South Dublin County Council Crest


Monday, February 08, 2021


QUESTION: Councillor C. O'Connor

To ask the Chief Executive what further actions are planned in respect of Climate Change following the recent launch by Mayor Ed O'Brien of the first Climate Change Annual Report and will he make a statement


SDCC published its first Climate Change Annual Report highlighting the progress made on Climate Action since the CCAP 2019-2024 was launched. The Annual Report described how 91% of the 130 actions in the CCAP were either in progress or were complete. The report outlined how year on year improvements in energy efficiency measures helped the Council surpass its target of 33% improvement in Energy Efficiency by 2020, one year ahead of schedule.

The 2019 Energy Review identified the operations with the most significant energy use and greenhouse gas emissions. These operations will be addressed as a priority to further improve our performance and reach our targets. Operations include;

Public lighting is our single highest energy user and producer of GHG. An ongoing programme of replacement of SOX lanterns with more energy efficient LED units will progressively improve our annual performance.

Heating offices and facilities through burning fossil fuels (gas and oil) is our second highest energy consumer. Progressing the Tallaght District Heating project and connecting SDCC facilities to the scheme will allow us to cut our dependency on high carbon emitting energy sources.

Replacement of our fleet with electric/hybrid or low carbon alternatives will also reduce our reliance on fossil fuels.

Energy upgrades to our housing stock will continue in 2021. The works included loft and cavity wall insulation and ventilation improvements and brings houses from a D-E to a C1-B3 BER rating. This ongoing project was funded by the DHLGH and is expected to reach completion in 2021. Additional funding is anticipated from the DHLGH to deliver a programme of deeper retrofits of energy efficiency measures to Social Housing.

Work will continue across all functional areas of South Dublin in order to improve the Councils Energy Performance and to reduce Green House Gas emissions. Modal shift from private cars is an important aspect in this regard and work will continue in 2021 on the delivery of walking and cycling infrastructure to help citizens make the change to a more sustainable form of transport.

In accordance with the Climate Change Action Plan (CCAP), work to help make the county more climate resilient continues. In December the Whitechurch Flood Alleviation Scheme was granted planning permission by An Bord Planeala. Enabling works will take place in February with construction on the scheme to commence in Q3 this year. We await approval from An Bord Planeala for the Poddle Flood Alleviation Scheme and anticipate that subject to approval this scheme will also commence on site in 2021.

Engaging with Citizens and businesses is also a key action in the CCAP, and there are many projects currently progressing and planned for the year ahead. A Climate newsletter has just been published and this will be a regular part of our engagement work. The Climate page on the SDCC website is also being reviewed and update to help inform and update citizens of climate issues. Other specific issues such as engaging with Businesses in the area of sustainability will progress in 2021.

The CCAP Implementation Plan 2021 which will be presented at the February Council gives detail on all of the key action that will be progressed in 2021.