Agenda - 24th September 2018 Tallaght Area Committee Meeting

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24/09/2018 15:00
Council Chamber
Standing Orders:

Headed Items

H-I (1)
Submitted by:
Housing Administration
Housing Administration, Catherina Benson

Minutes from Tallaght Area Committee Meeting 25th June, 2018

Public Realm


Qu (1)
Submitted by:
Councillor C. McCann
Mary Keenan

"To ask the Chief Executive the progress on Tree Pruning in the Tallaght Central area with particular interest in the Belgard, Kingswood and Balrothery areas?"

Qu (2)
Submitted by:
Councillor C. McCann
Leo Magee

"To ask the Chief Executive if a date has been scheduled for works to begin on the clearing of the overgrowth between Bancroft Close and Castlepark. Also the wall was to be highered and access gate to 40 acres replaced?"

Qu (3)
Submitted by:
Councillor D. Richardson
Suzanne Furlong

"To ask the Chief Executive to report on the Play Space Programme and report on the Play Space for Saggart and Brittas?"

Qu (4)
Submitted by:
Councillor C. King
Leo Magee

"To ask the Chief Executive to provide an updated report on securing the hot spots where access is being gained through Killinarden Park by so-called “joyriders” at Knockmore Drive and Crescent and will he make a statement on the matter?"

Qu (5)
Submitted by:
Councillor C. King
Leo Magee

"To ask the Chief Executive to investigate the negative sight lines that are being created by the wooden bollards along the grass verge at the junction of Bawnlea Avenue and Fortunesown Lane as you look to the right as you exit Bawnlea Avenue at this point?"

Qu (6)
Submitted by:
Councillor K. Mahon
Mary Keenan

"To ask the Chief Executive to comment on whether the area at Bolbrook/Whitestown stream would benefit from additional tree planting?  The area is maturing, with existing trees, but does still suffer from use as a bonfire site and dumping. Would the planting of additional trees, with limited growth, such as blossom trees, limit the use if the site for bonfires and encourage use by residents and walkers?"

Qu (7)
Submitted by:
Councillor K. Mahon
Leo Magee

"To ask the Chief Executive to confirm that, following on from the Lower Bancroft Residents' deputation, steps are being taken to

- tidy the public area at the end of Bancroft Close

- secure the perimeters of Bancroft Park from scramblers

- install more suitable fencing on the park walls at Bancroft Close and Castle Park

- facilitate higher visibility and safety for pedestrian access between Castle Park and Bancroft Close.

Can the Chief Executive please outline any proposed schedule for said works?"

Qu (8)
Submitted by:
Councillor C. O'Connor
Leo Magee

"To ask the Chief Executive if he is aware of the concerns of the Old Bawn Residents Association that no action has been taken in respect of their request, made most recently at their last Deputations meeting, to have the Name Stone at the junction of Old Bawn Road / Way moved out to a more prominent position; will he now give assurances and make a statement?"

Qu (9)
Submitted by:
Councillor C. O'Connor
Leo Magee

"To ask the Chief Executive if he will detail actions available to the Council to deal with the menace of Scramblers activity in the general Kingswood Heights area as highlighted by Kingswood Heights Residents Association and in reporting will he detail his general view in respect of this matter which also effects many other Tallaght communities?"

Headed Items

H-I (2)
Submitted by:
Public Realm
Public Realm

New Works (No Business)

H-I (3)
Submitted by:
Edwina Leonard
Leo Magee

Springbank Access Gate


Cor (1)
Submitted by:
Public Realm
Public Realm

Correspondence(No Business)


Mot (1)
Submitted by:
Councillor C. O'Connor
Leo Magee

Cathaoirleach's Business

"That this Tallaght Area Committee welcomes the granting of Green Flag Status for Sean Walsh Park and, noting that this proposal had the support of all Tallaght Councillors, applauds the efforts of Council Management and staff in pursuing the matter and acknowledges the work of the Litter Mugs group recognised in the announcement by the Council and now asks for confirmation of plans to mark the new status of Sean Walsh Park and will the Chief Executive now make a statement."

Mot (2)
Submitted by:
Councillor B. Ferron
Leo Magee, Mary Keenan

"That this Committee calls on the Chief Executive to arrange a clean-up and pruning of trees to the rear of Avonmore Park. Residents have complained that the trees are dangerous and that there is also rat infestations in this area."

Mot (3)
Submitted by:
Councillor B. Ferron
Leo Magee

"That this Committee asks the Chief Executive if litter bins can be installed in the Brookmount area."


Headed Items

H-I (4)
Submitted by:
Edwina Leonard
Chris Galvin

OPW Flood Risk Management Plan for the Liffey and Dublin Bay

H-I (5)
Submitted by:
Edwina Leonard
Mary Maguire

Killinarden Shops

H-I (6)
Submitted by:

New Works (No Business)


Cor (2)
Submitted by:

Correspondence (No Business)

Water & Drainage

Headed Items

H-I (7)
Submitted by:
Water & Drainage
Water & Drainage

New Works (No Business)


Cor (3)
Submitted by:
Water & Drainage
Water & Drainage

Correspondence (No Business)



Qu (10)
Submitted by:
Councillor D. Richardson
Anne Byrne - Community

"To ask the Chief Executive to report on the current turnaround of Council properties from the time received to going on CBL?" 

Qu (11)
Submitted by:
Councillor M. Duff
Elaine Leech

"To ask the Chief Executive to advise this Area Committee if there are any plans to carry out an inspection of the gated back lanes in the Tymon/Aongus, Tymonville and Castles areas within an intention of removing the serious amount of dumped household furniture, building rubble and garden waste deposited in these lane ways by irresponsible residents, which now creates a public health hazard. Could he also indicate the responsibilities of both Housing and Environment Departments in this matter?"

Qu (12)
Submitted by:
Councillor B. Leech
Neil Hanly

"There are at present four infill housing projects due for completion in Tallaght, what percentage of them have been allocated to new tenants and what is the breakdown with regards to priority lists?"

Qu (13)
Submitted by:
Councillor C. O'Connor
Elaine Leech

"To ask the Chief Executive if he will present a report on actions being taken to support the important work of the Fettercairn Estate Management group which have been the subject of special meetings organised by the group to highlight ongoing difficulties in the Estate and attended by your staff and local Councillors; will he give assurances and make a statement?"

Qu (14)
Submitted by:
Councillor C. O'Connor
Elaine Leech

"To ask the Chief Executive to respond to criticism often expressed in respect of boarded up houses in the Tallaght region; will he give details of such houses currently in that category; will he give assurances and make a statement?"

Headed Items

H-I (8)
Submitted by:
Edwina Leonard
Elaine Leech

Anti-Social Statistics

H-I (9)
Submitted by:
Edwina Leonard
Neil Hanly

Housing Allocations Report

H-I (10)
Submitted by:
Edwina Leonard
Marguerite Staunton

Part V & Construction Report

H-I (11)
Submitted by:
Edwina Leonard
Maire O'Sullivan

Part VIII for the Energy Centre for the District Heating Project

H-I (12)
Submitted by:

New Works (No Business)


Cor (4)
Submitted by:

Correspondence (No Business)


Mot (4)
Submitted by:
Councillor B. Leech
Marguerite Staunton

"Following a Deputation that took place with Fettercairn Estate Management with due regard to the wasteland that lies adjacent to the Luas Line along the Katherine Tynan Road and to the rear of Kilmartin Estate along the Cheeverstown Road that this Council will allocate in the upcoming budget funding to develop this land in consultation with the residents."

Mot (5)
Submitted by:
Councillor Emma Hendrick
Elaine Leech

"That this Committee expresses its solidarity with housing activists engaged in direct action such as the occupation of vacant buildings to highlight the housing crisis. This Committee supports the demand by activists for the Compulsory Purchase of buildings that have been vacant for more than 12 months and calls on the management to immediately draw up a register of all vacant residential units in the Tallaght LEA to find suitable buildings for Compulsory Purchase by the council.”    

Mot (6)
Submitted by:
Councillor M. Duff
Neil Hanly

"In view of the fact that Councillors are constantly getting requests from applicants on the Housing List, Transfer List etc, this Area Committee calls on the Chief Executive, in the interests of fairness, to inform all local Councillors when houses are allocated to applicants or when a transfer is under consideration."

Mot (7)
Submitted by:
Councillor D. Richardson
Elaine Leech

"That this Committee asks the Chief Executive for a report on anti-social behaviour in certain estates in Tallaght.  What is being done to the tenants in Council houses to stop the gangs taking over in some areas?  Can the Chief Executive also report on the commitments from the CEO for a special task force to stop this type of behaviour in our communities."


Headed Items

H-I (13)
Submitted by:
Brian Carroll
Brian Leonard

Deputations for Noting (No Business)

H-I (14)
Submitted by:

New Works (No Business)


Cor (5)
Submitted by:

Correspondence (No Business)



Qu (15)
Submitted by:
Councillor M. Duff
John Coughlan

"To ask the Chief Executive to inform this Area Committee if any Part 8 exists on the open space between Tree Park Road and the Greenhills Road and Castletymon Road Junction, which is a direct pedestrian route to Tymon Park, Castletymon Road and local schools. Would he also indicate why this Part 8, if any, should impede the provision of a pedestrian footpath on this open space?"  

Qu (16)
Submitted by:
Councillor C. O'Connor
Sheila Kelly

"To ask the Chief Executive if he will present an update on his dealings in respect of the Laneway at Raheen/Whitebrook; will he confirm the schedule being followed in respect of planned works; will he assurances to the local community in respect of the matter and will he make a statement?"

Qu (17)
Submitted by:
Councillor C. O'Connor
Tony O Grady

"To ask the Chief Executive if he would respond to the request from residents of the Birchview area of Kilnamanagh Estate in Tallaght in respect of their concerns regarding the condition of the Footpaths; will he confirm plans to carry out any necessary repairs and will he make a statement?"

Qu (18)
Submitted by:
Councillor D. Richardson
William Purcell

"To ask the Chief Executive to report on the upgrade of road at Citywest Shopping Centre and report when this work will be finished?"

Qu (19)
Submitted by:
Councillor D. Richardson
William Purcell

"To ask the Chief Executive to look in to the lights at Firhouse Road West at Aylesbury when you are approaching the Shopping Centre on your left the lights are hidden with the trees blocking the lights?"

Headed Items

H-I (15)
Submitted by:
Landuse Planning & Transportation
Tony O Grady

Saggart Village Initiative

H-I (16)
Submitted by:

New Works (No Business)


Cor (6)
Submitted by:

Correspondence (No Business)


Mot (8)
Submitted by:
Councillor B. Ferron
William Purcell

"That this Committee calls on the Chief Executive to investigate installing speed ramps on Homelawn Road."

Mot (9)
Submitted by:
Councillor B. Ferron
William Purcell

"That this Committee calls on the Chief Executive to investigate and find a solution to the parking issues in the Brookmount Estate. There is a garage in the area which is using the street for over flow parking leading to serious congestion issues in the estate. The new Cycle Track in Brookmount is also being used as parking by this garage. Can the Chief Executive please arrange to have the area inspected and issue a letter to any businesses using on street parking as part of the operation of that business."

Mot (10)
Submitted by:
Councillor C. McCann
William Purcell

"That this Committee calls on the Chief Executive to consider carrying out a feasibility study for the possibility of a Taxi Rank being installed at the Square Luas stop".

Mot (11)
Submitted by:
Councillor C. McCann
William Purcell

"That this Committee make allowance for traffic calming measures to be carried out on Birchview Drive and give feedback on survey carried out."


Headed Items

H-I (17)
Submitted by:
Edwina Leonard
Jason Frehill

Strategic Housing Development

H-I (18)
Submitted by:

New Works (No Business)


Cor (7)
Submitted by:

Correspondence (No Business)

Economic Development


Qu (20)
Submitted by:
Councillor C. O'Connor
Michael McAdam

"To ask the Chief Executive to update members on his Tourism strategy for Tallaght; will he detail initiatives planned in that regard and will he make a statement?"

Qu (21)
Submitted by:
Councillor D. Richardson
Stephen Deegan

"To ask the Chief Executive to report when the new stand at Tallaght Stadium will be open?"

Qu (22)
Submitted by:
Councillor D. Richardson
Michael McAdam

"To ask the Chief Executive to report on the amount of new business looking for support from the Local Enterprise Office and to ask the Chief Executive if we need another enterprise park for start up businesses in the Tallaght area?"

Headed Items

H-I (19)
Submitted by:
Economic Development
Economic Development

New Works (No Business)


Cor (8)
Submitted by:
Economic Development
Economic Development

Correspondence (No Business)


Mot (12)
Submitted by:
Councillor C. O'Connor
Michael McAdam

Cathaoirelach's Business

"That this Tallaght Area Committee calls on the Chief Executive to confirm actions he is taking in respect of improving the status of Cookstown Industrial Estate in Tallaght, noting the concern of many regarding the general condition of the Estate and in reporting will he confirm contacts he has had on the issue and give assurances that serious actions will now be taken particularly regarding the job potential of the Estate."

Mot (13)
Submitted by:
Councillor C. McCann
Stephen Deegan

"That this Committee asks the Chief Executive to inform us of any efforts being made to fill up empty retail spaces in the Belgard Square area and what if anything we as a Committee can do to address/support this."

Libraries & Arts


Qu (23)
Submitted by:
Councillor M. Duff
Bernadette Fennell

"To ask the Chief Executive to provide an update regarding the new Castletymon Library. When is construction due to start and what time frame is expected for the Library to complete?"

Qu (24)
Submitted by:
Councillor C. O'Connor
Bernadette Fennell

"To ask the Chief Executive to present an update in respect of the development of the new public Library at Castletymon; will he confirm the schedule now being followed and in reporting will he also take the opportunity to update members on the temporary arrangements now in place to provide Library services to the community?"

Headed Items

H-I (20)
Submitted by:
Libraries & Arts
Libraries & Arts, Bernadette Fennell

Application for Arts Grants (No Business)

H-I (21)
Submitted by:
Libraries & Arts
Libraries & Arts, Bernadette Fennell

Library News & Events

H-I (22)
Submitted by:
Libraries & Arts
Libraries & Arts, Bernadette Fennell

NEW WORKS (No Business)


Cor (9)
Submitted by:
Libraries & Arts
Libraries & Arts, Bernadette Fennell

Correspondence (No Business)

Corporate Support


Qu (25)
Submitted by:
Councillor C. O'Connor
Edwina Leonard

"To ask the Chief Executive to write to Simon Harris TD, Minister for Health, requesting an update on the development of the new Children’s Hospital at the St James site and also on the Satellite Centre at Tallaght University Hospital and asking for an update on the schedules now being followed?"

Qu (26)
Submitted by:
Councillor C. O'Connor
Edwina Leonard

"To ask the Chief Executive to write to the National Transport Authority asking if their management have noted the concerns being expressed regarding their Bus Connects proposals and requesting that further time be allowed for submissions in that regard?"

Headed Items

H-I (23)
Submitted by:
Corporate Support
Corporate Support

New Works (No Business)


Cor (10)
Submitted by:
Corporate Support
Corporate Support


Mot (14)
Submitted by:
Councillor K. Mahon
Edwina Leonard

"That this Committee asks the Chief Executive for the installation of bus shelters on the Avonmore Road and Seskin View Road Tallaght in the direction of The Square. Service users are left completely exposed with none of the bus stops on that road providing any shelter."

Performance & Change Management

Headed Items

H-I (24)
Submitted by:
Performance & Change Management
Performance & Change Management

New Works (No Business)


Cor (11)
Submitted by:
Performance & Change Management
Performance & Change Management

Correspondence (No Business)