Headed Items
Minutes from Tallaght Area Committee Meeting - 26th January 2009
To ask the Manager to indicate if repairs have been carried out on footpaths on Suncroft Drive that are serious trip hazards as outlined by myself in the past - if no repairs have been carried out when the Manager intends to address these vitally important repairs before someone is seriously injured?
To ask the Manager to arrange a replacement Stop sign at this junction , (address supplied....).
"To ask the Manager to provide Double Yellow Lines on the section of Tree Park Avenue, Kilnamanagh , next to the rear gate of the school?"
“To ask the Manager when his Department will establish filter lights at the junction of the Firhouse Road West, closest to the Aylesbury Shopping Centre, so as to give proper vehicular access to residents who live in Heatherview and Kiltipper in Aylesbury, and if he will make a statement on the matter.”
Headed Items
Proposed Initiation of Procedure to Extinguishment the Public Right of Way on land at the front of 1 Sylvan Drive, Kingswood, Tallaght, Dublin 24.
Proposed Declaration of Roads to be Public Roads
A) Ballycullen Road (part of)
B) Woodstown Village
Ramp on Firhouse Road West adjacent to Tymon Bawn Community Centre
New Works
Selection of Further Traffic Calming Schemes
Headed Items
Cathaoirleach's Business
(None received)
"That, given the continuous dumping, burning out of cars, and the resultant danger to the residents coupled with the difficulty that would arise were the emergency services to be required, the Manager take action to either re-open or provide an alternative access for the residents at Kiltalown Lane."
"That this Committee, concerned at the recent flooding at the entrance to Raheen/ Whitebrook Estates in Tallaght and the obvious inconveniance and difficulties that this recurring problem is having on passing motorists and local residents, notes the confusion on where responsibility lies in either Roads or Drainage, and calls on the manager to investigate, give an updated report and ultimately take measures to resolve this problem at this particular location."
"That the Committee receive a report on the legal status of the additional Disabled Parking Spaces in Tallaght Village, and request the surface painting of both spaces."
"That this Council Committee concerned at the difficulties experienced on roads in this County during the recent cold weather, calls on the manager to give an updated report in conjunction with other Departments and highlighting actual and potential problem areas, with a view to introducing new measures or protocols to enhance services in the county. "
"That this committee calls on the Manager to arrange for appropriate measures to be taken to alleviate parking and traffic probelms outside Scoil Cáitlín Maude and Scoil Cnoic Mhuire in Knockmore".
"That a comprehensive traffic management plan be prepared in advance of the opening of Tallaght Stadium later this year so as to ensure neighbouring residential estates are not adversely affected."
Corporate Services
"To ask the Manager to write to the RPA requesting an indication of the realistic delivery date of the extension of the LUAS A1 line to Citywest given residents in the area have been long awaiting its arrival?"
Headed Items
New Works
(A) (i) Letter dated 3rd February, 2009, sent to Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment, regarding a motion passed at the Tallaght Area Committee Meeting of 26th January, 2009, in relation to provision of new industries for Tallaght.
(A) (ii) Letter dated 5th February, 2009, received from Department for Enterprise, Trade and Employment, regarding a motion passed at the Tallaght Area Committee Meeting of 26th January, 2009, in relation to provision of new industries for Tallaght.
(A) (iii) Letter dated 12th February, 2009, received from Department for Enterprise, Trade and Employment, regarding a motion passed at the Tallaght Area Committee Meeting of 26th January, 2009, in relation to provision of new industries for Tallaght.
(B) Letter dated 11th February, 2009, sent to Kelland Homes Ltd, regarding a motion passed at the Tallaght Area Committee Meeting of 26th January, 2009, in relation to incursion of a site by motorbikes/quads.
Headed Items
Cathaoirleach's Business
(None received)
"That this Committee condemns the proposed reduction of the bus service in Tallaght as announced by Dublin Bus, and the loss of employment, and that this be conveyed to the company, and the Minister for Transport."
" That this Committee calls on the Manager to write to Dublin Bus requesting the redevelopment of a Double Bus Shelter on the Greenhills Road opposite the Cuckoos Nest".
"To ask the Manager to outline the reasons for An Bord Pleanalas recent refusal of an application for an incinerator at Behans Quarry and indicate how these reasons compare with the Council's original submission opposing this project?"
Headed Items
Taking in Charge Report
Planning Files A. Large applications under consideration B. Files requested by members
New Works
Headed Items
Cathaoirleach's Business
(None received)
" That this Committee calls on the Manager to have arranged a site visit to (address supplied...) to clarifiy if the drainage layout at this location is in compliance with the original planning permission for the estate."
"That the Manager provide a detailed report relating to progress on the change of use of the current NABCO Community facility at Donomore Park, Killinarden, as residents continue to suffer unnecessary anti-social activity as a result of the building lying vacant for so many years."
Headed Items
Derelict Sites in Tallaght
New Works
Headed Items
Cathaoirleach's Business
(none received)
To ask the Manager to address the encroachment of Council lands opposite Killinarden Heights by scrambler motorbikes/quads by:
1. Urging the Gardai to patrol the area more consistently in order to apprehend people engaging in illegal driving activity
2. Using CCTV to identify and prosecute offenders in this respect
3. Ensuring signage outlining a disclaimer statement should an accident occur
"That this Committee requests the Parks Dept., to consider the provision of Allotments within the Tallaght area."
That the Manager gives a status report with respect to the condition of Council owned shops in the West Tallaght area - outlining if the review promised over a year ago has ever commenced, what specific steps have been taken to address the issues raised by me in a previous motion - if no steps have been taken which it would appear to be the case indicate how this will be addressed urgently.