Agenda - June 2006 County Council Meeting

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12/06/2006 00:00
Council Chamber
Standing Orders:

Headed Items

H-I (1)
Submitted by:
Corporate Performance and Change Management Directorate
Corporate Performance and Change Management Directorate


a) Minutes of Meeting of South Dublin County Council, 8th May 2006

(circulated herewith)

H-I (2)
Submitted by:
Corporate Performance and Change Management Directorate
Roads Department, Housing Administration, Planning Not is use


a) Terenure/Rathfarnham Area Committee (1) - 2nd May 2006
Dealing with Roads, Planning, Development and Corporate Services

(no report)

b) Terenure/Rathfarnham Area Committee (2) - 9th May 2006
Dealing with Community (1 report - Grants), Parks, Environment and Housing

(circulated herewith)

c) Tallaght Area Committee (1) - 15th May 2006
Dealing with Environment, Parks, Community (1 Report - Grants)  and Housing

(circulated herewith)

d) Tallaght Area Committee (2) - 22nd May 2006
Dealing with Roads, Planning (1 report - Proposed Variation), Development and Corporate Services

(circulated herewith)

e) Lucan /Clondalkin Area Committee (1) - 27th April 2006
Dealing with Development, Planning, Corporate Services (1 Report - Special Committee) and Roads

(circulated herewith)

f) Lucan /Clondalkin Area Committee (1) - 16th May 2006
Dealing with Development, Planning, Corporate Services and
Roads (2 reports- Extinguishment of Rights of Way)

(circulated herewith)

g) Lucan/Clondalkin Area Committee (2) - 23rd May 2006
Dealing with Environment, Parks, Community (1 Report - Grants) and Housing

(circulated herewith)

H-I (3)
Submitted by:
Corporate Performance and Change Management Directorate
Corporate Performance and Change Management Directorate


a) Draft Calendar of Meeting Dates

b) Filling of Vacancies on Sports, Recreation, Community Development SPC and Irish Public Bodies Mutual Insurances Ltd.

c) Nominations to Community Linkage Fund Assessment Panel.

(all circulated herewith)


H-I (4)
Submitted by:
Corporate Performance and Change Management Directorate
Pat Smith, Mary Pyne, Philomena Poole, Frank Coffey, Tom Doherty


a) Environment SPC Meeting, 3/05/06 - Report

b) Housing and Social SPC Meeting, 4/05/06 - Report

c) Sports, Recreation, Community Development SPC Meeting, 10/05/06 - (i)Report (ii) Minutes of 8/02/06

d) Transport SPC Meeting, 11/05/06 - (i) Report, (ii) Minutes of 9/02/06

e) Economic Development (Planning & Development) SPC Meeting, 17/05/06 - (i) Report, (ii) Minutes of 15/02/06

f) Arts, Culture, Gaeilge, Education & Libraries SPC Meeting, 25/05/06 - (i) Report, (ii) Minutes of 16/02/06

(all circulated herewith)

H-I (5)
Submitted by:
Corporate Performance and Change Management Directorate


(no report)



Qu (1)
Submitted by:
Councillor M. Corr
Gary Keogh

To ask the Manager to bring a report to the next meeting of the Council setting out his assessment of the state of the Electoral Register and the steps he is taking or intends to take to compile an accurate up-to-date register and the amount of additional monies for this purpose that will be provided to South Dublin County Council following Minister Roche's announcement?

Qu (2)
Submitted by:
Councillor M. Daly
Tom O'Neill
To ask the Manager to give an update on progress made on the provision of traveller accomodation specifically Transient sites. Will he be able to accommodate travellers moving into the county during the summer period and if not how will he deal with this issue should it arise?
Qu (3)
Submitted by:
Councillor M. Daly
Gary Keogh
To ask the Manager to confirm that he will ensure that the Dublin flag will be flown from Halla an Chontae during the summer in support of Dublin teams playing in this years football hurling and camogie championships?
Qu (4)
Submitted by:
Councillor M. Daly
Jim Walsh (Development Business)
To ask the Manager to update the Council on developments at the stadium on Whitestown way?
Qu (5)
Submitted by:
Councillor M. Daly
Paul Fleming
To ask the Manager will he comment on the need to monitor and fine illegal dumping at 'bring centres' which are causing huge distress to communities who live close by and will possibly lead to calls for their removal. This will set back the county's recycling ambitions.
Qu (6)
Submitted by:
Councillor R. Dowds
Larry Kelly

To ask the Manager

  1. To outline the information he has on disability training within South Dublin County Council and
  2. To name the person in charge of that area of responsibility?
Qu (7)
Submitted by:
Councillor R. Dowds
Paddy McNamara

To ask the Manager for an up to date report on Taking in Charge of estates in South County Dublin including the following:

(a) The number of estates to be taken in charge, electoral area by electoral area.

(b) Delays in Taking in Charge.

(c) The approach of the County Council to ensure swift Taking in Charge.

(d) How tardy developers are dealt with?

Qu (8)
Submitted by:
Councillor R. Dowds
Yvonne Dervan
To ask the Manager for an explanation as to why our County Council has not sought to achieve 20% affordable housing within our county?
Qu (9)
Submitted by:
Councillor D. Keating
Paul Hogan
To ask the Manager to report on what I requested and that was agreed at the Council Meeting on 8th May 2006, that he would initiate the process to bring forward the Report on Health Issues associated with buildings being closely situated to overhead power lines. Many other countries are already exercising prudence avoidance principles by ensuring that there is a minimum distance of 90 metres between buildings and overhead power lines. It is desirable to have the Local Authority, Developers and the ESB engage on this matter and begin the process of putting such power lines underground in the interest of Health and Safety. In addition to these required retrospective works, future planning permissions should include conditions requiring that nearby overhead power lines must be rerouted underground? 
Qu (10)
Submitted by:
Councillor D. Keating
John McLoughlin
To ask that the Manager would agree to take account of the value of such amenity as parklands when planning new proposed road infrastructure. Such parkland amenity is often of crucial importance to the quality of life of local communities and when confronted with the prospect losing such amenity in the context of the planning process, it becomes the subject of considerable anxiety to that community?
Qu (11)
Submitted by:
Councillor D. Keating
Jim Kilgarriff

To ask that the Manager would agree to engage in an examination of the feasibility of Skate Park facilities for other areas in the County following completion of the Lucan Skate Park and following a six month period of usage. In recent months there has been an increase in the interest shown by many young people in other areas in acquiring a Skate Park facility. In such a case it would be appropriate to learn from the experience in Lucan?

Qu (12)
Submitted by:
Councillor D. Keating
Paul Fleming
To ask the Manager what additional measures he intends introducing to compliment the existing services available in the county, to tackle in a more serious and determined way the growing Litter problems.  Would the Manager please agree to establish a New Working Group to include the Gardaí so before the matter worsens, despite the great efforts of civic minded Residents, Tidy Towns Committees etc.?
Qu (13)
Submitted by:
Councillor D. Keating
Mairead Hunt
To ask the Manager to provide details, in list form, of the top ten individuals and /or companies issued with most Warning Letters and Enforcement Notices in the last year?
Qu (14)
Submitted by:
Councillor J. Lahart
Yvonne Dervan
To ask the Manager to outline how many Social Houses have been constructed this year to date and how many are projected for the year end?
Qu (15)
Submitted by:
Councillor J. Lahart
Yvonne Dervan
To ask the Manager to outline how many Social Houses have been completed by the Local Authority and how many have been completed on the Council's behalf by developers?
Qu (16)
Submitted by:
Councillor J. Lahart
Yvonne Dervan
To ask the Manager to outline for Members in what way the flexibility clause in the Social Housing provision  has been utilised and whether or not any developer has escaped the requirement to provide social housing in some shape or form, whether by land exchange or by the paying of monies to the Local Authority, and can the Manager confirm that there is no case where monies have been paid to the Local Authority in exchange for the housing provision?
Qu (17)
Submitted by:
Fintan McCarthy
Maria O'Neill

To ask the Manager to provide details of what steps are being taken by the Council to reduce the amount of treated water currently being lost through leakage from the water system of South Dublin and to quantify the amount of such leakage and the approximate cost of the provision of such water?

Qu (18)
Submitted by:
Fintan McCarthy
Paul Fleming

To ask the Manager to provide details on what progress has been made in arranging for the acceptance of plastic in green bins?

Qu (19)
Submitted by:
Fintan McCarthy
Paul Fleming

Given the recent issuing of a tender for the provision of number of new vehicles for the Council; to ask the Manager to take steps to ensure that in the future that provision will be made to facilitate the conversion of all council vehicles to run on bio-fuel by the end of the decade?

Qu (20)
Submitted by:
Fintan McCarthy
Muiris O'Keeffe

To ask the Manager to detail the amount of grant aid received in 2003, 2004, 2005 and to date in 2006 from the DTO for the Safe Routes to School Programme?

Qu (21)
Submitted by:
Fintan McCarthy
Muiris O'Keeffe

To ask the Manager to make the necessary arrangements for the Council to take control of the operation of all traffic light junctions within the county given the unnecessary congestion being caused in South Dublin to residents living to the west of the M50.  

Qu (22)
Submitted by:
Fintan McCarthy
Gary Keogh, Willie Sheils

To ask the Manager to indicate what percentage of the energy needs of the Council are currently being provided by alternative energy providers and to indicate what steps the Council will take to shift towards the purchase of electricity from environmentally-friendly electricity suppliers?

Qu (23)
Submitted by:
Councillor M. Murphy
Paul Fleming

To ask the Manager will he be asking people to re-apply for the Bin Tax Waiver for 2007. If so when will this work begin and will it be completed before the end of 2006?

Qu (24)
Submitted by:
Councillor M. Murphy
Muiris O'Keeffe

To ask the Manager

a) When exactly were the new 60 Km/hr speed limit signs fitted on the Naas Road between the Red Cow Roundabout and the Kylemore Road Junction.

b) What was the old speed limit on that stretch of road.

c) What is the speed limit on most of the Naas Road.

Qu (25)
Submitted by:
Councillor S. O'Conchúir
Tony Shanahan
To ask the Manager how many forecourt garages within South Dublin have closed down their operation ceasing the service of petroleum sales & loss of employment & have applied for a change of planning on site within the last two years?
Qu (26)
Submitted by:
Councillor E. Tuffy
Gerry Fitzgibbon
To ask the Manager if he will commit, in the Water Leisure Strategy, an estimated amount of actual capital funding, in 2006/2007 and 2008,  for the Lucan Swimming Pool Project?

Headed Items

H-I (6)
Submitted by:
Corporate Performance and Change Management Directorate
Tom Doherty

Proposed Initiation of Variation of County Development Plan at Saggart to secure the Council's objective of an extension of the Luas Line to Garter Lane

(circulated herewith)

H-I (7)
Submitted by:
Corporate Performance and Change Management Directorate
Roads Department


(circulated herewith)

H-I (8)
Submitted by:
Corporate Performance and Change Management Directorate
Housing Administration, Development, Econ. & Transport Planning Dept.


a)  Proposed Disposal of Substation site at Fortunestown Way, Tallaght, Dublin 24 to ESB

b) Proposed Disposal of part of laneway adjacent to 72 Castle Park to Philip Malone & Nicola Priestly 

c) Proposed exchange of Lands at Killinarden, Tallaght, Dublin 24 with Kelland Homes Ltd.

(all circulated herewith)

H-I (9)
Submitted by:
Jim Kilgarriff
Parks Department

Report on Public Notification Procedure Under Part 8 of the Planning and Development Regulations 2001 - 2003 for the upgrading of the Hockey Pitch at Esker Park, Griffeen Valley, Lucan.

(circulated herewith)

H-I (10)
Submitted by:
Roads Department
Seamus Fagan

Report on Public Notification Procedure under Part 8 Report of the Planning and Development Regulations 2001-2003 for Proposed Rathcoole/Saggart Distributor Road

(circulated herewith)

H-I (11)
Submitted by:
Development, Econ. & Transport Planning Dept.
Development, Econ. & Transport Planning Dept.

Approval to registration of charge by the Minister for Arts, Sport and Tourism in respect of running track at Bancroft Park, Greenhills Road, Tallaght, Dublin 24- track to be managed by Tallaght Athletic Club.

(circulated herewith)

H-I (12)
Submitted by:
Corporate Performance and Change Management Directorate
Corporate Performance and Change Management Directorate


(circulated herewith)

H-I (13)
Submitted by:
Corporate Performance and Change Management Directorate
Corporate Performance and Change Management Directorate
H-I (14)
Submitted by:
Finance Department
Finance Department

Three Year Capital Programme 2006 - 2008 (As presented to the Area Committees - with minor admendments.  Report for Noting)

(circulated herewith)

H-I (15)
Submitted by:
Finance Department
Finance Department

Audit Report AFS 2004 (As presented to the Organisation, Procedure and Finance Committee.  Report for Noting.)

(circulated herewith)

(Annual Financial Statement 2004 - link to Membersnet)


Cor (1)
Submitted by:
Corporate Performance and Change Management Directorate


Letter, dated 19th May 2006 from the Office of the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government in reply to South Dublin County Council's letter regarding the review of Local Electoral Boundaries.

(circulated herewith)

Cor (2)
Submitted by:
Corporate Performance and Change Management Directorate


Letter, dated 31st May 2006 from the Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government regarding  the siting of planning application notices.

(circulated herewith)

Cor (3)
Submitted by:
Corporate Performance and Change Management Directorate

Letter, dated 25th April 2006 from Monaghan Town Council regarding motion passed calling for the statewide roll-out of Breastcheck.

(circulated herewith)

Cor (4)
Submitted by:
Corporate Performance and Change Management Directorate

Letters, dated 1st May and 11th May 2006 from the Chief Executive Officer  and the Vice-Chairman of the Board of Management of AMNCH respectively in reply to South Dublin County Council's letter regarding motion passed in relation to proposed new Children's Hospital.

(circulated herewith)

Cor (5)
Submitted by:
Corporate Performance and Change Management Directorate

Letter, dated 23rd May 2006 from the HSE in reply to South Dublin County Council's letter of regarding the scheduling of Forum Meetings.

(circulated herewith)


Cor (6)
Submitted by:
Corporate Performance and Change Management Directorate

Letter, dated 25th May 2006 from Dublin Bus in reply to South Dublin County Council's letter regarding removal of bus shelter outside of Molloy's Off Licence, Orchard Road.

(circulated herewith)

Cor (7)
Submitted by:
Corporate Performance and Change Management Directorate

Letter, dated 29th May 2006 from North Tipperary County Council regarding motions passed in relation to the abolition of means testing for the carer's allowance.

(circulated herewith)


Mot (1)
Submitted by:
Councillor T. Ridge
Billy Coman

Mayor's Business

That an update be brought to this meeting outlining proposals for combined Gardai/Council Community fora.

Mot (2)
Submitted by:
Councillor T. Ridge
John McLoughlin

Mayor's Business

That a report be brought regarding a finish date for the Outer Ring Road and spur to Balgaddy.

Mot (3)
Submitted by:
Councillor T. Ridge
Billy Coman

Mayor's Business

That this Council agree to initiate a pilot programme of a community warden service which involves a permanent presence of Council Community Wardens in areas which have need of such a service.  Particular regard to be made to the needs of the elderly and vulnerable and the supervision of play and amenity areas for the benefit of all.  This programme could save money for this Council by preventing vandalism and dumping which is a major cost for this Council and would enhance the social and visual amenity.

Mot (4)
Submitted by:
Councillor T. McDermott
Muiris O'Keeffe
That South Dublin County Council calls on the Dublin City Manager to restrict access to the city centre (between the Royal Canal and the Grand Canal ), by vehicles of three axles and more between the hours of 7AM and 7PM unless such vehicles are carrying a permit issued by the City Manager. And that such restriction becomes effective when the Dublin Port Tunnel opens - in order that the citizens of South Dublin County enjoy the benefits promised when funding for the Port Tunnel project was approved.
Mot (5)
Submitted by:
Sen. C. Keane
Gary Keogh

That this Council recommends that we make representation to the Colombian Ambassador in London to ensure that the  military rescue operation proposed by President Uribe  to rescue hostages held by FARC be cancelled.  Mindful of the fact that FARC leaders have ordered their men to execute hostages in such a rescue operation, by proceeding in this way, it is imposing a death sentence on the hostages one of whom includes Ingrid Betancourt on whom we have bestowed the Freedom of the County of South Dublin.

Mot (6)
Submitted by:
Councillor D. Keating
Jim Kilgarriff, Michael Hannon
That the Manager would please provide an up-to-date and detailed report on progress made to build the Council's first Skate Park. Specifically would the Manager please report on the local consultation process which I requested at the outset, with the delegation from the local Skate Board Club regarding the design, lay-out and materials to be used in the Skate Park, and the time scale for the building and completion of this Skate Park.
Mot (7)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell
Muiris O'Keeffe

That this Council write to the appropriate Government Department requesting that consideration be given to (a) activating the "Amber" sequence between "Red" and "Green" on all traffic lights  and (b) inserting a "filter left on Red when safe to do " sign at suitable junctions so as to maximise the capacity of road intersections and alleviate traffic congestion.

Mot (8)
Submitted by:
Councillor E. Tuffy
Mary O'Shaughnessy
That the Council notes with concern that individuals and families who have been approved for apartments and houses under the Council's Affordable Housing Schemes are being required to pay Management Charges of € 800 per annum and more, that the requirement to pay such charges is effectively adding about € 20000 to the cost of their homes, and requests the Manager to have these charges taken into account when arriving at prices to be determined for Affordable Housing units.
Mot (9)
Submitted by:
Councillor J. Lahart
Martin Judge
That the Council undertakes a review of the regulations governing the siting of planning application roadside public notices, particularly in light of obvious flaws relating to where a planning application may be lodged within an estate that directly affects residents to the rear of that house but located in a different estate.
Mot (10)
Submitted by:
Councillor S. O'Conchúir
Neil O'Byrne
That this Council will adopt a policy of using the Irish Language in the naming of all new housing estate developments.
Mot (11)
Submitted by:
Councillor R. Dowds
Paul Fleming

That this council approves the following change to the disposal of 'end of life' vehicles:-

a)  That the €50 charge be scrapped.

b)  That a sum of perhaps €200 be paid to people who bring a car to an 'end of life'  unit.

Mot (12)
Submitted by:
Fintan McCarthy
Billy Coman

That this Council requests the Manager to outline the projected expenditure accounted for in the 3 year Capital programme in each electoral area with regard to Community Parks and Libraries (programme 6) and development (programme 4) and insists that the obvious imbalance in the even distribution of the funding county-wide is immediately rectified.

Mot (13)
Submitted by:
Councillor E. Maloney
Gary Keogh
That this Council supports the call for an annual commemoration of the Irish Famine, to be known as "Memorial Day" to honour the memory of the victims who died and the emigrants who gave so much to the world.
Mot (14)
Submitted by:
Councillor D. Keating
Gerry Fitzgibbon

That the Manager would report on the initial stages of the Review of the Water Leisure Strategy scheduled for the first quarter of 2006.

Mot (15)
Submitted by:
Sen. C. Keane
Maria O'Neill

That this Council recommends that we write to the Minister to implement the recommendations of working group to review the management of dog breeding establishments – taking into account the two minority reports. 

Mot (16)
Submitted by:
Councillor T. McDermott
Martin Judge

That that the Members discuss the process to secure the integrity of the Council's planning files and call on the Manager to improve it in light of recent failures by the Council to fulfil its obligations in this regard. 

Mot (17)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell
Billy Coman

That this Council values the role and contribution of the Community Forum and Community Platform and will positively support them by holding at least one conference per annum dealing with issues of concern to the community and voluntary sector to which the executive from both organisations, as well as the elected members of the Council be invited and by  providing each organisation with a full time support worker and by including both organisations on the relevant invitation list for council events.

Mot (18)
Submitted by:
Councillor E. Tuffy
Mary O'Shaughnessy
That this Council supports the Property Path initiative and is concerned that the  allocation/sale of housing units in April 2006 under the affordable housing under the Affordable Housing Initiative (Sustaining Progress) was done by a private Estate Agent rather than the Council's Property Path, and requests the Manager to make a report setting out measures put in place by the Council to ensure that the sale of the units was underpinned by principles of housing need, transparency of procedures, accountability on the part of the developer and the selling agent, and to report on what conditions were put in place regarding "clawback" in the event of the early re-sale of units. 
Mot (19)
Submitted by:
Councillor J. Lahart
Paul Fleming

That this Council, in order to combat the proliferation in illegal domestic clothing collections;

investigates the possibility of introducing bye-laws which oblige all collectors to clearly identify their company/organisation name , address, landline and other relevant company/organisation/charity number details, together with the relevant tax clearance details;

and inter alia introduces severe penalties for those collectors and residents who knowingly breach these regulations;

organises a publicity campaign to alert householders to any proposed changes

and examines best practise in this regard.

Mot (20)
Submitted by:
Councillor R. Dowds
John Quinlivan
That South Dublin County Council adopt a policy whereby our County Council would purchase back houses in Council estates from elderly residents in return for them moving into rented sheltered accommodation.
Mot (21)
Submitted by:
Fintan McCarthy
Billy Coman

That this Council approves the revised Water Leisure Strategy where it applies to the provision of a pool for Lucan and commits to the allocation of the necessary capital funding to permit the project proceed to the timescale envisaged in the strategy document.