Monday, February 08, 2021
MOTION: Councillor Eoin Ó Broin
This council notes the nuisance that arises to local residents from construction workers parking their vehicles on the streets of housing estates in the vicinity of construction sites.
This council further notes the farcical situation that regularly arises with residents contacting local representatives, local representatives contacting Gardaí and traffic wardens, and Gardaí and Traffic wardens using up valuable time and resources pursuing illegally parked vehicles of those working on construction sites.
As a measure of restoring the confidence of citizens of the county in the planning process and that SDCC works for them rather than developers, this council declares that a condition of planning permission of all construction sites greater in size than one dwelling in the county, have an employee parking plan in place for the duration of construction, which clearly delineates where legal parking will occur without causing an undue nuisance to local residents and wasting the valuable resources of the Gardaí Síochána and Traffic Wardens.
The Planning Authority does apply planning conditions to development, where appropriate, seeking the provision of a construction management plan (CMP), which requires the developer to provide information demonstrating how parking will be managed for the construction of the development.
On most out of town centre development, developers tend to be good at providing such employee parking on or adjacent to site.
The CMP is also expected to address car sharing and other mobility options in order to cut down on single occupancy vehicles where car sharing is possible.
In certain town centre sites, and this happens in all urban areas, where an infill development is taking place, on curtilage employee parking is not possible. Some developers can successfully rent some local unused hardstanding for employee parking or park on private car parks.
In a small number of cases where all the above has been exhausted, on street parking will be necessary for a number of vehicles during working hours.
SDCC will continue to minimise this impact by applying appropriate planning conditions and seeking detailed TMP's that are specific on parking locations.
For the record, incidental car parking on public roads by vehicles that is in line with our Parking Bye Laws is acceptable and cannot be enforced against. Where such parking is not in line with the Parking Bye Laws then parking enforcement action can be taken.