Headed Items
(a) - January Council Meeting Minutes - January 11th 2021
(b) - Special Meeting of Council - January 27th 2021
a) Rathfarnham/Templeogue/Firhouse/Bohernabreena Area Committee
Dealing with Public Realm, Water & Drainage, Housing, Community, Planning, Economic Development, Libraries & Arts, Corporate Support, Performance & Change Management
(No Reports)
b) Clondalkin Area Committee
Dealing with Public Realm, Water & Drainage, Housing, Community, Planning, Economic Development, Libraries & Arts, Corporate Support, Performance & Change Management
(No Reports)
c) Tallaght Area Committee
Dealing with Public Realm, Water & Drainage, Housing, Community, Planning, Economic Development, Libraries & Arts, Corporate Support, Performance & Change Management
(No Reports)
d) Lucan/Palmerstown/North Clondalkin Area Committee
Dealing with Public Realm, Water & Drainage, Housing, Community, Planning, Economic Development, Libraries & Arts, Corporate Support, Performance & Change Management
(No Reports)
a) Draft Calendar of Meeting Dates
b) Change of Membership on Land Use, Planning & Transportation SPC and Housing SPC
(No Reports)
(No Reports)
To ask the Chief Executive for a report on the existence and management of invasive species such as Japanese Knotweed across the county. To ask where such species are located and how such species are managed and how successful this management is.
To ask the Chief Executive whether there is a strategy in place in regards to management of the destruction of grass verges due to illegal parking? Are damaged verges inspected regularly and by whom? How are damaged verges repaired? What is the strategy to prevent illegal parking on grass verges that are repeatedly destroyed? It is clear that prevention will work better than enforcement. Can strategies be put in place if there is no set policy to deter this destruction, such as tree planting?
To ask the chief executive, in light of the difficulties concerning private operators involved in providing kennelling and pound services, if consideration has been given for the establishment of a dog pound/cat and dogs home within this councils control. Is there funding available for such an undertaking and if so which dept and under what heading could this be considered?
To ask the chief executive to outline the process and estimated timeline for the securing and transferring properties from one tenancy to a new tenancy. Can the council provide the following information. • From date of surrender of property to the securing of property • From date of surrender to modification or presentation to new tenancy • To outline what common works may be entailed prior to the transfer of property to a new tenancy. • What are the specifications that are sought by SDCC prior to a new tenancy being allocated.
To ask the Chief Executive how many people have registered homeless in the county in the past 12 months, can I get a break down month by month.
To ask the Chief Executive how many people have applied for HAP in 2020 and what is the wait time for submission of application to decision.
To ask the Chief Executive how many refusals of housing offers has there been YTD incl 2020.
Can the Chief Executive please update on the proposal that SDCC commemorate Dr Noel Browne? The proposal was brought on behalf of Mr James Dunne of Kilnamanagh with a short written presentation to the CPG arguing the relevance to SDCC on January 6th 2019. The idea was subsequently discussed at OP&F meetings where Councillors were advised it would revert to the relevant committee. I have attached the short presentation as submitted in January which was requested by the CPG.
To ask the Chief executive to provide a report in tabular form on the average waiting time on a social home from the standard housing list for 4 bed, 3 bed, 2 bed and 1 bed properties in total and broken down to North and South of the Naas Road.
To ask the Chief executive to provide a report on how many are on the RAS transfer list and the length of time it takes a RAS tenant to secure a RAS transfer when their housing needs change
To ask the Chief executive to provide a report in tabular form on how many applicants are on the social housing list for 4 bed, 3 bed, 2 bed and 1 bed properties in total and broken down to North and South of the Naas Road, inclusive of those on the HAP transfer list.
To ask the chief executive what department of SDCC or what external body e.g. TII are responsible for the maintenance (e.g. sweeping, removal of graffiti, painting of boundary between bikelane and footpath) of the cycle and pedestrian bridge over the N7 at the Red Cow, the ramps leading to the bridge and the section between the Red Cow Luas Terminal and the ramps? This piece of infrastructure traverses more than one LEA.
To ask the Chief Executive what further actions are planned in respect of Climate Change following the recent launch by Mayor Ed O'Brien of the first Climate Change Annual Report and will he make a statement
To ask the Chief Executive if he is monitoring the concerns about the level of water supplies in the County and will he update the members in the matter
To ask the Chief Executive to confirm the number of emergency calls received during the recent Christmas period and will he detail issues raised and make a statement
To ask the Chief Executive if he proposes to carry out a review of his current policy in respect of the annual challenge of bonfire season and will he appreciate the concerns regarding the huge costs to the Council regarding works associated with bonfire activities and will he make a statement
To ask the Chief Executive to detail his proposals to continue to deal effectively with the housing/homelessness crisis in our County and in reporting will he confirm current figures and make a statement
To ask the Chief Executive if he would give assurance that the fire services available in the County are capable of dealing effectively with the challenge presented by the development of high rise apartments and will he make a statement
To ask the Chief Executive to give an update on the South Dublin Community Response Forum. Can he confirm the supports offered by Community Call are on offer to those being asked to isolate or restrict their movements, and can the regional public health office be made aware that the supports under Community Call are on offer to those identified through test and trace as needing to isolate in their homes, and if he will make a statement on the matter
To ask the Chief Executive to give an update on how many applications there has been to date for the Covid Temporary Furniture Street Licence and if those applications can be broken down in to electoral area and if he will make a statement on the matter
Can the Chief Executive give an update about Grange Castle Golf Course. What is the arrangement in terms of management of the course and is this due for renewal? Is the course being operated on "a pay and play" basis, including during level 3 restrictions, or do club members get priority? Can the feasibility of this course being a fully municipal facility in keeping with its original ethos be considered in terms of future plans and will the Chief Executive make a statement on the matter?
To ask the Chief Executive Officer what are the rules if a tenant wishes to apply to have someone added as a joint tenant and if he will make a statement on the matter
To ask if the Chief Executive Officer to give an update on all archives it has in relation to South Dublin County Council including minutes of meetings, lists of councillors, photographs etc. What steps are being taken to ensure that there is a historical record for researchers and have any steps been taken to digitize this record and if he will make a statement on the matter
Headed Items
(No Reports)
(a) Correspondence dated 12th January 2021 from the Minister for Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth in relation to the Final Report of the Commission of Investigation into the Mother and Baby Homes
(b) Correspondence dated 7th January 2021 from Wexford County Council regarding a motion passed at their recent Council meeting calling for a rebate scheme to be introduced for 3rd level students charged full rate for on-campus accommodation
(c) Correspondence dated 12th January 2021 from Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council giving notice of preparation of their Draft County Development Plan 2022-2028
(d) Correspondence dated 26th January 2021 from Galway County Council regarding a motion passed at their recent Council meeting regarding Farming Safety and Safety Measures in Council Awareness Programs at a local level
Mayors Business
That the Chief Executive make a statement on the policy of this County Council in relation to the treatment of animals in our care and what steps if any can be taken to inform future policies in this regard
Noting the success of this Council's adoption of Clondalkin as a Fairtrade town, this Council agrees to explore the expansion of the idea to create Ireland's first Fair Trade County and notes the ongoing endeavours of Clonburris National School in this regard
This council notes the nuisance that arises to local residents from construction workers parking their vehicles on the streets of housing estates in the vicinity of construction sites.
This council further notes the farcical situation that regularly arises with residents contacting local representatives, local representatives contacting Gardaí and traffic wardens, and Gardaí and Traffic wardens using up valuable time and resources pursuing illegally parked vehicles of those working on construction sites.
As a measure of restoring the confidence of citizens of the county in the planning process and that SDCC works for them rather than developers, this council declares that a condition of planning permission of all construction sites greater in size than one dwelling in the county, have an employee parking plan in place for the duration of construction, which clearly delineates where legal parking will occur without causing an undue nuisance to local residents and wasting the valuable resources of the Gardaí Síochána and Traffic Wardens.
That this Council agrees to write to the Minister for Justice and ask for an update on Hate Legislation following the public consultation and to ask when we can expect to see robust Anti-Hate legislation introduced. We also ask Would the Minister also outline the delays in enacting appropriate legislation?
To ask the Chief executive that going forward staff responsible for the removal of dead dogs and cats from public areas be equipped with scanning equipment so microchipped animals can be scanned and identified and owners notified that they are deceased
That the Chief Executive considers installing a public noticeboard/public digital noticeboard on the main street of each of our historic villages, and also in the principal shopping areas where population growth has occurred outside of the historic villages. The purpose of these noticeboards would be to draw the attention of the public to pending public consultations, details of Council and local services, and important public events.”
That the Chief Executive draw up and publish a county guideline for animal shelter standards, having regard to the international Association of Shelter Veterinarians (ASV) shelter guidelines, which shall be used in relation to all future dog pound services. The guideline shall include details on oversight and accountability as well as a complaints procedure and shall provide for regular inspections with outcomes to be reported in terms of compliance with the guidelines.
That South Dublin County Council recognises and supports the formal establishment of a Women's Caucus for elected members of this Council.
I am calling upon South Dublin County Council to consider and prioritise the installation of these traffic safety dividers when installing bicycle tracks. Dublin City Council and DLR have successfully implemented these barriers to ensure extra safety of cyclists and school children when travelling to school whilst travelling alongside motor vehicles. I think we can massively increase the usage of these tracks by school aged children and workers giving both of them and parents peace of mind that the tracks are safely and physically separated from the traffic. I have attached photos showing these in action in DCC.
That the Chief Executive will engage in a feasibility study to look into the provision of an eco-graveyard to be established within the County. There is significant demand for not only a non-religious graveyard but also a natural burial ground that would act to develop native Woodland and wildflower meadows.
This council congratulates Clonburris National School on their efforts to develop fair trade in the county and agrees to follow Clondalkin's example as a Fairtrade Town in making South Dublin a Fairtrade County.
That this council commits to work with all the Dublin local authorities to engage in a joint project initiative to fund a singular dog pound to service the greater Dublin area with care of all animals within this new facility to fall under the responsibility of the local authority or to contract this out to a reputable animal welfare organisation.
That the Chief Executive reports on the number of allotments currently managed by the Council, listed in terms of geographic area, numbers of plots and waiting lists associated with each site; Under takes to provide and outlines the timescale for additional allotments in recognised population centres that do not already have them (Eg North Clondalkin, Lucan/Adamstown, The 4 Districts), especially where there are large numbers of housing units with no gardens or smaller gardens than traditional housing; and if a statement can be made on the matter.
That steps will be taken to record old stone walls in the County, particularly old stone walls that feature in our villages are part of the landscape of villages, and to have a plan in relation to the preservation of old stone walls in the county.
That this council agrees that in response to the trading restrictions imposed by government, that holders of casual street-traders licence should be offered reduced fees of 50% or more for the coming year. This motion takes cognisance of the fact that Dublin City council have already agreed to such a measure and this motion is also considered, in light of, the council's response to question 6 at Council meeting Jan11th 2021. Also, that such measures remain in place whilst trading restrictions are imposed by government and that the council seek a similar response from government on behalf of licence holders as those business that have been compensated by way of rates waiver.