that Newcastle Church and the St. Laurence O'Toole Diocesan Trust reconsider this decision and respond back to this committee as a matter of urgency.
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
"That this area committee agrees that an increase in youth service funding for the Clondalkin and Lucan area is urgently required. Funding has not been restored since significant cutbacks during the recession and with an increase in population services are inadequate for the current and projected needs. We call on the Government to immediately restore and increase funding."
"Figures released by the HSE through a Parliamentary Question highlighted the waiting times for an appointment with Jigsaw in North Clondalkin of up to 7 weeks. This Committee vehemently opposes any reduction of services or any attempt to relocate any of this service outside of Clondalkin. This Committee agrees to write to the HSE and Jigsaw management and ask for assurances that this will not happen and to seek an enhancement to services that are vital to the mental health wellbeing to the young people of Clondalkin."
"That this Area Committee congratulates the INMO nurses and midwives on their industrial action for pay parity, and that this committee write to the INMO representative in Peamount Hospital to inform them of our support for their cause."