Headed Items
Confirmation and re-affirmation of Minutes of Meeting of Tuesday 10th June 2008
Headed Items
Report on housing construction programme
Report on Social and Affordable Housing
(No Business)
(No Business)
"That this Council set up a new scheme within the Affordable housing scheme in Terenure-Rathfarnham area for people who are over fifty and have gone through marriage or partner separation. In most cases this leaves them with a small settlement and unable to get back onto the property ladder."
"To ask the Manager to remove or prune as required as part of this years programme trees on St Patricks, St Conleths, St Josephs and St James Roads. This request has been made by residents for many years and residents feel that their requests have been ignored. The lack of tree removal or pruning has resulted in serious damage to footpaths and numerous breakages of telephone wires in the area."
"To ask the manager to remove (*details supplied) a tree from outside this house. This tree is now breaking the footpath and causing the phone line to two houses to be broken on regular occasions?"
"To ask the Manager to have the grass cut in the green area at Delaford Park on a more regular basis as it is very difficult for the Children to play football if the grass is to long?"
"To ask the Manager to have safety check on the large slide at Rathfarnham Castle childrens playground, Parents believe it is dangerous for young children?"
"To ask the Manager for an update on the taking in charge of Stonepark Abbey/Longwood estate outlining outstanding issues and detailing current stage – particularly the open space issue?"
"To ask the Parks Manager when you expect to be in a position to commence work on the perimeter footpath at Orwell Park Green as agreed?"
"To ask the Manager when will work commence on the upgrade of the car park at Perrystown Community Centre. I was informed when I raised this issue first some time ago that Community Department and Parks department agreed to share the cost of this work?"
"To ask the Manager for a complete update and progress report on events concerning the children's playground at Rathfarnham Castle including the outcome and feedback to residents and the residents association and the latest news regarding the OPW Consultant's report on the Castle Grounds?"
"To ask that the Manager take action to repair and restore the tardy workmanship and poor finish on the wall at the Priory on Whitehall Road. The loose facing stones are a safety hazard, the capping is non-existent and the wall is bringing the judgement of SDCC into disrepute?"
"To ask that the Manager take steps to secure the car park at Perrystown Community Centre. It is the scene of nightly visits by young car drivers who use it for speeding and hand brake turns causing disturbance and danger to neighbours?"
"To ask the Manager to arrange for tree planting outside 5/7/13 Shelton Drive and others that may be required in Shelton Drive?"
"To ask the Manager to report on plans to upgrade the open space between St Mel's Avenue and Glendoo Close and will he make a statement on the matter?"
"To ask the Manager if the grass on Orwell Park View could be cut on more a regular basis as residents have been complaining about its upkeep and will he make a statement on the matter? "
Headed Items
Report on boundary walls 31-33 Ballyroan Road
(No Business)
(No Business)
(No Business)
"That the Manager explain in detail why the residents of Prospect Manor remain deprived of access to the pedestrian bridge they were assured would be open 18 months ago."
"That the Manager draw up a regular maintenance rota for the maintenance of the green area in Delaford, Knocklyon to include additional tree planting, regular grass cutting and trimming of the hedgerows within the estate and in particular at its boundary with the Knocklyon Road."
"That this committee recommends that running water be made available at the community garden/allotment on St James Road as is practice at other allotments/ veg. gardens in SDCC area. This is a not for profit community garden/allotment provided on a site donated for community use many years ago – for use by the people of the Greenhills area i.e. a site which will be available for community use for all times?"
"That the Manager outline the total number of trees removed and the total number of trees pruned in the Terenure-Rathfarnham area in 2007 and to outline the budget for 2007 and the proposed budget for this programme in 2008."
"That the Manager report on the signage at entrances to Greenhills Park, and to liaise with the Council's Oifig na Gaeilge to correct the discrepancy in the Irish language names given for the park and will he make a statement on the matter?"
"That this committee discuss, with the benefit of a detailed report from the Manager, the on-going development of Rathfarnham Castle and it's adjoining amenities with particular reference to:
1. Persistent night time nuisance in the neighbourhood resulting from anti-social behaviour at the new children’s playground.
2. Parking, access and security.
3. Finalising the development of the Ornamental Garden.
4. Erecting the Turner Glasshouse.
5. Re-commissioning the outhouses.
6. Provision of allotments in the north-east corner.
7. Integration / connecting the grounds with the village.
8. Cleaning up and refurbishing the lake."
"That the Manager provide a detailed statement in relation to Rathfarnham Castle playground to include why double yellow lines have not been provided as promised, the current situation regarding the provision of monitored CCTV on a 24-hour basis, the closing and locking of park gates, the erection of signs for car parking and the playground, and the incidence of anti-social behaviour since the playgrounds unofficial opening."
"To ask the Manager for a report on the provision of a swimming pool for the TRAC area noting that The Water Leisure Strategy Review carried out by the Council has as a recommendation:
“Examination of existing leisure facilities including swimming pools serving the Terenure/Rathfarnham area be completed, identify a suitable site and work towards the development of a joint venture proposal.”
I was informed when I raised this issue (14th Nov. 2006) that “Work on identification of a suitable site will continue and the investigation of the appropriate opportunity to allow the Council advance the recommendation” Could I have an update on this?"
"To ask the Manager for an updated report on the progress of the Ballyroan Community Centre/Parish Centre and to outline proposed work schedule?"
Headed Items
Application for Grants
Library News Events
(No Business)
(No Business)
(No business)
"To ask the Manager to provide a breakdown of the number of graffiti removals which have been carried out by the Council during June, July and August of 2008 in the Terenure/Rathfarnham area. Can the Manager also supply information on how many requests have been received for graffiti cleaning materials supplied by the Council in this area?"
"To ask the Manager to engage in the immediate removal of graffiti from Wainsfort Manor Cresent as requested by many local residents?"
"To ask the Manager to give an update on the monitoring report by the Environmental Officer on noise levels at the Texaco petrol station Rathfarnham Village?"
"To ask the Manager to provide a detailed report on the recent/ongoing works on the weir at Tymon Park – the Poddle etc. i.e. by SDCC and OPW?"
"To ask the Manager to provide anti-dog fouling signs in Delaford area of Knocklyon as soon as possible and to refer to my Membersnet enquiry/response on the matter?"
"To ask the Manager for a definitive timeline on the works to be carried out within St Endas Rathfarnham with regard to the Bring Centre?"
"To ask the Manager to provide a report on abandoned cars at the entrance to St Killian's Avenue and Council policy in place in this area?"
Headed Items
Report on Litter Management Plan 2008-2011
Report on Green Bin Service
Draft Action Plan relating to the assessment and management of Environmental Noise
(No Business)
(No Business)
"That this Committee be updated on the discussion held with stakeholders such as Utility Companies regarding Grafitti in the area."
"That this committee agrees that water facilities be provided on the community garden allotment- plot on St James Road i.e. same facility as are provided for on Council garden allotments. The water is piped in close proximity so cost factor would not be prohibitive. Noting this is a community not for profit garden allotment."
"That the Manager provide a detailed statement on the cleaning and maintenance programmes that are provided for laneways in the Greenhills area. Can the Manager outline the budget provided for clean-ups of these laneways, the number of times the laneways have been cleaned, dumped rubbish removed and any maintenance which has been provided in these lanesways over the last 12 months. Can the manager also outline if any graffiti has been removed from any of these laneways."
"That this committee discuss the unacceptable condition of the Glass Bring Bank area on corner of Grange Rd/Sarah Curran Ave. I have been raising this issue for some considerable time and was informed that ‘something’ would be done to upgrade the area/underground/relocate the facility etc. etc.? This area is an eyesore and cannot be allowed to remain in this condition. If we expect people to recycle we must ensure that the recycling facility is not a ‘blight’ on adjacent area."