Headed Items
a) Minutes of Tallaght Town Centre Local Area Plan on 23rd January 2020
b) Minutes of the February County Council Meeting on 11th February 2020
c) Minutes of the Special County Council Meeting on 24th February 2020
a) Rathfarnham-Templeogue-Firhouse-Bohernabreena Committee - 12th February 2020
Dealing with Public Realm, Water & Drainage, Housing, Community, Planning Economic Development, Libraries & Arts, Corporate Support, Performance & Change Management
(No Reports)
b) Clondalkin Area Committee – 19th February 2020
Dealing with Public Realm, Water & Drainage, Housing, Community, Planning, Economic Development, Libraries & Arts, Corporate Support, Performance & Change Management
(No Reports)
c) Tallaght Area Committee – 24th February 2020
Dealing with Public Realm, Water & Drainage, Housing, Community, Planning, Economic Development, Libraries & Arts, Corporate Support, Performance & Change Management
(No Reports)
d) Lucan-Palmerstown-Fonthill Area Committee – 25th February 2020
Dealing with Public Realm, Water & Drainage, Housing, Community, Planning, Economic Development, Libraries & Arts, Corporate Support, Performance & Change Management
(No Reports)
(No Reports)
a) Arts, Culture, Gaeilge, Heritage & Libraries SPC
(i) Report of Meeting - 19th February 2020
(ii) Minutes of Meeting - 6th November 2019
b) Environment, Water, Climate Change & Biodiversity SPC
(i) Report of Meeting - 25th February 2020
(ii) Minutes of Meeting - 6th November 2019
c) Economic, Enterprise & Tourism SPC
(i) Report of Meeting - 12th February 2020
(ii) Minutes of Meeting - 13th November 2019
d) Housing SPC
(i) Report of Meeting - 13th February 2020
(ii) Minutes of Meeting - 18th November 2019
e) Social, Community & Equality SPC
(i) Report of Meeting - 20th February 2020
(ii) Minutes of Meeting - 18th November 2019
f) Land Use, Planning & Transportation SPC
(i) Report of Meeting - 27th February 2020
(ii) Minutes of Meeting - 18th November 2019
(No Reports)
To ask the Chief Executive whether footage from live South Dublin County Council traffic cameras could be recorded and made available to An Garda Siochana in the event of a crime or suspected criminality?
To ask the Chief Executive how long from receipt of application does it take for a person to be added to the Mutual Housing Transfer List.
To ask the Chief Executive to outline how much the Council spends on HAP and Homeless HAP in 2018/2019 and anticipates spending in 2020
To ask the Chief Executive how many people requiring a wheelchair accessible home are currently on the waiting list and how many suitable homes are available.
To ask the Chief Executive how many families and individuals in South Dublin are availing of homeless HAP and the average rent paid for those properties?
To ask the Chief Executive to provide a report of the number of homeless families and individuals in South Dublin?
Can the Chief Executive please detail the process by which utility boxes are installed around the County? What role does the council play in the process and what liaisons are there between utility providers and the Council in advance of installation?
To ask the Chief Executive the process for accruing tenancy rights in local authority housing. What is the process for transferring from being on the rent to tenancy?
To ask the Chief Executive for an update, in tabular form, on the number of and individual locations of CCTV systems operated by the Council in the County, by electoral area, and the proportion of those which are still functioning and in use.
To ask the Chief Executive to provide a report, in tabular form, on the number of applications made by residents in County to the Rebuilding Ireland loan scheme since the scheme was introduced, by year and by electoral area, the number of these that were successful and the categories of reasons for which applications were rejected.
To ask the Chief Executive for a report on the utilisation and financial performance, in tabular form, by year and by electoral area, of the community centres in the County for the past two years.
To ask the Chief Executive for the number of legal claims taken against the Council from the past 5 years as a result of injury arising from footpaths in a state of disrepair, in tabular form, by year and electoral area and the cost to the Council of same.
To ask the Chief Executive to provide in tabular form a breakdown of the percentage of social tenants in this local authority area paying up to €100 per week, €200 per week, €300 per week and €400 per week and more than €400 per week
To ask the Chief Executive to provide details of the number of fines dispensed by traffic wardens in each electoral area within this local authority and the amount of those fines which were paid for each electoral area.
Numerous Dictionary's define a customer as being someone who buys goods or services. To ask the chief executive what is the basis for referring to those who ring South Dublin County Council or call to its front desk as customers? Should those engaging with SDCC not be referred to as citizens rather than customers?
To ask the Chief Executive if any public buildings are available in South Dublin County Council for civil ceremonies (marriages)?
To ask the Chief Executive if there are there any public toilets accessible 24 hours in the county? Are there any plans to have any?
To ask the Chief Executive to report on his participation with the other Dublin Local Authorities in the Breath Life global campaign for clean air; will he confirm his plans to implement the proposals and make a statement?
To ask the Chief Executive to confirm the number of Voters registered on the 2020 / 2021 Voting Register, giving details in respect of each electoral area?
To ask the Chief Executive to present a report detailing the numbers currently on the Council's Housing List; will he also confirm the number of Homeless and present a general statement in the matter?
To ask the Chief Executive if he is working on a submission to present to the incoming Minister for Housing in respect of the Housing/Homeless crisis in our County; will he give details and make a statement?
To ask the Chief Executive to confirm ongoing action he is taking to ensure that the Council's Parks remain safe for Park users; will he appreciate the importance of the issue and make a statement?
Headed Items
(No Reports)
Letter dated 5th February 2020 from Kerry County Council regarding a motion passed at a recent meeting calling for rules to be implemented on individuals objecting to planning permission while not living in the location.
That the Chief Executive, in light of the recent rent increase affecting some of the poorest in the county, ensures that the accelerated maintenance programme is expedited and that priority is given to those households with older residents and residents with medical conditions and to prepare a report.
This council, in light of the climate and biodiversity emergency declared both nationally and in this chamber, calls on the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport to begin preparations for the implementation of free public transport for all in Dublin and across Ireland.
That this Council, in line with the recently declared Climate and Biodiversity Emergency, calls on the Minister for Communications, Climate Action and Environment to remove the Shannon LNG terminal from the Projects of Common Interests List.
That South Dublin County recognises the need for continued support for the one school in the County for children with Specific Reading Difficulties / Dyslexia, St Roses National School.
Furthermore that this Council would write to the Minister for Education and Skills conveying the disappointment of members of this Council that the NCSE in their recent progress report would question the need for the only resource in the County for children with Dyslexia creating anxiety and uncertainty for children and their families.
That this Council calls on the Chief Executive to confirm actions he is taking to deal with the ongoing menace of Scramblers/Quads which remains a serious issue in many communities throughout our County; will he also confirm contacts he has had with Government in respect for the need of effective legislation in the matter and will he make a statement.
That this council requests the Chief Executive to examine the feasibility of SDCC opening a motocross track at a suitable location and to liaise with any motocross clubs established within the South Dublin area in achieving this goal.
That this Council calls for the establishment of a dog pound/cat and dogs home that is within this Council's control.
What funding is available for this ?
The Chief Executive to bring a report on the feasibility of achieving this.
That this council calls on the Chief Executive to instruct the Architects' Department to investigate solutions and technology around rain-harvesting for all new builds with the intention of SDCC becoming a national leader in the area.
Following the attached Sinn Féin motion that was passed in March of this year, This Council reaffirms it’s call to the Chief Executive to review the current waste collection services in conjunction with the other Dublin local Authorities and the Unions with a view to the remunicipalisation of the domestic waste service whereby the Council would take charge once again of the Service but this time in a more efficient and cost competitive manner than was previously the case
This Councils calls on the Chief Executive take appropriate steps to ensure that all litter prosecutions take place in the closest Courthouse to the community where the offence is alleged to have taken place, so as to maximise the deterrent effect of prosecution for litter offences.
That South Dublin County Council calls on the Irish Government Departments of Health, Justice and Equality and Children and Youth Affairs to recognise that Parental Alienation is “Substantial and sustained dissatisfaction within a caregiver-child relationship associated with significant disturbance in functioning” as coded by the World Health Organisation in the latest International Classification of Diseases version 11 and to implement recommendation 36 of the Report of the Reform of the Family Law System October 2019.
Given the fiascos of Priory Hall and Longboat Quay with respect to the self-certification regime for buildings in Ireland, this council agrees that as a condition of planning permission for new buildings that an independent certified consultant be contracted or employed by South Dublin County Council at the cost of the developer or builder to ensure that the development is fully compliant with all building regulations. An alternative would be to increase either planning fees or the development levy by a commensurate amount that could be used for the same purposes.
That this County Council calls on the incoming Government to repeal the Private Residential Tenancies Act 2004 and to introduce new legislation to govern all matters relating to tenancies or other lesser interests in private land noting the current housing crisis and its impact on tenure.
That this Council calls for the introduction of electronic booking systems for community centres in the County.
That the elected members of this council, recognising the importance of recycling in tackling the climate crisis, condemn increases in fees for recycling/green bins by local waste management providers, and re-iterate our support for the re-nationalisation of waste management provision which should be regarded as a public service.