South Dublin County Council Crest


Monday, September 24, 2018


Springbank Access Gate

Below is the headed item report given to the area committee meeting in June on this matter.  The ACM members asked if it was possible to move the location of the proposed entrance downstream, away from Springbank house nos 31 to 40.  It was felt at the time that this was not possible however the members asked that it be examined and a further report presented to the September meeting. 

As can be seen from the map provided it is not possible to move the location downstream as the back garden and boundary hedge of the adjacent residence prevents this.  If an entrance were to be provided here it would have to be accessed from the small square which is enclosed by house nos 31 to 40 and would therefore be in very close proximity to these houses.


Proposed pedestrian entrance from Springbank Estate to Rathcoole Park - Consultation with residents

Questionnaires were issued to the 40 residents at Springbank Estate, Saggart on 23 February with regard to the proposal to construct a pedestrian entrance from Springbank Estate to Rathcoole Park.  The text of the questionnaire is set out below.  A deadline of 23 March was given for receipt of replies.


An informal pedestrian route existed in the past leading from the area close to numbers 31 to 40 Springbank across the Camac Rver and into Rathcoole Park.  The Council’s Environment Section was alerted some years ago to safety concerns with regard to the public and in particular children crossing the river at this point as there was no proper crossing of the river in place and those crossing it were using ‘stepping stones’ to do so.  This river poses a hazard when in full flow and for this reason the Council took the decision to close this informal crossing.

A group of residents from the estate subsequently submitted a petition requesting that the entrance be re-opened, stating convenience for accessing the park from Springbank as their reason .  A second group of residents have made counter – submissions requesting that the entrance remain closed for reasons of anti-social behaviour and public safety.

The development of the entrance was included on a proposed works programme for 2017, as the position of the Council was that the entrance could not be re-opened in it’s previous form but that it may be possible to open a properly developed pedestrian entrance which met health and safety requirements.  It was agreed with the elected members of the Tallaght Area Committee of the Council however that consultation with the residents of the estate should take place in advance of the scheme commencing. 

I would be grateful to receive the views of all residents of Springbank on this matter.  Please see below a number of questions which should be answered in this regard.  You may also submit any additional information which you feel is relevant to your case.  Please submit one completed questionnaire per household indicating your house number and the number of people resident there.

  1. Are you in favour of the construction of a pedestrian entrance from Springbank to Rathcoole Park?
  2. If no, can you outline your reasons below?
  3. Are there any measures that you would like to see put in place and which in your view would make the proposal acceptable?

Report on consultation. 

It should be noted that of the 40 houses in Springbank there is a cluster of 10 very close to the location of the proposed entrance and these are numbers 31 to 40.


The number in favour of the proposal was marginally greater than the number against it.  However those against the proposal have made a very strong case with regard to anti-social behaviour which occurred in the past at a time when an informal crossing was in place between the park and Springbank.  

The Council's Public Realm Section will proceed on this matter as is directed by the elected members of the Tallaght Area Committee.