Headed Items
"To ask the Manager to indicate the tonnage of waste through fly-tipping and littering and cost to remove same from the green spaces within the RAPID areas of Tallaght, to give a breakdown per neighbourhood of this cost and to give a basic example of what could be purchased for the enhancement of the parks and green spaces in these areas in order to illustrate the serious waste of council resources used in cleanup activities?"
"To ask the Manager to have some public lighting provided at suitable locations on the public open space at Aylesbury, having regard to the fact there are a number of very dark areas in the park which facilitate anti-social activity?"
"To ask the Manager to arrange a clean up of the area of open-green space at (address enclosed). The pathway which is used by children on their way to school, is strewn with pieces of broken glass, and is a location for illegal dumping?"
“To ask the Manager if he would consider the establishment of wooden pillars around the perimeter of the large open space in Whitebrook Estate in Springfield, given the fact that virtually all of the cul de sacs in this area have been provided with wooden pillars, if he would now consider a similar structure on the Green in question, as a means of improving from an aesthetic and an environmental perspective, the public open space, and if he will make a statement on the matter?"
“To ask the Manager if his Department would erect a railing on top of the stub wall that exists on Homelawn Avenue in Tallaght, given the fact that this is the only cul de sac where there is no stub wall and railing in the area, and if this matter can be included in the Parks or Roads Works Programme for this year, and if he will make a statement on the matter?"
“To ask the Manager if he would include on the existing rota for grass cutting in the Homelawn area, 2 specific areas (Details supplied), which in recent years have not been cut on a regular basis, and if these parcels of land could be included in the rota and cut over the coming weeks, and if he will make a statement on the matte?"
“To ask the Manager if consideration has been given to the opening of a new entrance, where previously an old entrance existed, onto the Tymon Park via or close to the social housing units for travellers off the Greenhills Road, and that the Manager would accept that the closure of this pedestrian access has caused deep frustration, particularly in the Kilnamanagh area where access to Tymon Park via this entrance had always existed, and if he will make a statement on the matter?”
Headed Items
Headed Items
That this Committee calls on the manager to arrange for the green space adjacent to 12 Bolbrook Park and Bolbrook Villas to be cleaned-up and the grass cut as this has not been done for four years leaving the area in an unacceptable condition whilst attracting dumping in the area".
"That this committee calls on the manager to tackle the antisocial behaviour that occurs in the park immediately behind the properties in Marlfield Mall."
"That the Manager will commit to a tree pruning schedule for Monalea, Firhouse."
"To ask the Manager to provide a list of all play facilities in the RAPID areas of Tallaght this list to include the size and the cost of each facility and its location?"
Headed Items
(a) Part 8 Process Jobstown Drop-in Facility and CONNECT Project
Letter dated 25th April, 2007 from Tanaiste & Minister for Justice, Equality & Law Reform, Mr. M. McDowell T.D. regarding CCTV for Tallaght, Dublin 24.
Headed Items
"To ask the Manager what has caused the delay in the occupation or sale of two affordable houses on Verschoyle Park in Citywest for two years at this stage, what the manager proposes to do about this delay in the interest of surrounding properties and residents living nearby who are very concerned about this state of affairs?"
" To ask the Manager to have arranged the following works done at the Council owned property at details supplied (Details suplied)
1. The noisy plumbing system needs to be reviewed and repaired.
2. A new drain at the rear garden which is prone to flooding.?"
“To ask the Manager if any consideration has been given to the need to change the policy by South Dublin County Council in respect of the Housing Department allowing prospective tenants to be able to see the internal structure of a property before the tenant agrees to take a letting from the local authority, and if he will make a statement on the matter?"
Headed Items
(a) Report on Part VIII Stocking Lane Housing Development
Headed Items
"That this committee calls on the Manager to ensure that all windows in Council rented properties are fitted with child-locks where necessary"
"That the Manager agrees to carry out a major systematic inspection of private rented properties in estates in Tallaght that contain significant numbers of rented houses - to rigorously and continuously enforce standards to ensure registration of tenancies and compliance of landlords in all other areas of responsibility"
"To ask the Manager to indicate how the significant increases in dumping and chronic littering in some parts of Tallaght can be addressed in a sustainable way and to acknowledge that these problems have increased measurably since the introduction of bin tags in the county?"
"To ask the Manager to assess immediately the significant negative effect of litter on most estates in the RAPID areas of Tallaght - to acknowledge this and to develop a sustainable strategy going forward regarding litter management in terms of providing additional resources to the worst effected estates in order to greatly improve the quality of life for many of the tenants and residents of our own estates?"
"To ask the Manager to take urgent action to remove graffiti in the Firhouse area, and can he also outline any initiatives that are preoposed to deal with what has now become a significant environmental problem?"
"To ask the manager if he has received many reports of anti-social behaviour occurring in the Bohernabreena reservoir parks and will he make a statement on the matter?"
"To ask the Manager if there is any part of Kingswood Estate due to be included in this year's Junk Collection?"
"To ask the Manager to indicate when the inclusion of plastic bottles in the Green Bin collection will commence for Tallaght Residents?"
Headed Items
Report on draft South Dublin County Council (storage presentation and collection of household waste) Bye-laws 2007
Report on draft South Dublin County Council (storage presentation and collection of commercial waste) Bye-laws 2007
Headed Items
"That this Committee request Environment Services to review the week-end street cleaning system for Tallaght Village, with a view to the provision of a daily street cleaning service"
"That this Committee supports a clean-up of the area around Kingswood Shopping Centre and urges the proprietors of business to act immediately on this matter and that Environmental Services arranges to clean areas for which this Council are responsible."